csound/csound-p-fields-simple [ Functions ]
Ruben Philipp <ruben.philipp@folkwang-uni.de>
2023-02-28, Essen
This function is intended to be used in conjunction with the write-csound-score method. It returns a list or -- when the given event is a chord -- a list of lists of p-values. The p-fields are allocated as follows: - p4: frequency - p5: amplitude N.B.: The event-num and cs-instrument arguments are mandatory as they are required by the write-csound-score method, even though they are not used in this function.
- An event object (most likely the event currently processed by write-csound-score). - A number referring as an index to the position in processing sequence. - A reference to a Csound-instrument (number or string).
Returns either a list (when the event is a pitch) or a list of lists (in case the event contains a chord) with p4- and p5-values (see above).
(defun csound-p-fields-simple (event event-num cs-instrument)
sc/slippery-chicken [ Classes ]
slippery-chicken File: slippery-chicken.lsp Class Hierarchy: named-object -> slippery-chicken Version: 1.1.0 Project: slippery chicken (algorithmic composition) Purpose: Implementation of the slippery-chicken class. Author: Michael Edwards: m@michael-edwards.org Creation date: March 19th 2001 $$ Last modified: 20:29:49 Tue Jul 2 2024 CEST
slippery-chicken-edit/map-over-events-aux [ Functions ]
[ Top ] [ slippery-chicken-edit ] [ Functions ]
Daniel Ross (mr.danielross[at]gmail[dot]com)
3 September 2019, London
Auxilliary function for map-over-notes and map-over-events. Saves duplicating code.
- A slippery chicken object - A number that is the first bar to which the function should be applied. Default = NIL in which case 1 will be used. - A number that is the last bar to which the function should be applied. Default = NIL in which case all bars will be processed. - A list of the IDs of the players to whose parts the function should be applied. Can also be a single symbol. If NIL then all players will be processed. - T or NIL to indicate whether or not rests will be ignored. T = attacked notes only (i.e. no rests), NIL = include rests. - The method or function itself. This can be a user-defined function or the name of an existing method or function. It should take at least one argument, an event, and any other arguments as supplied. - Any additional argument values the specified method/function may take or require. See the thin method below for an example that uses additional arguments.
- A list containing the number of events changed per instrument
(defun map-over-events-aux (sc start-bar end-bar players attacked-notes-only function further-args)
slippery-chicken/auto-set-written [ Methods ]
[ Top ] [ slippery-chicken ] [ Methods ]
Automatically set the WRITTEN-PITCH-OR-CHORD slot for all events where the player plays a transposing instrument (which can change of course).
- A slippery-chicken object.
keyword arguments: - :start-bar. NIL or an integer that is the first bar for which the written pitch/chord data is to be set. If NIL, start from bar 1. Default = NIL. - :end-bar. NIL or an integer that is the last bar for which the written pitch/chord data is to be set. If NIL, do all bars. Default = NIL. - :players. NIL, the ID or a list of IDs for the player(s) whose part(s) are to be affected. If NIL, all players' parts will be affected. Default = NIL.
;;; Create a slippery-chicken object, set all the written-pitch-or-chord ; ;;; slots to NIL and print the results. Apply the method and print the results ; ;;; again to see the difference. ; (let ((mini (make-slippery-chicken '+mini+ :ensemble '(((hn (french-horn :midi-channel 1)))) :set-palette '((1 ((f3 g3 a3 b3 c4 d4 e4 f4 g4 a4 b4 c5)))) :set-map '((1 (1 1 1 1 1))) :rthm-seq-palette '((1 ((((4 4) h q e s s)) :pitch-seq-palette ((1 2 3 4 5))))) :rthm-seq-map '((1 ((hn (1 1 1 1 1)))))))) (next-event mini 'hn nil 1) (loop for ne = (next-event mini 'hn) while ne do (setf (written-pitch-or-chord ne) nil)) (next-event mini 'hn nil 1) (print (loop for ne = (next-event mini 'hn) while ne collect (written-pitch-or-chord ne))) (auto-set-written mini) (next-event mini 'hn nil 1) (print (loop for ne = (next-event mini 'hn) while ne collect (data (written-pitch-or-chord ne))))) => (NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL) (C4 D4 E4 FS4 G4 C4 D4 E4 FS4 G4 C4 D4 E4 FS4 G4 C4 D4 E4 FS4 G4 C4 D4 E4 FS4 G4)
(defmethod auto-set-written ((sc slippery-chicken) &key start-bar end-bar players)
slippery-chicken/check-beams [ Methods ]
[ Top ] [ slippery-chicken ] [ Methods ]
See the description, with example, for check-beams in rthm-seq-bar.lsp. Players can either be a single symbol, a list of symbols, or nil (whereby all players will be checked).
(defmethod check-beams ((sc slippery-chicken) &key start-bar end-bar players auto-beam print (on-fail #'warn))
slippery-chicken/check-ties [ Methods ]
[ Top ] [ slippery-chicken ] [ Methods ]
Check that all ties are started and ended properly. If the optional argument <same-spellings> is set to T, all tied pitches will be forced to have the same enharmonic spellings.
- A slippery-chicken object.
- T or NIL to indicate whether to force all tied pitches to have the same enharmonic spellings. - a function to call on error, or NIL for no action.
T if all tie data is ok, otherwise performs the on-fail function and returns NIL.
;;; Create a slippery-chicken object, manually create a problem with the ties, ;;; and call check-ties with a #'warn as the on-fail function. (let* ((mini (make-slippery-chicken '+mini+ :ensemble '(((cl (b-flat-clarinet :midi-channel 1)))) :set-palette '((1 ((f3 g3 a3 b3 c4 d4 e4 f4 g4 a4 b4 c5)))) :set-map '((1 (1))) :rthm-seq-palette '((1 ((((4 4) { 3 tq tq tq } +q e (s) s))))) :rthm-seq-map '((1 ((cl (1))))))) (e4 (get-event mini 1 4 'cl))) (setf (is-tied-to e4) nil) (check-ties mini nil #'warn)) => WARNING: slippery-chicken::check-ties: bad tie, CL bar 1
(defmethod check-ties ((sc slippery-chicken) &optional same-spellings (on-fail #'error))
slippery-chicken/check-time-sigs [ Methods ]
[ Top ] [ slippery-chicken ] [ Methods ]
Check every bar in the given slippery-chicken object to see if all players have the same time signature. Drops into the debugger with an error if not.
- A slippery-chicken object.
T if all players have the same time signature at the same time, otherwise drops into the debugger with an error.
;; A successful test ; (let* ((mini (make-slippery-chicken '+mini+ :ensemble '(((vn (violin :midi-channel 1)) (va (viola :midi-channel 2)) (vc (cello :midi-channel 3)))) :set-palette '((1 ((f3 g3 a3 b3 c4 d4 e4 f4 g4 a4 b4 c5)))) :set-map '((1 (1 1 1))) :rthm-seq-palette '((1 ((((4 4) { 3 tq tq tq } +q e (s) s))))) :rthm-seq-map '((1 ((vn (1 1 1)) (va (1 1 1)) (vc (1 1 1)))))))) (check-time-sigs mini)) => T ;; A failing test ; (let* ((mini (make-slippery-chicken '+mini+ :ensemble '(((vn (violin :midi-channel 1)) (va (viola :midi-channel 2)) (vc (cello :midi-channel 3)))) :set-palette '((1 ((f3 g3 a3 b3 c4 d4 e4 f4 g4 a4 b4 c5)))) :set-map '((1 (1 1 1))) :rthm-seq-palette '((1 ((((4 4) { 3 tq tq tq } +q e (s) s))))) :rthm-seq-map '((1 ((vn (1 1 1)) (va (1 1 1)) (vc (1 1 1)))))))) (setf (time-sig (get-bar mini 1 'vn)) '(3 4)) (check-time-sigs mini)) => slippery-chicken::check-time-sigs: time signatures are not the same at bar 1 [Condition of type SIMPLE-ERROR]
(defmethod check-time-sigs ((sc slippery-chicken))
slippery-chicken/check-tuplets [ Methods ]
[ Top ] [ slippery-chicken ] [ Methods ]
Check the qualities of the tuplet brackets in a given slippery-chicken object to make sure they are all formatted properly (i.e. each starting tuplet bracket has a closing tuplet bracket etc.). If an error is found, the method will try to fix it, then re-check, and only issue an error then if another is found.
- A slippery-chicken object.
- The function to use if something is not ok with the tuplets. This defaults to #'error, but could also be #'warn for example
T if all tuplets brackets are ok, otherwise performs the on-fail function and returns NIL.
;;; Create a slippery-chicken object, manually add an error to the tuplet data ; ;;; and call check-tuplets with #'warn as the on-fail function. ; (let* ((mini (make-slippery-chicken '+mini+ :ensemble '(((cl (b-flat-clarinet :midi-channel 1)))) :set-palette '((1 ((f3 g3 a3 b3 c4 d4 e4 f4 g4 a4 b4 c5)))) :set-map '((1 (1))) :rthm-seq-palette '((1 ((((4 4) { 3 tq tq tq } +q e (s) s))))) :rthm-seq-map '((1 ((cl (1))))))) (e1 (get-event mini 1 1 'cl))) (setf (bracket e1) nil) (check-tuplets mini #'warn)) => rthm-seq-bar::check-tuplets: Can't close non-existent bracket.
(defmethod check-tuplets ((sc slippery-chicken) &optional (on-fail #'error))
slippery-chicken/clm-play [ Methods ]
[ Top ] [ slippery-chicken ] [ Methods ]
Using the sound files (samples) defined for the given reference (group ID) in the sndfile-palette slot of the slippery-chicken object, use CLM to generate a new sound file using the pitch and timing information of one or more players' parts from the slippery-chicken object. NB: The sound file will begin with the first sounding event in the section at 0.0 seconds. If there are any leading rests in the player's part, these will be omitted in the output file. By grouping sound files in the sndfile-palette slot, the user can generate a CLM sound file version of the piece in various 'flavours'; perhaps, for example, using exclusively source sound files consisting of string samples, or percussion sounds, or a variety of sounds, as desired. See below for an example of a sndfile-palette. By default, as :pitch-synchronous defaults to NIL (see below) this method does not attempt to match the pitches of the output sound file to those generated for the slippery-chicken object, rather, it generates its own sequence of pitches based on pitches from the current set. Instead of using the pitches of the specified players' parts--which might produce extreme sound file transpositions both upwards and downwards--it accesses each note of the current set (assigned by the set-map to each rthm-seq) from the bottom up, one voice after another. If do-src is T, transposition will then be calculated such that the frequency of the sound file (defaults to C4 in the sndfile object) will be shifted to the pitch of the given pitch of the set. When the set changes it will play the same respective note number of that set, etc. This means that, in effect, any given voice will retain the same pitch for the duration of the rthm-seq (set) but as the sound files cycle around, and these often have quite different pitch/spectral content, there's not necessarily a sense of pitch repetition. If you find that this transposition process still yields some extreme transpositions, the :note-number keyword can be specified to indicate an index into the current set of pitches to serve as the lowest voice. If you increase :note-number the transpositions will get higher. If the number of voices plus this index exceeds the number of pitches in the set, the method will wrap around to the lowest pitch of the set. Bear in mind then that when :pitch-synchronous is NIL, the pitch-seq curves given in the rthm-seq-palette--and therefore all the carefully chosen pitches in the piece--will be ignored in favour of representing the transpositions and therefore intervals present in the set. That might seem like a strange thing to (want to) do, but it's served me (Michael Edwards) very well on many occasions, so it's still the default. If instead of the above method the user would like the pitches in the resulting sound file to be transposed to match the pitches of the players' notes, the keyword argument :pitch-synchronous can be set to T (and do-src should be left set to T as well). This will also work with chords. See also make-sfp-from-wavelab-marker-file in sndfile-palette.lsp for automatically creating a sndfile-palette from markers in a Steinberg Wavelab marker file. Event amplitudes are as yet unused by this method. NB: CLM's nrev instrument must be loaded before calling this method. If you're using the slippery-chicken app, then this is done for you at startup.
- A slippery chicken object. - The ID of the starting section. - The IDs of the player(s) whose events are to be used to obtain the rhythmic structure (and optionally, pitch content) of the resulting sound file. This can be a single symbol for an individual player, a list of player IDs, or NIL. If NIL, the event from all players' parts will be reflected in the output file. Default = NIL. - The ID of the sound file group in the sndfile-palette slot of the slippery-chicken object that contains the source sound files from which the new sound file is to be generated.
keyword arguments: - :num-sections. An integer or NIL to indicate how many sections should be generated, including the starting section. If NIL, sound file data will be generated for all sections of the piece. NB If there are sub-sections this will include them in the total, i.e., if section 1 has 3 subsections and :num-sections is 2, we'll generate data from the first two subsections of section 1, not all subsections of main sections 1 and 2. Default = NIL. - :from-sequence. An integer that is the number of the first sequence within the specified starting section to be used to generate the output file. This argument can only be used when num-sections = 1. Default = 1. - :num-sequences. NIL or an integer that indicates how many sequences are to be generated, including that specified by :from-sequence. If NIL, all sequences will be played. This argument can only be used when num-sections = 1 and the section has no subsections. Default = NIL. - :srate. A number that is the sampling rate of the output file (independent of the input file). This and the following two arguments default to the CLM package globals. See clm.html for more options. Default = clm::*clm-srate*. - :header-type: A CLM package header-type specification to designate the output sound file format. For example, clm::mus-riff will produce .wav files, clm::mus-aiff will produce .aiff files. The value of this argument defaults to the CLM package globals. See clm.html for more options. Default = clm::*clm-header-type*. - :data-format. A CLM package data-format specification to designate the output sound file sample data format. For example, clm::mus-float will produce a 32-bit little-endian floating-point format; clm::mus-l24int will produce little-endian 24-bit integer; mus-bshort will produce 16-bit big-endian files, and mus-bfloat will produce 32-bit floating-point big-endian files. NB: AIFF and AIFC files are not compatible with little endian formats. The value of this argument defaults to the CLM package globals. See clm.html for more options. Default = clm::*clm-data-format*. - :sndfile-extension. NIL or a string that will be the extension of the output sound file (e.g. ".wav", ".aif"). If NIL, the method will determine the extension auto matically based on the header-type. NB: The extension does not determine the output sound file format; that is determined by :header-type. Default = NIL. - :channels. An integer that is the number of channels in the output sound file, limited only by the sound file format specified. Note that both stereo and mono sounds from the palette will be randomly panned between any two adjacent channels. Default = 2. - :rev-amt. A number that determines the amount of reverberation for the resulting sound file, passed to CLM's nrev. NB: 0.1 is a lot. Default = 0.0. - time-offset. A number that is an offset time in seconds. This produces a lead time of a specified number of seconds of silence prior to the sound output. - :play. T or NIL to indicate whether CLM should play the output file automatically immediately after it has been written. T = play. Default = NIL. - :inc-start. T or NIL to indicate whether playback of the source sound files is to begin at incrementally increasing positions in those files or at their respective 0.0 positions every time. If T, the method will increment the position in the source sound file from which playback is begun such that it reaches the end of the source sound file the last time it is 'played'. T = increment start times. Default = NIL. - :ignore-rests. T or NIL to indicate whether silence should be incorporated into the resulting sound file to correspond with rests in the player's parts. If T, the sound files will play over the duration of rests. However, this is only true on a bar-by-bar basis; i.e., notes at the end of one bar will not be continued over into a rest in the next bar. This implies that rests at the start of a bar will not be turned into sounding notes. T = ignore resets. Default = T. - :sound-file-palette-ref2. The ID of a sound file group in the given slippery-chicken object's sndfile-palette slot. If this reference is given, the method will invoke fibonacci-transitions to transition from the first specified group of source sound files to this one. If NIL, only one group of source sound files will be used. Default = NIL. - :do-src. T, NIL, a number, or a note-name pitch symbol to indicate whether transposition of the source sound files for playback will be calculated such that the perceived fundamental frequencies of those sound files are shifted to match the pitches of the current set. If do-src is a number (frequency in Hertz) or a note-name pitch symbol, the method will use only that pitch instead of the sound files' frequencies when transposing to the events' pitches. NB Whichever is used, after being converted to a sample rate conversion factor, this is always multiplied by the src-scaler (see below). T = match sound files' frequencies to set pitches. NIL means no transposition will be performed. Default = T. - :pitch-synchronous: T or NIL to indicate whether the source sound files are to be transposed to match the pitches of the events in the given players' part. This will only be effective if the given source sound file has a perceptible frequency that has been specified using the sndfile object's :frequency slot in the sndfile-palette. :do-src must also be T for this to work. T = match pitches. Default = NIL. - :reset-snds-each-rs. T or NIL to indicate whether to begin with the first source sound file of the specified group at the beginning of each rthm-seq. T = begin with the first sound file. Default = T. - :reset-snds-each-player. T or NIL to indicate whether to begin with the first source sound file of the specified group for the beginning of each player's part. T = begin with the first sound file. Default = T. - :play-chance-env. A list of break-point pairs that determines the chance that a given event from the source player's part will be reflected in the new sound file. It is determined by random selection but uses a fixed seed that is re-initialized each time clm-play is called. The following default ensures every note will play: '(0 100 100 100). - :play-chance-env-exp. A number that will be applied as the exponent to the play-chance-env's y values to create an exponential interpolation between break-point pairs. Default = 0.5. - :max-start-time. A number that is the last time-point in seconds for which events will be processed for the output file. If a maximum start time is specified here (in seconds), events after this will be skipped. The default value of 99999999 seconds (27778 hours) will result in all events being reflected in the sound file. - :time-scaler. A number that will be the factor by which all start times are scaled for the output file (in effect a tempo scaler). If :ignore-rests is T, this will also have an indirect effect on durations. This argument should not be confused with :duration-scaler. Default = 1.0. - :duration-scaler. A number that is the factor by which the duration of all events in the output sound file will be scaled. This does not alter start times, and will therefore result in overlapping sounds if greater than 1.0. This is not to be confused with :time-scaler. Instead of a simple number, :duration-scaler can also be an envelope (a list of break-point pairs). This means you could smoothly transition from staccato-like to overlapping sounds in a single clm-play call. Default = 1.0. - :normalise. A decimal number that will be the maximum amplitude of the resulting output file; i.e., to which the samples will be scaled. Can also be NIL, whereupon no normalisation will be performed. Default = 0.99 - :amp-env. A list of break-point pairs that will govern the amplitude envelope applied to all source-sound files as it is being written to the new output file. NB: If the user wants to maintain the original attack of the source sound file and is not employing the :inc-start option, this should be set to '(0 1 ...). If :inc-start is T, the resulting sound file will probably contain clicks from non-zero crossings. Default = '(0 0 5 1 60 1 100 0). - :src-width. An integer that reflects the accuracy of the sample-rate conversion. The higher the value, the more accurate the transposition, but the slower the processing. Values of 100 might be useful for very low transpositions. Default = 20. - :src-scaler: A number that is the factor by which all sample-rate conversion values will be scaled (for increasing or decreasing the transposition of the overall resulting sound file). Instead of a simple number, :src-scaler can also be an envelope (a list of break-point pairs), similar to :duration-scaler. Default = 1.0. - :note-number. A number that is an index, representing the the nth pitch of the current set or chord (from the bottom) to be used for the lowest player. Default = 0. - :duration-run-over. T or NIL to indicate whether the method will allow a sound file event to extend past the end of specified segment boundaries of a sound file in the sndfile-palette. T = allow. Default = NIL. - :short-file-names. T or NIL to indicate whether abbreviated output file names will be automatically created instead of the usually rather long names. T = short. Default = NIL. - :output-name-uniquifier. A user-specified string that will be incorporated into the file name, either at the end or the beginning depending on whether short-file-names is T or NIL. Default = "". - :check-overwrite. T or NIL to indicate whether to query the user before overwriting existing sound files. T = query. Default = T. - :print-secs. T or NIL to indicate whether CLM should print the seconds computed as it works. T = print. Default = NIL. - :simulate. T or NIL to indicate whether only the sound file sequencing information should be calculated and printed for testing purposes, without generating a sound file. T = simulate. Default = NIL. - :sndfile-palette. NIL or a file name including path and extension that contains an external definition of a sndfile-palette. This will replace any sndfile-palette defined in the slippery-chicken object. If NIL, the one in the slippery-chicken object will be used. Default = NIL. - :chords. NIL or a list of lists consisting of note-name symbols to be used as the pitches for the resulting sound file in place of the pitches from the set-map. There must be one chord specified for each sequence. If NIL, the pitches from the set-map will be used. Default = NIL. - :chord-accessor. Sometimes the chord stored in the palette is not a simple list of data so we need to access the nth of the chord list. Default = NIL. - :clm-ins. The CLM instrument that should be called to generate sound file output. This must accept required and keyword arguments like samp5 (see src/samp5.lsp or more simply src/sine.lsp) but can of course choose to ignore them. Remember that your CLM instruments will (most probably) be in the CLM package so you'll need the clm:: qualifer. Default = #'clm::samp5. - :clm-ins-args. This should be a list of keyword arguments and values to pass to each CLM instrument call (e.g. '(:cutoff-freq 2000 :q .6)) or a function which takes two arguments (the current event and the event number) and returns a list of keyword arguments perhaps based on those. Default = NIL. - :pan-min-max. Each event is panned randomly between any two adjacent channels in the output sound file. The values used are chosen from the following list of degrees: (15 25 35 45 55 65 75). However, these can be scaled to be within new limits by passing a two-element list to :pan-mix-max. E.g. '(40 50) would limit most values to the middle area of stereo space. NB if stereo soundfiles are used as input the original panning will generally be retained. See samp5.lsp for details of how such files are handled. Default = NIL (i.e. use the list given above). - :pan-fun. If you want to take charge of selecting pan positions yourself, pass a function via this keyword. The function must take one argument: the current event, though of course, it can ignore it completely if preferred. The function should return a degree value: a number between 0 and 90. Bear in mind if using samp5 with more than 2 output channels that this will still result in the sound moving around multichannel space as all you would be setting is the pan value between any two adjacent channels. If this isn't your cup of tea, pass a new instrument entirely via :clm-ins. See example below. Default = NIL. - :snd-selector. By default the sound files in the given group are cycled through, one after the other, returning to the beginning when the end is reached. This can be changed by passing a function to :snd-selector. This function must take three arguments: the circular-sclist object that contains the group's sndfile objects (the sndfiles are in a simple list in the data slot); the pitch of the current event (if the event happens to be a chord, each pitch of the chord will be handled separately i.e. the :snd-selector function will be called for each pitch); and the event object. Of course any of these arguments may be ignored by the :snd-selector function; indeed it is imagined that the event object will be mostly ignored and the pitch object used instead, but it is nevertheless passed for completeness. For example, the following function, declared on-the-fly using lambda rather than separately with defun, makes clm-play act as a traditional sampler would: Assuming our sndfile-palette group has a list of sound files whose frequencies really correspond to their perceived fundamentals (e.g. see the set-frequency-from-filename method, and the kontakt-to-sfp function) we choose the nearest sound file in the group to the frequency of the current event's pitch: :snd-selector #'(lambda (sflist pitch event) (declare (ignore event)) (get-nearest-by-freq (frequency pitch) (data sflist))) NB If :pitch-synchronous is NIL, then the pitch-or-chord slot of the event will be the pitch selected from the current set, rather than the actual pitch of the instrument in question. Default = NIL i.e. use the circular selection method. - :decay-time. Reverb decay time. Default = 3 seconds. - :snd-transitions. Set the transition from sound-file-ref to sound-file-ref over the course of the call to clm-play using a custom envelope instead of the default fibonacci-transitions method, e.g. '(0 0 100 1). x-axis is arbitrary, y-axis should range from 0 to 1. When reading, y-values will be rounded.
Total events generated (integer).
;;; An example using some of the more frequent arguments (let ((mini (make-slippery-chicken '+mini+ :ensemble '(((cl (b-flat-clarinet :midi-channel 1)) (hn (french-horn :midi-channel 2)) (vc (cello :midi-channel 3)))) :set-palette '((1 ((f3 g3 a3 b3 c4 d4 e4 f4 g4 a4 b4 c5)))) :set-map '((1 (1 1 1 1 1 1 1)) (2 (1 1 1 1 1 1 1)) (3 (1 1 1 1 1 1 1))) :rthm-seq-palette '((1 ((((4 4) h (q) e (s) s)) :pitch-seq-palette ((1 (2) 3)))) (2 ((((4 4) (q) e (s) s h)) :pitch-seq-palette ((1 2 (3))))) (3 ((((4 4) e (s) s h (q))) :pitch-seq-palette ((2 3 3)))) (4 ((((4 4) (s) s h (q) e)) :pitch-seq-palette ((3 (1) 2))))) :rthm-seq-map '((1 ((cl (2 3 2 4 1 3 1)) (hn (2 4 1 2 3 1 3)) (vc (1 2 2 3 4 1 3)))) (2 ((cl (4 2 1 3 3 1 2)) (hn (2 1 4 3 2 1 3)) (vc (2 3 4 3 1 2 1)))) (3 ((cl (3 1 2 4 3 1 2)) (hn (3 4 2 1 3 2 1)) (vc (3 2 3 1 4 2 1))))) :snd-output-dir (get-sc-config 'default-dir) :sndfile-palette '(((sndfile-grp-1 ((test-sndfile-1.aiff) (test-sndfile-2.aiff) (test-sndfile-3.aiff))) (sndfile-grp-2 ((test-sndfile-4.aiff :frequency 834) (test-sndfile-5.aiff) (test-sndfile-6.aiff)))) ("/path/to/sndfiles-dir-1" "/path/to/sndfiles-dir-2"))))) (clm-play mini 2 '(cl vc) 'sndfile-grp-1 :num-sections 1 :srate 48000 :header-type clm::mus-aiff :data-format clm::mus-b24int :rev-amt 0.05 :inc-start t :ignore-rests nil :sound-file-palette-ref2 'sndfile-grp-2 :pitch-synchronous t :reset-snds-each-rs nil :reset-snds-each-player nil)) ;;; A minimal working example demonstrating envelope-arguments ;;; to duration-scaler and src-scaler (let* ((mini (make-slippery-chicken '+mini+ :ensemble '(((vn (violin :midi-channel 1)))) :set-palette '((1 ((c4 d4 e4 f4 g4 a4 b4 c5)))) :set-map '((1 (1 1 1))) :rthm-seq-palette '((1 ((((2 4) (s) (s) e e e)) :pitch-seq-palette ((1 2 3))))) :rthm-seq-map '((1 ((vn (1 1 1))))) :snd-output-dir "/tmp/" :sndfile-palette '(((sndfile-grp-1 ((test-sndfile-1.aiff) (test-sndfile-2.aiff) (test-sndfile-3.aiff)))) ("/path/to/sndfiles-dir-1"))))) (clm-play mini 1 'vn 'sndfile-grp-1 :src-scaler '(0 .5 80 1 100 2) :do-src 500 :src-width 5 :duration-scaler '(0 .1 80 1 100 2) :check-overwrite nil :play nil :header-type clm::mus-riff)) ;;; if you don't want amplitude panning, rather a random placement of each sound ;;; in one channel only, then this should work (no matter how many channels ;;; there are in your output file): :pan-fun #'(lambda (event) (declare (ignore event)) (nth (random-rep 2) '(0 90)))
#+clm (defmethod clm-play ((sc slippery-chicken) section players sound-file-palette-ref &key sound-file-palette-ref2 (play-chance-env '(0 100 100 100)) (max-start-time 99999999) (play-chance-env-exp 0.5) (time-scaler 1.0) (normalise .99) scaled-by (simulate nil) (from-sequence 1) (num-sequences nil) (num-sections nil) (ignore-rests t) (time-offset 0.0) (chords nil) (chord-accessor nil) (note-number 0) (play nil) (amp-env '(0 0 5 1 60 1 100 0)) (inc-start nil) (src-width 20) ;; either a number or an envelope (src-scaler 1.0) (do-src t) (pitch-synchronous nil) (rev-amt 0.0) ;; either a number or an envelope (duration-scaler 1.0) (short-file-names nil) (check-overwrite t) (reset-snds-each-rs t) (reset-snds-each-player t) (duration-run-over nil) (channels 2) (srate clm::*clm-srate*) (header-type clm::*clm-header-type*) (data-format clm::*clm-data-format*) (print-secs nil) (output-name-uniquifier "") (sndfile-extension nil) (sndfile-palette nil) ;; MDE Sat Oct 3 18:45:28 2015 -- for Cameron! pan-fun ;; MDE Thu Oct 1 21:03:59 2015 (pan-min-max nil) ; actually '(15 75) by default below ;; MDE Thu Oct 1 19:13:49 2015 snd-selector ;; MDE Mon Nov 4 10:10:35 2013 -- the following were ;; added so we could use instruments other than samp5 MDE ;; Thu Mar 21 15:42:53 2024, Heidhausen -- now defaults to ;; nil because samp5 fun is not available until it's ;; compiled and this happens within clm-play now rather ;; than in advance (clm-ins nil) ;#'clm::samp5) ;; either a list or a function (see above) clm-ins-args ;; DJR Thu 22 Aug 2019 15:08:39 BST ;; clm::with-sound let's us set this, so why doesn't ;; clm-play? Voila! (decay-time 3) ;; DJR Mon 16 Sep 2019 01:26:11 BST ;; We can now set snd-transitions with a custom envelope, ;; e.g. '(0 0 100 1). x-values are arbitrary, y-values ;; are from 0 (for sound-file-palette-ref) and 1 (for ;; sound-file-palette-ref2). snd-transitions)
slippery-chicken/clone [ Methods ]
[ Top ] [ slippery-chicken ] [ Methods ]
Copy (clone) the specified instance and all data associated with the slippery-chicken object.
- A slippery-chicken object.
A slippery-chicken object.
(let ((mini (make-slippery-chicken '+mini+ :instrument-palette +slippery-chicken-standard-instrument-palette+ :ensemble '(((fl (flute :midi-channel 1)))) :set-palette '((1 ((c4 d4 e4 f4 g4 a4 b4 c5)))) :set-map '((1 (1))) :rthm-seq-palette '((1 ((((4 4) - e e e e - - e e e e -))))) :rthm-seq-map '((1 ((fl (1)))))))) (clone mini))
(defmethod clone ((sc slippery-chicken))
slippery-chicken/cmn-display [ Methods ]
[ Top ] [ slippery-chicken ] [ Methods ]
Write the data stored in a given slippery-chicken object to disk as an EPS (Encapsulated Postscript) file using CMN. Several of the keyword arguments for this method are passed directly to CMN and therefore have identical names to CMN functions. NB: This might fail if LilyPond files are generated first. If this happens, re-evaluate the slippery-chicken object and call cmn-display again.
- A slippery-chicken object.
keyword arguments: - :file. A string that is the directory path with file name and extension for the .eps file to be created. Default = "cmn.eps" in the directory (get-sc-config 'default-dir) (default "/tmp/") - :players. NIL or a list of player IDs to indicate whether all players' parts should be printed to the score. If NIL, all players' parts will be written to the score. If a single symbol or a list of player IDs, only the parts of those players will be written to the score. Default = NIL. - :in-c. T or NIL to indicate whether the output should be printed at sounding pitch (in C) or at written pitch. NB: If in C, piccolo and double bass maintain their usual octave transpositions. T = print at sounding pitch. Default = NIL. - :respell-notes. T, a list of player IDs paired with a sequence of bar and note numbers, or NIL to indicate whether to the cmn-display method should call the respell-notes method to the pitches contained in the slippery-chicken object according to slippery chicken's enharmonics algorithm. If T, the all of the pitches in the object will be considered and slippery chicken will convert a number of the pitches to their enharmonic equivalents to create more sensible linear pitch progression within bars. If a list of player IDs paired with a sequence of bar and event numbers is passed, in the form '((vln (13 2) (14 3)) (cl (14 3 t))), only the specified pitches are changed; e.g., (13 2) = bar 13 note 2 (1-based and counting tied notes but not rests). If an additional T is included after the bar number and event number (as in the cl example above), only the spelling of the written pitch for that event will be changed (the default is to change the sounding note spelling only). Chords are not respelled by the default algorithm, so if these need to be respelled, this should be indicated by sub-grouping the note number portion of the given bar/note pair into a 2-item sublist, in which the first number is the position of the chord in among the attacked notes of that bar and the second number is the position of the desired pitch within the chord, counted from the bottom up, e.g. (vln (13 (2 1))). If NIL, no changes will be made. Default = T. - :auto-clefs. T or NIL to indicate whether the cmn-display method should call the auto-clefs method, which automatically insert clef changes into the parts of those instruments that use more than one clef. T = automatically place clef changes. Default = T. - :start-bar. An integer that indicates the first bar of the object to be written to the resulting .eps file. NIL = the first bar. Default = NIL. - :end-bar. The last bar to be written to the resulting .eps file. NIL = the last bar of the slippery-chicken object. Default = NIL. - :title. T, a string, or NIL to indicate whether to write the title of the given slippery-chicken object to the resulting .eps file. If T, the TITLE slot of the slippery-chicken object will be used. If a string, the specified string will be used instead. If NIL, no title will be included in the output. Default = T. - :size. A number to indicate the overall size of the symbols in the CMN output. Default = 15. - :page-nums. T or NIL to indicate whether page numbers are to be written. T = write page numbers. Default = T. - :empty-staves. T or NIL to indicate whether an empty staff should be displayed under each instrument. This can be useful for making editing notes by hand. T = print empty staff. Default = NIL. - :display-sets. T or NIL to indicate whether to print the set of pitches used for each rthm-seq on a separate treble-bass grand staff at the bottom of each system in the score. T = print. Default = NIL. - :write-section-info. T or NIL to indicate whether to write the section ID into the score. NB: This might not work without first regenerating the slippery-chicken object. T = write section IDs. Default = NIL. - :display-time. T or NIL to indicate whether the elapsed time in (mins:secs) should printed above each measure in the resulting score. T = print time. Default = NIL. - :staff-separation. A number that governs the amount of white space to be placed between staves, measured in CMN's units. Default = 3. - :line-separation. A number that governs the amount of white space to be placed between systems (i.e. not groups, but a line of music for the whole ensemble), measured in CMN's units. Default = 5. - :group-separation. A number that governs the amount of white space placed between groups in a system, measured in CMN's units. Default = 2. - :system-separation. An indication for how CMN determines the amount of white space between systems. If cmn::page-mark, only one system will be written per page. Default cmn::line-mark. - :page-height. A number to indicate the height of the page in centimeters. Default = 29.7. - :page-width. A number to indicate the width of the page in centimeters. Default = 21.0. - :all-output-in-one-file. T or NIL to indicate whether to write a separate file for each page of the resulting score. T = write all pages to the same multi-page file. Default = T. - :one-line-per-page. T or NIL to indicate whether to write just one line (system) to each page. T = one line per page. Default = NIL. - :start-bar-numbering. An integer that indicates the number to be given as the first bar number in the resulting EPS file. The bars will be numbered every five bars starting from this number. NB: The value of this argument is passed directly to a CMN function. If a value is given for this argument, slippery chicken's own bar-number writing function will be disabled. NB: It is recommended that a value not be passed for this argument if a value is given for :auto-bar-nums. NIL = bar 1. Default = NIL. - :auto-bar-nums. An integer or NIL to indicate a secondary bar numbering interval. This is separate from and in addition to the bar-number written in every part every 5 bars. It corresponds to CMN's automatic-measure-numbers. If set to e.g. 1, a bar number will be printed for every measure at the top of each system, or if :by-line, a bar number will be printed at the start of each line. NB: The value of this argument is passed directly to a CMN function. If a value is given for this argument, slippery chicken's own bar-number writing function will be disabled. NB: It is recommended that a value not be passed for this argument if a value is given for :start-bar-numbering. NIL = no secondary bar numbering. Default = T. - :rehearsal-letters-all-players. T or NIL to indicate whether rehearsal letters should be placed above the staves of all instruments in a score (this can be useful when generating parts). If NIL, rehearsal letters are only placed above the staves of the instruments at the top of each group. T = place rehearsal letters above all instruments. Default = NIL. - :tempi-all-players. T or NIL to indicate whether to print the tempo above all players' parts in the score. T = print above all players' parts. Default = NIL. - :process-event-fun. A user-defined function that takes one argument, namely an event object. The specified function will then be called for each event in the piece. This could be used, for example, to algorithmically add accents, dynamics, or change the colour of notes, etc. If NIL, no function will be applied. Default = NIL. - :automatic-octave-signs. T or NIL to indicate whether ottava signs should be inserted automatically when notes would otherwise need many ledger lines. T = automatically insert. Default = NIL. - :multi-bar-rests. T or NIL to indicate whether multiple bars of wrests should be consolidated when writing parts. T = consolidate. NIL = write each consecutive rest bar separately. Default = NIL. - :display-marks-in-part. T or NIL to indicate whether to print the marks stored in the MARKS-IN-PART slot of each rhythm object in the score. If NIL, the indications stored in the MARKS-IN-PART slot are added to parts only. T = also print to score. Default = NIL. - :add-postscript. NIL or postscript code to be added to the .eps file after it has been generated. See the add-ps-to-file function for details. Default = NIL. - :auto-open. Whether to open the .EPS file once written. Currently only available on OSX with SBCL and CCL. Uses the default app for .EPS files, as if opened with 'open' in the terminal. Default = Value of (get-sc-config cmn-display-auto-open).
Always T.
;;; The simplest usage (let ((mini (make-slippery-chicken '+mini+ :title "mini" :ensemble '(((vn (violin :midi-channel 1)))) :tempo-map '((1 (q 60))) :set-palette '((1 ((c4 d4 e4 f4 g4 a4 b4 c5)))) :set-map '((1 (1))) :rthm-seq-palette '((1 ((((2 4) (s) (s) e e e)) :pitch-seq-palette ((1 2 3))))) :rthm-seq-map '((1 ((vn (1)))))))) (cmn-display mini :file "/tmp/mini.eps")) ;;; Used with some of the more frequently implemented keyword arguments (let ((mini (make-slippery-chicken '+mini+ :ensemble '(((cl (b-flat-clarinet :midi-channel 1)) (hn (french-horn :midi-channel 2)) (vc (cello :midi-channel 3)))) :tempo-map '((1 (q 60))) :set-palette '((1 ((f3 g3 a3 b3 c4 d4 e4 f4 g4 a4 b4 c5))) (2 ((f3 g3 a3 b3 c4 d4 e4 f4 g4 a4 b4 c5))) (3 ((f3 g3 a3 b3 c4 d4 e4 f4 g4 a4 b4 c5)))) :set-map '((1 (1 1 1 1 1)) (2 (2 2 2 2 2)) (3 (3 3 3 3 3))) :rthm-seq-palette '((1 ((((4 4) h q e s s)) :pitch-seq-palette ((1 2 3 4 5)))) (2 ((((4 4) q e s s h)) :pitch-seq-palette ((1 2 3 4 5)))) (3 ((((4 4) e s s h q)) :pitch-seq-palette ((1 2 3 4 5))))) :rthm-seq-map '((1 ((cl (1 3 2 1 2)) (hn (3 1 1 2 2)) (vc (1 1 3 2 2)))) (2 ((cl (3 1 1 2 2)) (hn (1 3 1 2 2)) (vc (3 2 2 1 1)))) (3 ((cl (1 1 3 2 2)) (hn (2 1 1 2 3)) (vc (3 1 1 2 2)))))))) (cmn-display mini :file "/tmp/cmn.eps" :players '(cl vc) :in-c nil :respell-notes nil :auto-clefs nil :start-bar 8 :end-bar 13 :title "CMN Fragment" :size 13 :page-nums nil :empty-staves t :display-sets t :write-section-info t :display-time t :staff-separation 2 :line-separation 3)) => T
(defmethod cmn-display ((sc slippery-chicken) &key (respell-notes t) (start-bar nil) (start-bar-numbering nil) (end-bar nil) ;; MDE Fri Apr 6 13:27:08 2012 (title t) (file (format nil "~a~a.eps" (get-sc-config 'default-dir) (filename-from-title (title sc)))) (all-output-in-one-file t) (one-line-per-page nil) (staff-separation 3) (line-separation 5) (empty-staves nil) (write-section-info nil) (group-separation 2) (system-separation #+cmn cmn::line-mark) (process-event-fun nil) (display-sets nil) (rehearsal-letters-all-players nil) (display-marks-in-part nil) (tempi-all-players nil) (players nil) (page-height 29.7) (page-width 21.0) (size 15) (auto-bar-nums t) (page-nums t) (in-c nil) (auto-clefs t) (multi-bar-rests nil) (automatic-octave-signs nil) (display-time nil) (auto-open (get-sc-config 'cmn-display-auto-open)) (add-postscript nil))
slippery-chicken/count-microtones [ Methods ]
[ Top ] [ slippery-chicken ] [ Methods ]
January 30th 2017
Count the number of microtonal pitches in the slippery-chicken object.
- the slippery-chicken object
keyword arguments: - :players. the players for whom the count should be executed; either a single player symbol or a list of symbols - :start-bar. The bar number in which the counting should begin. Default = 1 - :end-bar. The bar number in which counting should end. Default = NIL which means count through the final bar.
Four values: the number of microtones, the number of non-microtones, the total number of pitches, the percentage of microtonal pitches. Note that the total number of pitches will almost certainly be different from the number of events as some events will be rests, others single pitch notes, yet others chords.
(count-microtones +jitterbug+) 1420 2312 3732 38.049305
(defmethod count-microtones ((sc slippery-chicken) &key players (start-bar 1) end-bar)
slippery-chicken/count-notes [ Methods ]
[ Top ] [ slippery-chicken ] [ Methods ]
Returns the number of notes between start-bar and end-bar (both inclusive).
- A slippery-chicken object. - An integer that is the first bar in which notes will be counted. If NIL, then 1 - An integer that is the last bar in which notes will be counted. If NIL, then the last bar of the piece.
- T or NIL to indicate whether to count just the number of attacked notes (not including ties) or the number of note events (including ties). T = just attacked notes. Default = NIL. NB: A chord counts as one note only. - NIL or a list of one or more IDs of the players whose notes should be counted. This can be a single symbol or a list of players. If NIL, the notes in all players' parts will be counted. Default = NIL.
An integer that is the number of notes.
;;; Using defaults (let ((mini (make-slippery-chicken '+mini+ :ensemble '(((cl (b-flat-clarinet :midi-channel 1)) (vc (cello :midi-channel 2)))) :set-palette '((1 ((f3 g3 a3 b3 c4 d4 e4 f4 g4 a4 b4 c5)))) :set-map '((1 (1 1 1 1 1)) (2 (1 1 1 1 1)) (3 (1 1 1 1 1))) :rthm-seq-palette '((1 ((((4 4) h (q) e (s) s) (q (e) s +s h) ((e) s (s) (q) h)) :pitch-seq-palette ((1 2 3 4 5 1 3 2))))) :rthm-seq-map '((1 ((cl (1 1 1 1 1)) (vc (1 1 1 1 1)))) (2 ((cl (1 1 1 1 1)) (vc (1 1 1 1 1)))) (3 ((cl (1 1 1 1 1)) (vc (1 1 1 1 1)))))))) (count-notes mini 2 11)) => 62 ;;; Counting all notes just for player 'vc ; (let ((mini (make-slippery-chicken '+mini+ :ensemble '(((cl (b-flat-clarinet :midi-channel 1)) (vc (cello :midi-channel 2)))) :set-palette '((1 ((f3 g3 a3 b3 c4 d4 e4 f4 g4 a4 b4 c5)))) :set-map '((1 (1 1 1 1 1)) (2 (1 1 1 1 1)) (3 (1 1 1 1 1))) :rthm-seq-palette '((1 ((((4 4) h (q) e (s) s) (q (e) s +s h) ((e) s (s) (q) h)) :pitch-seq-palette ((1 2 3 4 5 1 3 2))))) :rthm-seq-map '((1 ((cl (1 1 1 1 1)) (vc (1 1 1 1 1)))) (2 ((cl (1 1 1 1 1)) (vc (1 1 1 1 1)))) (3 ((cl (1 1 1 1 1)) (vc (1 1 1 1 1)))))))) (count-notes mini 2 11 nil 'vc)) => 31 ;;; Counting just the attacked notes for player 'vc ; (let ((mini (make-slippery-chicken '+mini+ :ensemble '(((cl (b-flat-clarinet :midi-channel 1)) (vc (cello :midi-channel 2)))) :set-palette '((1 ((f3 g3 a3 b3 c4 d4 e4 f4 g4 a4 b4 c5)))) :set-map '((1 (1 1 1 1 1)) (2 (1 1 1 1 1)) (3 (1 1 1 1 1))) :rthm-seq-palette '((1 ((((4 4) h (q) e (s) s) (q (e) s +s h) ((e) s (s) (q) h)) :pitch-seq-palette ((1 2 3 4 5 1 3 2))))) :rthm-seq-map '((1 ((cl (1 1 1 1 1)) (vc (1 1 1 1 1)))) (2 ((cl (1 1 1 1 1)) (vc (1 1 1 1 1)))) (3 ((cl (1 1 1 1 1)) (vc (1 1 1 1 1)))))))) (count-notes mini 2 11 t 'vc)) => 27
(defmethod count-notes ((sc slippery-chicken) start-bar end-bar &optional just-attacks players)
slippery-chicken/csound-play [ Methods ]
[ Top ] [ slippery-chicken ] [ Methods ]
2023-03-02, Essen
This method outputs a soundfile from a slippery-chicken object by generating a Csound-score via write-csound-score and calling the Csound command with a given Csound-Orchestra as an additional argument. Hence, this method's arguments resemble those of write-csound-score, except for the argument indicating the orchestra file and a few keyword-arguments which primarily deal with the soundfile output. In order to work properly, please make sure to have Csound properly installed on your system and set the value of 'csound-command via (set-sc-config ...) according to your system's configuration.
- A slippery chicken object. - The ID(s) of the player(s) whose events are used to obtain the rhythmic structure of the score events. This must be a list with one or more symbols. See write-csound-score for more detail. - The ID(s) (number) or name(s) (string) of the Csound instruments according to the resp. instrument definition in the Csound orchestra. This must be a list with one or more values. See write-csound-score for more information. - The path to the Csound-orchestra file (.orc) to be used for rendering the output soundfile. Make sure that it contains instrument definitions for all Csound-instruments set in the preceding argument. This must be a string.
keyword arguments: - :csound-flags. A list of strings containing the flags, for the Csound command. Altering these might be useful e.g. to change the output format of the soundfile. N.B.: The "-o" argument, usually preceding the output soundfile name, is already set per default and should not be included in this list. For a full list of available arguments, see the Csound-manual. Default = '("-d" "-W" "-f") - :sndfile-suffix. A string to be added just before the file-extension of the generated soundfile. Will be overridden when manually setting the sndfile-path via :sndfile. Default = "". - :sndfile-extension. A string specifying the file extension of the soundfile to be generated by the Csound command. This might be altered in case the output format is changed e.g. via :csound-flags. Will be overridden when manually setting the sndfile-path via :sndfile. Default = ".wav". - :sndfile. A string indicating the path and filename to the soundfile to be generated with this method. Please bear in mind to alter the suffix if you change the format via :csound-flags. Default is a filename extracted from the title of the sc piece, placed in the (get-sc-config 'default-dir) directory (per default /tmp). - The other keyword arguments are exactly the same as write-csound-score. Please see write-csound-score for detailed documentation.
Returns the path of the soundfile written, as a string.
;;; An example using the csound-p-fields-simple function. ;;; The Csound orchestra might consist of two instruments producing ;;; tones based on simple waveforms (sines, square waves etc.) (let ((mini (make-slippery-chicken '+mini+ :ensemble '(((pno (piano :midi-channel 1)) (vln (violin :midi-channel 2)))) :set-palette '((1 ((f3 g3 as3 a3 bf3 b3 c4 d4 e4 f4 g4 a4 bf4 cs5)))) :set-map '((1 (1 1 1 1 1 1 1)) (2 (1 1 1 1 1 1 1)) (3 (1 1 1 1 1 1 1))) :tempo-map '((1 (q 60))) :rthm-seq-palette '((1 ((((4 4) h (q) e (s) s)) :pitch-seq-palette ((1 (2) 3)))) (2 ((((4 4) (q) e (s) s h)) :pitch-seq-palette ((1 2 3)))) (3 ((((4 4) e (s) s h (q))) :pitch-seq-palette ((2 3 3)))) (4 ((((4 4) (s) s h (q) e)) :pitch-seq-palette ((3 1 (2)))))) :rthm-seq-map '((1 ((pno (1 2 1 2 1 2 1)) (vln (1 2 1 2 1 2 1)))) (2 ((pno (3 4 3 4 3 4 3)) (vln (3 4 3 4 3 4 3)))) (3 ((pno (1 2 1 2 1 2 1)) (vln (1 2 1 2 1 2 1)))))))) (csound-play mini '(pno vln) '(1 2) "mini-orchestra.orc" :comments nil))
(defmethod csound-play (sc players csound-instruments ;; RP Thu Mar 2 21:17:59 2023 ;;; unique to csound-play orchestra-file &key ;; RP Thu Mar 2 19:10:21 2023 ;; specific to csound-play (csound-flags '("-d" "-W" "-f")) ;; add something just before the ;; sndfile-extension? (sndfile-suffix "") ;; choose the right file extension ;; according to your format! (sndfile-extension ".wav") (sndfile (format nil "~a~a~a~a" (get-sc-config 'default-dir) (filename-from-title (title sc)) sndfile-suffix sndfile-extension)) ;; RP Thu Mar 2 19:32:09 2023 ;; analogous to write-csound-score (start-section 1) (offset 0) (suffix "") (csound-file (format nil "~a~a~a.sco" (get-sc-config 'default-dir) (filename-from-title (title sc)) suffix)) (comments t) (delimiter #\space) (from-sequence 1) (num-sequences nil) (chords t) (p-fields #'csound-p-fields-simple) (num-sections nil))
slippery-chicken/empty-bars? [ Methods ]
[ Top ] [ slippery-chicken ] [ Methods ]
Test whether players have rest/empty bars within a given range.
- the slippery-chicken object - the start bar (integer, inclusive) - the end bar (integer, inclusive)
- the players we want to test. Either a list of player IDs, a single ID, or nil if all players should be tested. Default = NIL = all players. - T or NIL to indicate whether a bar of only rests (instead of a full bar rest) should be considered empty. Default = NIL.
T if all players have rest bars within the given range, NIL if no.
(defmethod empty-bars? ((sc slippery-chicken) start-bar end-bar &optional players all-rests)
slippery-chicken/event-list-to-csound-score [ Functions ]
[ Top ] [ slippery-chicken ] [ Functions ]
Ruben Philipp <me@rubenphilipp.com> CREATED 2023-05-07
This function generates a Csound-score file (.sco) from an event-list. Its structure is very similar to write-csound-score except that the allocation process between players and Csound-instruments ist structured differently. This function uses the event-list's MIDI-channels for allocating the data to Csound-instruments (if desired). NB: The function events-update-time might be useful in this context (also refer to event-list-to-midi-file).
- A list of event objects. - The MIDI-channel(s) to take into account for generating the score. This must be a list with one or more symbols or NIL. When NIL, all MIDI-channels present in the event-list will be used. When a list, only the MIDI-channels contained in this list will be used as a basis for the rhythmic structure of the Csound-score. - The ID(s) (as a number) or name(s) (as a string) of the Csound instruments according to the resp. instrument definition in the Csound orchestra as list of one or more items. Each MIDI-channel of the second argument of this method needs to be assigned to one Csound-instrument. Thus, the length of this list must be exactly the same as the previous list, except when using NIL in the MIDI-channels list. In the latter case, the Csound instruments defined in this list will be allocated cyclically to the available MIDI-channels in ascending order of the MIDI-channels. E.g.: When the MIDI-channels 1, 2, 3, and 10 are present in the event-list, and this argument is set to '("ins1" "ins2"), the value of this slot will internally be changed to '("ins1" "ins2" "ins1" "ins2").
keyword-arguments: - :suffix. A string to be added just before the .sco of the generated csound score-file. Will be overridden when manually setting the path via :csound-file. Default = "". - :csound-file. A string indicating the path and filename to the .sco-file to be generated with this method. Default is "tmp.suffix.sco", placed in the (get-sc-config 'default-dir) directory (per default /tmp). - :offset. An integer or floating point value to indicate the global offset of all score events (in seconds). Default = 0. - :comments. A boolean indicating whether additional comments should be included into the generated score. Default = T. - :delimiter. A character which separates each score statement. Csound recommends using spaces, though #\tab does also work an might, in some cases, improve legibility. Default = #\space. - :chords. Either a boolean or an integer which determines how to deal with chords in events. When T, all notes of a chord are parsed as i-statements in the Csound-score. When NIL, chords will be ignored and treated like rests (i.e. nothing will be generated). When an integer is given, the number determines the max. amount of pitches being parsed as i- statements. They are chosen chronologically from the given chord. Default = T. - :p-fields. This should be either NIL, a list of lists or a function used to generate the p-fields starting from p4. Cf. the documentation of write-csound-score for more detail. Default: #'csound-p-fields-simple.
Returns the path of the file written, as a string.
(let* ((notes '(c4 d4 e4 f4 g4)) (notes-len (length notes)) (rthms '(q e s)) (rthms-len (length rthms)) (events (loop repeat 20 collect (make-event (nth (random notes-len) notes) (nth (random rthms-len) rthms) :midi-channel (1+ (random 3)))))) (events-update-time events) (event-list-to-csound-score events nil ;; use all midi-channels '(1 2) :csound-file "/tmp/example.sco")) ;; => /tmp/example.sco
(defun event-list-to-csound-score (event-list ;; when NIL, use all available ;; midi-channels and allocate them ;; to the given csound instruments ;; in a cyclical order midi-channels csound-instruments &key ;; add something just before .sco? (suffix "") (csound-file (format nil "~atmp~a.sco" (get-sc-config 'default-dir) suffix)) ;; offset in seconds (offset 0) ;; add a comments section? (comments t) (delimiter #\space) (chords t) (p-fields #'csound-p-fields-simple))
slippery-chicken/find-boundaries [ Methods ]
[ Top ] [ slippery-chicken ] [ Methods ]
This methods tries to find structural boundaries (i.e section starts) in a complete piece. It does so by looking purely at event densities across bars and groups of bars; when these change sharply, a section change is noted.
- the slippery-chicken object to analyse
- when looking at groups of bars, how many bars at a time? Default = 3 - when looking at the sharpness of the envelope, what percentage change in number of events per bar (based in the min/max in the overall envelope) is considered a steep enough change. Default = 50 (%)
A list of bar numbers
(defmethod find-boundaries ((sc slippery-chicken) &optional (sum-bars 3) (jump-threshold 50))
slippery-chicken/find-end-tie [ Methods ]
[ Top ] [ slippery-chicken ] [ Methods ]
November 8th 2018, Heidhausen
Find the event which is the last in a group of tied notes.
- the slippery-chicken object - the event object at the start or in the middle of a the group of tied notes
- the function, generally some kind of error, to call if the given event is not tied from. Default = #'error.
the last event object which is tied to or NIL if the given event is not tied from.
(defmethod find-end-tie ((sc slippery-chicken) (e event) &optional (on-fail #'error))
slippery-chicken/find-note [ Methods ]
[ Top ] [ slippery-chicken ] [ Methods ]
Print to the Listener the numbers of all bars in a specified player's part of a given slippery-chicken object in which the specified pitch is found. Note that pitch symbols rather than objects are searched for so that small microtonal variations are be ignored.
- A slippery-chicken object. - A player ID. - A note-name pitch symbol or a list of note-name pitch symbols for the pitch to be sought. If a list, this will be handled as a chord.
keyword arguments: - :written. T or NIL to indicate whether to look for the specified pitch as as a written note only. T = as written only. Default = NIL. - :start-bar. An integer that is the first bar in which to search for the given pitch. This number is inclusive. Default = 1. - :end-bar. An integer that is the last bar in which to search for the given pitch. This number is inclusive. Default = number of bars in the given slippery-chicken object.
Returns a list of all corresponding event objects found. Prints the bar numbers of the results directly to the Lisp listener.
;;; Prints the bar number for all occurrences in the entire piece by default ; (let ((mini (make-slippery-chicken '+mini+ :ensemble '(((cl (b-flat-clarinet :midi-channel 1)) (vc (cello :midi-channel 2)))) :set-palette '((1 ((f3 g3 a3 b3 c4 d4 e4 f4 g4 a4 b4 c5)))) :set-map '((1 (1 1 1 1 1)) (2 (1 1 1 1 1)) (3 (1 1 1 1 1))) :rthm-seq-palette '((1 ((((4 4) h (q) e (s) s) (q (e) s +s h) ((e) s (s) (q) h)) :pitch-seq-palette ((1 2 3 4 5 1 3 2))))) :rthm-seq-map '((1 ((cl (1 1 1 1 1)) (vc (1 1 1 1 1)))) (2 ((cl (1 1 1 1 1)) (vc (1 1 1 1 1)))) (3 ((cl (1 1 1 1 1)) (vc (1 1 1 1 1)))))))) (find-note mini 'vc 'f4)) => bar 1 bar 3 bar 4 bar 6 bar 7 bar 9 bar 10 bar 12 bar 13 bar 15 bar 16 bar 18 bar 19 bar 21 bar 22 bar 24 bar 25 bar 27 bar 28 bar 30 bar 31 bar 33 bar 34 bar 36 bar 37 bar 39 bar 40 bar 42 bar 43 bar 45 ;;; Examples of use specifying the optional arguments ; (let ((mini (make-slippery-chicken '+mini+ :ensemble '(((cl (b-flat-clarinet :midi-channel 1)) (vc (cello :midi-channel 2)))) :set-palette '((1 ((f3 g3 a3 b3 c4 d4 e4 f4 g4 a4 b4 c5)))) :set-map '((1 (1 1 1 1 1)) (2 (1 1 1 1 1)) (3 (1 1 1 1 1))) :rthm-seq-palette '((1 ((((4 4) h (q) e (s) s) (q (e) s +s h) ((e) s (s) (q) h)) :pitch-seq-palette ((1 2 3 4 5 1 3 2))))) :rthm-seq-map '((1 ((cl (1 1 1 1 1)) (vc (1 1 1 1 1)))) (2 ((cl (1 1 1 1 1)) (vc (1 1 1 1 1)))) (3 ((cl (1 1 1 1 1)) (vc (1 1 1 1 1)))))))) (find-note mini 'cl 'f3) (find-note mini 'cl 'f3 :written t) (find-note mini 'vc 'f4 :start-bar 3 :end-bar 17))
(defmethod find-note ((sc slippery-chicken) player note &key (written nil) start-bar end-bar)
slippery-chicken/find-rehearsal-letters [ Methods ]
[ Top ] [ slippery-chicken ] [ Methods ]
Return in list form the numbers of bars in the given slippery-chicken object that have rehearsal letters.
- A slippery-chicken object.
A list of numbers.
(let ((mini (make-slippery-chicken '+mini+ :ensemble '(((vn (violin :midi-channel 1)))) :tempo-map '((1 (q 60))) :rehearsal-letters '(2 5 7) :set-palette '((1 ((c4 d4 e4 f4 g4 a4 b4 c5)))) :set-map '((1 (1 1 1 1 1 1 1))) :rthm-seq-palette '((1 ((((2 4) (s) (s) e e e)) :pitch-seq-palette ((1 2 3))))) :rthm-seq-map '((1 ((vn (1 1 1 1 1 1 1)))))))) (find-rehearsal-letters mini)) => (2 5 7)
(defmethod find-rehearsal-letters ((sc slippery-chicken))
slippery-chicken/get-all-events [ Methods ]
[ Top ] [ slippery-chicken ] [ Methods ]
August 22nd 2013 (Edinburgh)
Return a flat list containing all the events of a slippery-chicken object fo the given player.
- The slippery-chicken object - The player (symbol)
A list of event objects
(defmethod get-all-events ((sc slippery-chicken) player)
slippery-chicken/get-all-section-refs [ Methods ]
[ Top ] [ slippery-chicken ] [ Methods ]
Return all section IDs as a list of lists. Subsection IDs will be contained in the same sublists as their enclosing sections.
- A slippery-chicken object.
A list of lists.
(let ((mini (make-slippery-chicken '+mini+ :ensemble '(((sax (alto-sax :midi-channel 1)))) :set-palette '((1 ((e3 fs3 b3 cs4 fs4 gs4 ds5 f5)))) :set-map '((1 (1 1 1)) (2 (1 1 1)) (3 ((a (1 1 1)) (b ((x (1 1 1)) (y (1 1 1)))))) (4 ((a (1 1 1)) (b (1 1 1)) (c (1 1 1 1)))) (5 (1 1 1)) (6 (1 1 1)) (7 (1 1 1))) :rthm-seq-palette '((1 ((((4 4) h q e s s)) :pitch-seq-palette ((1 2 3 4 5))))) :rthm-seq-map '((1 ((sax (1 1 1)))) (2 ((sax (1 1 1)))) (3 ((a ((sax (1 1 1)))) (b ((x ((sax (1 1 1)))) (y ((sax (1 1 1)))))))) (4 ((a ((sax (1 1 1)))) (b ((sax (1 1 1)))) (c ((sax (1 1 1 1)))))) (5 ((sax (1 1 1)))) (6 ((sax (1 1 1)))) (7 ((sax (1 1 1)))))))) (get-all-section-refs mini)) => ((1) (2) (3 A) (3 B X) (3 B Y) (4 A) (4 B) (4 C) (5) (6) (7))
(defmethod get-all-section-refs ((sc slippery-chicken))
slippery-chicken/get-bar [ Methods ]
[ Top ] [ slippery-chicken ] [ Methods ]
Get the rthm-seq-bar object located at a specified bar number within a given player's part.
- A slippery-chicken object. - An integer that is the number of the bar within the overall piece for which the rthm-seq-bar object is sought. - The ID of the player from whose part the rthm-seq-bar object is sought. If this is passed as NIL, the method will return the rthm-seq-bar objects for all players in the ensemble at the specified bar number. NB: Although listed as an optional argument, the player ID is actually required. It is listed as optional due to method inheritance.
- (see the comment on the <player> argument above.
A rthm-seq-bar object (or objects).
(let ((mini (make-slippery-chicken '+mini+ :ensemble '(((cl (b-flat-clarinet :midi-channel 1)) (vc (cello :midi-channel 2)))) :set-palette '((1 ((f3 g3 a3 b3 c4 d4 e4 f4 g4 a4 b4 c5)))) :set-map '((1 (1 1 1 1 1)) (2 (1 1 1 1 1)) (3 (1 1 1 1 1))) :rthm-seq-palette '((1 ((((4 4) h q e s s) (q e s s h) (e s s q h)) :pitch-seq-palette ((1 2 3 4 5 1 3 2 4 5 3 5 2 4 1))))) :rthm-seq-map '((1 ((cl (1 1 1 1 1)) (vc (1 1 1 1 1)))) (2 ((cl (1 1 1 1 1)) (vc (1 1 1 1 1)))) (3 ((cl (1 1 1 1 1)) (vc (1 1 1 1 1)))))))) (get-bar mini 17 'cl)) => RTHM-SEQ-BAR: time-sig: 2 (4 4), time-sig-given: NIL, bar-num: 17, old-bar-nums: NIL, write-bar-num: NIL, start-time: 64.000, start-time-qtrs: 64.0, is-rest-bar: NIL, multi-bar-rest: NIL, show-rest: T, notes-needed: 5, tuplets: NIL, nudge-factor: 0.35, beams: NIL, current-time-sig: 2, write-time-sig: NIL, num-rests: 0, num-rhythms: 5, num-score-notes: 5, parent-start-end: NIL, missing-duration: NIL, bar-line-type: 0, player-section-ref: (2 CL), nth-seq: 0, nth-bar: 1, rehearsal-letter: NIL, all-time-sigs: (too long to print) sounding-duration: 4.000, rhythms: ( [...]
(defmethod get-bar ((sc slippery-chicken) bar-num &optional player)
slippery-chicken/get-bar-from-ref [ Methods ]
[ Top ] [ slippery-chicken ] [ Methods ]
Return a rthm-seq-bar object from the piece by specifying its section, sequence number, bar number, and the player. Sequenz-num and bar-num are 1-based.
- A slippery-chicken object. - A section ID (number or list). - A player ID. - An integer that is the number of the sequence in the section from which the bar is to be returned (1-based). - An integer that is the number of the bar within the given sequence (1-based).
A rthm-seq-bar object.
(let ((mini (make-slippery-chicken '+mini+ :ensemble '(((cl (b-flat-clarinet :midi-channel 1)) (vc (cello :midi-channel 2)))) :set-palette '((1 ((f3 g3 a3 b3 c4 d4 e4 f4 g4 a4 b4 c5)))) :set-map '((1 (1 1 1 1 1)) (2 (1 1 1 1 1)) (3 (1 1 1 1 1))) :rthm-seq-palette '((1 ((((4 4) h q e s s) (q e s s h) (e s s q h)) :pitch-seq-palette ((1 2 3 4 5 1 3 2 4 5 3 5 2 4 1))))) :rthm-seq-map '((1 ((cl (1 1 1 1 1)) (vc (1 1 1 1 1)))) (2 ((cl (1 1 1 1 1)) (vc (1 1 1 1 1)))) (3 ((cl (1 1 1 1 1)) (vc (1 1 1 1 1)))))))) (get-bar-from-ref mini 2 'vc 3 2)) => RTHM-SEQ-BAR: time-sig: 2 (4 4), time-sig-given: NIL, bar-num: 23, old-bar-nums: NIL, write-bar-num: NIL, start-time: 88.000, start-time-qtrs: 88.0, is-rest-bar: NIL, multi-bar-rest: NIL, show-rest: T, notes-needed: 5, tuplets: NIL, nudge-factor: 0.35, beams: NIL, current-time-sig: 2, write-time-sig: NIL, num-rests: 0, num-rhythms: 5, num-score-notes: 5, parent-start-end: NIL, missing-duration: NIL, bar-line-type: 0, player-section-ref: (2 VC), nth-seq: 2, nth-bar: 1, rehearsal-letter: NIL, all-time-sigs: (too long to print) sounding-duration: 4.000, rhythms: ( [...]
(defmethod get-bar-from-ref ((sc slippery-chicken) section player sequenz-num bar-num)
slippery-chicken/get-bar-num-from-ref [ Methods ]
[ Top ] [ slippery-chicken ] [ Methods ]
Get the bar number of a given rthm-seq-bar object by specifying the section, sequenz, and number of the bar within that sequenz.
- A slippery-chicken object. - The ID of the section in which the given rthm-seq-bar object is located. - An integer that is the number of the sequence within that section in which the rthm-seq-bar object is located. - The number of the bar within the given rthm-seq-bar object for which the overall bar number (within the entire piece) is sought.
An integer.
(let ((mini (make-slippery-chicken '+mini+ :ensemble '(((cl (b-flat-clarinet :midi-channel 1)) (vc (cello :midi-channel 2)))) :set-palette '((1 ((f3 g3 a3 b3 c4 d4 e4 f4 g4 a4 b4 c5)))) :set-map '((1 (1 1 1 1 1)) (2 (1 1 1 1 1)) (3 (1 1 1 1 1))) :rthm-seq-palette '((1 ((((4 4) h q e s s) (q e s s h) (e s s q h)) :pitch-seq-palette ((1 2 3 4 5 1 3 2 4 5 3 5 2 4 1))))) :rthm-seq-map '((1 ((cl (1 1 1 1 1)) (vc (1 1 1 1 1)))) (2 ((cl (1 1 1 1 1)) (vc (1 1 1 1 1)))) (3 ((cl (1 1 1 1 1)) (vc (1 1 1 1 1)))))))) (get-bar-num-from-ref mini 2 4 3)) => 27
(defmethod get-bar-num-from-ref ((sc slippery-chicken) section sequenz-num bar-num)
slippery-chicken/get-clef [ Methods ]
[ Top ] [ slippery-chicken ] [ Methods ]
Get the clef symbol attached to a specified event. NB: The very first clef symbol in the very first measure of a given player's part is determined by the corresponding instrument object and attached to differently; as such, it cannot be retrieved using this method. NB: All clef symbols after the starting clef are added using the auto-clefs method, either directly or by default in the cmn-display or write-lp-data-for-all methods.
- A slippery-chicken object. - (NB: The optional arguments are actually required.)
NB: The optional arguments are actually required. - An integer that is the number of the bar from which to return the clef symbol. - An integer that is the number of the event object within that bar from which to retrieve the clef symbol. - The ID of the player from whose part the clef symbol is to be returned.
A clef symbol.
(let ((mini (make-slippery-chicken '+mini+ :ensemble '(((vc (cello :midi-channel 1)))) :tempo-map '((1 (q 96))) :set-palette '((1 ((g2 f4 e5)))) :set-map '((1 (1 1 1))) :rthm-seq-palette '((1 ((((5 4) e e e e e e e e e e)) :pitch-seq-palette ((1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 1))))) :rthm-seq-map '((1 ((vc (1 1 1)))))))) (auto-clefs mini) (get-clef mini 1 3 'vc)) => TENOR
(defmethod get-clef ((sc slippery-chicken) &optional bar-num event-num player)
slippery-chicken/get-current-instrument-for-player [ Methods ]
[ Top ] [ slippery-chicken ] [ Methods ]
Get the currently active instrument for a given player in a specified sequence of a slippery-chicken object, as defined in the instrument-change-map.
- The ID of the section from which to retrieve the current instrument for the specified player. This can also be a reference, e.g. in the form '(2 1). - The ID of the player for whom the current instrument is sought. - The number of the sequence from which to retrieve the current instrument. This is a 1-based number. A slippery-chicken object.
An instrument object.
(let ((mini (make-slippery-chicken '+mini+ :ensemble '(((sax ((alto-sax tenor-sax) :midi-channel 1)) (db (double-bass :midi-channel 2)))) :instrument-change-map '((1 ((sax ((1 alto-sax) (3 tenor-sax))))) (2 ((sax ((2 alto-sax) (5 tenor-sax)))))) :set-palette '((1 ((c2 d2 g2 a2 e3 fs3 b3 cs4 fs4 gs4 ds5 f5 bf5)))) :set-map '((1 (1 1 1 1 1)) (2 (1 1 1 1 1))) :rthm-seq-palette '((1 ((((4 4) h q e s s)) :pitch-seq-palette ((1 2 3 4 5))))) :rthm-seq-map '((1 ((sax (1 1 1 1 1)) (db (1 1 1 1 1)))) (2 ((sax (1 1 1 1 1)) (db (1 1 1 1 1)))))))) (get-current-instrument-for-player 2 'sax 3 mini)) => INSTRUMENT: lowest-written: BF3, highest-written: FS6 lowest-sounding: CS3, highest-sounding: A5 starting-clef: TREBLE, clefs: (TREBLE), clefs-in-c: (TREBLE) prefers-notes: NIL, midi-program: 66 transposition: EF, transposition-semitones: -9 score-write-in-c: NIL, score-write-bar-line: NIL chords: NIL, chord-function: NIL, total-bars: 5 total-notes: 25, total-duration: 20.000 total-degrees: 2920, microtones: T missing-notes: (BQF3 BQF4), subset-id: NIL staff-name: alto saxophone, staff-short-name: alt sax, largest-fast-leap: 999, tessitura: BQF3 LINKED-NAMED-OBJECT: previous: NIL, this: NIL, next: NIL NAMED-OBJECT: id: ALTO-SAX, tag: NIL, data: NIL
(defmethod get-current-instrument-for-player (section player sequence (sc slippery-chicken))
slippery-chicken/get-event [ Methods ]
[ Top ] [ slippery-chicken ] [ Methods ]
Retrieve a specified event object from a slippery-chicken object, giving bar number, event number, and player. NB: This counts returns event objects, regardless of whether they are notes or rests.
- A slippery-chicken object. - An integer that is the number of the bar from which the event object is to be returned. - An integer that is the number of the event object to be returned from that bar. This number is 1-based and counts all events, including notes, rests, and tied notes. - A symbol name for the player.
- T or NIL to indicate whether an error should be signalled if the event doesn't exist.
An event object.
(let ((mini (make-slippery-chicken '+mini+ :ensemble '(((vn (violin :midi-channel 1)) (vc (cello :midi-channel 2)))) :tempo-map '((1 (q 60))) :set-palette '((1 ((c4 d4 e4 f4 g4 a4 b4 c5)))) :set-map '((1 (1 1 1))) :rthm-seq-palette '((1 ((((2 4) (e) e+e. 32 (32))) :pitch-seq-palette (((1) 2))))) :rthm-seq-map '((1 ((vn (1 1 1)) (vc (1 1 1)))))))) (get-event mini 2 4 'vn)) => EVENT: start-time: 3.750, end-time: 3.875, duration-in-tempo: 0.125, compound-duration-in-tempo: 0.125, amplitude: 0.700 bar-num: 2, marks-before: NIL, tempo-change: NIL instrument-change: NIL display-tempo: NIL, start-time-qtrs: 3.750, midi-time-sig: NIL, midi-program-changes: NIL, 8va: 0 pitch-or-chord: PITCH: frequency: 293.665, midi-note: 62, midi-channel: 1 pitch-bend: 0.0 degree: 124, data-consistent: T, white-note: D4 nearest-chromatic: D4 src: 1.122462, src-ref-pitch: C4, score-note: D4 qtr-sharp: NIL, qtr-flat: NIL, qtr-tone: NIL, micro-tone: NIL, sharp: NIL, flat: NIL, natural: T, octave: 4, c5ths: 0, no-8ve: D, no-8ve-no-acc: D show-accidental: T, white-degree: 29, accidental: N, accidental-in-parentheses: NIL, marks: NIL LINKED-NAMED-OBJECT: previous: NIL, this: NIL, next: NIL NAMED-OBJECT: id: D4, tag: NIL, data: D4 ************** written-pitch-or-chord: NIL RHYTHM: value: 32.000, duration: 0.125, rq: 1/8, is-rest: NIL, score-rthm: 32.0, undotted-value: 32, num-flags: 3, num-dots: 0, is-tied-to: NIL, is-tied-from: NIL, compound-duration: 0.125, is-grace-note: NIL, needs-new-note: T, beam: NIL, bracket: NIL, rqq-note: NIL, rqq-info: NIL, marks: NIL, marks-in-part: NIL, letter-value: 32, tuplet-scaler: 1, grace-note-duration: 0.05 LINKED-NAMED-OBJECT: previous: NIL, this: NIL, next: NIL NAMED-OBJECT: id: 32, tag: NIL, data: 32
(defmethod get-event ((sc slippery-chicken) bar-num event-num player &optional (error t))
slippery-chicken/get-events-from-to [ Methods ]
[ Top ] [ slippery-chicken ] [ Methods ]
22-Jul-2011 (Pula)
Return a list of event objects for a given player, specifying the region by bar and event number.
- A slippery-chicken object. - A player ID. - An integer (1-based) that is the first bar from which to return events. - An integer (1-based) that is the first event object in the start-bar to return. - An integer (1-based) that is the last bar from which to return events.
- An integer (1-based) that is the last event within the end-bar to return.
A flat list of event objects.
(let ((mini (make-slippery-chicken '+mini+ :ensemble '(((sax ((alto-sax tenor-sax) :midi-channel 1)) (db (double-bass :midi-channel 2)))) :instrument-change-map '((1 ((sax ((1 alto-sax) (3 tenor-sax))))) (2 ((sax ((2 alto-sax) (5 tenor-sax)))))) :set-palette '((1 ((c2 d2 g2 a2 e3 fs3 b3 cs4 fs4 gs4 ds5 f5 bf5)))) :set-map '((1 (1 1 1 1 1)) (2 (1 1 1 1 1))) :rthm-seq-palette '((1 ((((4 4) h q e s s)) :pitch-seq-palette ((1 2 3 4 5))))) :rthm-seq-map '((1 ((sax (1 1 1 1 1)) (db (1 1 1 1 1)))) (2 ((sax (1 1 1 1 1)) (db (1 1 1 1 1)))))))) (get-events-from-to mini 'sax 3 2 5 3)) => ( EVENT: start-time: 10.000, end-time: 11.000, duration-in-tempo: 1.000, compound-duration-in-tempo: 1.000, amplitude: 0.700 bar-num: 3, marks-before: NIL, tempo-change: NIL instrument-change: NIL display-tempo: NIL, start-time-qtrs: 10.000, midi-time-sig: NIL, midi-program-changes: NIL, 8va: 0 pitch-or-chord: PITCH: frequency: 164.814, midi-note: 52, midi-channel: 1 pitch-bend: 0.0 degree: 104, data-consistent: T, white-note: E3 nearest-chromatic: E3 src: 0.62996054, src-ref-pitch: C4, score-note: E3 qtr-sharp: NIL, qtr-flat: NIL, qtr-tone: NIL, micro-tone: NIL, sharp: NIL, flat: NIL, natural: T, octave: 3, c5ths: 0, no-8ve: E, no-8ve-no-acc: E show-accidental: T, white-degree: 23, accidental: N, accidental-in-parentheses: NIL, marks: NIL LINKED-NAMED-OBJECT: previous: NIL, this: NIL, next: NIL NAMED-OBJECT: id: E3, tag: NIL, data: E3 ************** written-pitch-or-chord: PITCH: frequency: 369.994, midi-note: 66, midi-channel: 1 pitch-bend: 0.0 degree: 132, data-consistent: T, white-note: F4 nearest-chromatic: FS4 src: 1.4142135, src-ref-pitch: C4, score-note: FS4 qtr-sharp: NIL, qtr-flat: NIL, qtr-tone: NIL, micro-tone: NIL, sharp: T, flat: NIL, natural: NIL, octave: 4, c5ths: 1, no-8ve: FS, no-8ve-no-acc: F show-accidental: T, white-degree: 31, accidental: S, accidental-in-parentheses: NIL, marks: NIL LINKED-NAMED-OBJECT: previous: NIL, this: NIL, next: NIL NAMED-OBJECT: id: FS4, tag: NIL, data: FS4 ************** RHYTHM: value: 4.000, duration: 1.000, rq: 1, is-rest: NIL, score-rthm: 4.0, undotted-value: 4, num-flags: 0, num-dots: 0, is-tied-to: NIL, is-tied-from: NIL, compound-duration: 1.000, is-grace-note: NIL, needs-new-note: T, beam: NIL, bracket: NIL, rqq-note: NIL, rqq-info: NIL, marks: NIL, marks-in-part: NIL, letter-value: 4, tuplet-scaler: 1, grace-note-duration: 0.05 LINKED-NAMED-OBJECT: previous: NIL, this: NIL, next: NIL NAMED-OBJECT: id: Q, tag: NIL, data: Q ************** EVENT: start-time: 11.000, end-time: 11.500, [...]
(defmethod get-events-from-to ((sc slippery-chicken) player start-bar start-event end-bar &optional end-event)
slippery-chicken/get-events-sorted-by-time [ Methods ]
[ Top ] [ slippery-chicken ] [ Methods ]
Get all the events of all players between the given bars and then order them by ascending time.
- A slippery-chicken object.
keyword arguments: - :start-bar. An integer that is the first bar in which the function is to be applied to event objects. Default = 1. - :end-bar. NIL or an integer that is the last bar for which the event objects should be returned. If NIL, the last bar of the slippery-chicken object is used. Default = NIL.
A list of event objects.
(defmethod get-events-sorted-by-time ((sc slippery-chicken) &key (start-bar 1) end-bar)
slippery-chicken/get-instrument-for-player-at-bar [ Methods ]
[ Top ] [ slippery-chicken ] [ Methods ]
Get the current instrument for a specified player at a specified bar number in a slippery-chicken object, as defined in the instrument-change-map.
- The ID of a player in the slippery-chicken object. - An integer that is the number of the bar from which to get the current instrument. - A slippery-chicken object.
An instrument object.
(let* ((mini (make-slippery-chicken '+mini+ :ensemble '(((sax ((alto-sax tenor-sax) :midi-channel 1)) (db (double-bass :midi-channel 2)))) :instrument-change-map '((1 ((sax ((1 alto-sax) (3 tenor-sax))))) (2 ((sax ((2 alto-sax) (5 tenor-sax)))))) :set-palette '((1 ((c2 d2 g2 a2 e3 fs3 b3 cs4 fs4 gs4 ds5 f5 bf5)))) :set-map '((1 (1 1 1 1 1)) (2 (1 1 1 1 1))) :rthm-seq-palette '((1 ((((4 4) h q e s s)) :pitch-seq-palette ((1 2 3 4 5))))) :rthm-seq-map '((1 ((sax (1 1 1 1 1)) (db (1 1 1 1 1)))) (2 ((sax (1 1 1 1 1)) (db (1 1 1 1 1)))))))) (get-instrument-for-player-at-bar 'sax 3 mini)) => INSTRUMENT: lowest-written: BF3, highest-written: FS6 lowest-sounding: AF2, highest-sounding: E5 starting-clef: TREBLE, clefs: (TREBLE), clefs-in-c: (BASS TREBLE) prefers-notes: NIL, midi-program: 67 transposition: BF, transposition-semitones: -14 score-write-in-c: NIL, score-write-bar-line: NIL chords: NIL, chord-function: NIL, total-bars: 5 total-notes: 25, total-duration: 20.000 total-degrees: 2710, microtones: T missing-notes: (FQS3 FQS4), subset-id: NIL staff-name: tenor sax, staff-short-name: ten sax, largest-fast-leap: 999, tessitura: FS3 LINKED-NAMED-OBJECT: previous: NIL, this: NIL, next: NIL NAMED-OBJECT: id: TENOR-SAX, tag: NIL, data: NIL
(defmethod get-instrument-for-player-at-bar (player bar (sc slippery-chicken))
slippery-chicken/get-last-bar [ Methods ]
[ Top ] [ slippery-chicken ] [ Methods ]
September 28th 2020, Heidhausen
Get the last bars for each of the players
- the slippery-chicken object
a list of rthm-seq-bar objects
(defmethod get-last-bar ((sc slippery-chicken))
slippery-chicken/get-last-event [ Methods ]
[ Top ] [ slippery-chicken ] [ Methods ]
September 28th 2020, Heidhausen
Get the last events (of the last bars) for each of the players
- the slippery-chicken object
a list of event objects
(defmethod get-last-event ((sc slippery-chicken))
slippery-chicken/get-nearest-event [ Methods ]
[ Top ] [ slippery-chicken ] [ Methods ]
Find the nearest event by time to <reference-event> in the <search-player>.
- the slippery-chicken object - the reference event object that we want to find the nearest event to in another player - the player we want to find the nearest event in (symbol).
- if T only return sounding events (pitches/chords) otherwise return the nearest rest or sounding event. - if T only return struck events i.e. ignore those that are tied to
An event object.
(defmethod get-nearest-event ((sc slippery-chicken) reference-event search-player &optional (ignore-rests t) (ignore-tied t))
slippery-chicken/get-note [ Methods ]
[ Top ] [ slippery-chicken ] [ Methods ]
Get a numbered event from a specified bar of a given player's part within a slippery-chicken object. NB: Slippery-chicken doesn't have 'note' and 'rest' classes, rather both of these are events. The nomenclature 'note' and 'rest' are thus used here and elsewhere merely for convenience, to distinguish between sounding and non-sounding events. See also rthm-seq-bar methods for accessing notes by other means.
- A slippery-chicken object. - An integer that is the number of the bar from which to get the note (counting from 1). - An integer that is the number of the note to get within that bar, counting tied notes (counting from 1). This can also be a list of numbers if accessing pitches in a chord (see below). - The ID of the player from whose part the note is to be retrieved.
- T or NIL to indicate whether, when accessing a pitch in a chord, to return the written or sounding pitch. T = written. Default = NIL.
An event object.
(let ((mini (make-slippery-chicken '+mini+ :ensemble '(((vn (violin :midi-channel 1)))) :tempo-map '((1 (q 60))) :set-palette '((1 ((c4 d4 e4 f4 g4 a4 b4 c5)))) :set-map '((1 (1))) :rthm-seq-palette '((1 ((((2 4) (e) e+e. 32 (32))) :pitch-seq-palette (((1) 2))))) :rthm-seq-map '((1 ((vn (1)))))))) (print (data (get-rest mini 1 2 'vn))) (print (data (get-note mini 1 2 'vn))) (print (data (get-note mini 1 '(2 1) 'vn))) (print (data (get-note mini 1 '(2 2) 'vn))) (print (is-tied-from (get-note mini 1 1 'vn)))) => 32 "E." C4 A4 T
(defmethod get-note ((sc slippery-chicken) bar-num note-num player &optional written)
slippery-chicken/get-num-sections [ Methods ]
[ Top ] [ slippery-chicken ] [ Methods ]
Return the number of sections in the given slippery-chicken object, as defined in e.g. in the set-map. N.B. If the object has subsections these are counted also, unless the optional argument is NIL.
- A slippery-chicken object.
- count-subsections: if T (default) count all sections and subsections. If NIL just the top-level sections.
An integer that is the number of section.
(let ((mini (make-slippery-chicken '+mini+ :ensemble '(((sax (alto-sax :midi-channel 1)))) :set-palette '((1 ((e3 fs3 b3 cs4 fs4 gs4 ds5 f5)))) :set-map '((1 ((a (1 1 1 1)) (b (1 1 1 1)))) (2 (1 1 1)) (3 (1 1 1 1 1))) :rthm-seq-palette '((1 ((((4 4) h q e s s)) :pitch-seq-palette ((1 2 3 4 5))))) :rthm-seq-map '((1 ((a ((sax (1 1 1 1)))) (b ((sax (1 1 1 1)))))) (2 ((sax (1 1 1)))) (3 ((sax (1 1 1 1 1)))))))) (get-num-sections mini)) => 4
(defmethod get-num-sections ((sc slippery-chicken) &optional (count-subsections t))
slippery-chicken/get-phrases [ Methods ]
[ Top ] [ slippery-chicken ] [ Methods ]
This returns lists of events that make up phrases. Its notion of phrases is very simplistic but hopefully useful all the same: it's any sequence of sounding notes surrounded by rests.
- the slippery-chicken object - a single symbol or list of symbols representing the players from the ensemble. If nil all players will be processed.
keyword arguments: - :start-bar. An integer bar number where the process should start. If NIL we'll default to 1. Default = NIL. - :end-bar. An integer bar number where the process should end. If NIL we'll default to the last bar. Default = NIL. - :pad. If a phrase starts or ends mid-bar, pad the first bar with leading rests and the last bar with trailing rests to ensure we have full bars.
A list of sublists, one for each requested player. Each player sublist contains sublists also, with all the events in each phrase.
(defmethod get-phrases ((sc slippery-chicken) players &key start-bar end-bar pad)
slippery-chicken/get-pitch-symbols-for-player [ Methods ]
[ Top ] [ slippery-chicken ] [ Methods ]
April 27th 2022, Heidhausen
Get a list of all the pitches (as symbols) used in a piece on a player-by-player basis.
- the slippery-chicken object - the player (symbol) or list of players we want the pitches for. NB if nil, pitches for all players will be returned.
- start bar number. If nil, this will be 1. Default = NIL. - end bar number. If nil, this will be the last bar. Default = NIL. - whether written as opposed to sounding note symbols should be returned. Default = NIL.
A nested list: each element is itself a two-element list where the first element is the player symbol and the second is an ascending ordered list of the pitches, with enharmonic equivalents removed.
(get-pitch-symbols-for-player +percussion+ 'perc) ((PERC (B4 C5 DF5 D5 DS5 E5 F5 GF5 G5 AF5 A5 BF5 B5 C6 CS6 D6 EF6 E6 F6 FS6 G6 AF6 A6 BF6)))
(defmethod get-pitch-symbols-for-player ((sc slippery-chicken) player &optional start-bar end-bar written)
slippery-chicken/get-player [ Methods ]
[ Top ] [ slippery-chicken ] [ Methods ]
Return the player object for the specified player.
- A slippery-chicken object. - A player ID.
A player object.
(let ((mini (make-slippery-chicken '+mini+ :ensemble '(((fl (flute :midi-channel 1)) (tp (b-flat-trumpet :midi-channel 2)) (vn (violin :midi-channel 3)))) :set-palette '((1 ((f3 g3 a3 b3 c4 d4 e4 f4 g4 a4 b4 c5)))) :set-map '((1 (1 1 1 1 1))) :rthm-seq-palette '((1 ((((4 4) h q e s s)) :pitch-seq-palette ((1 2 3 4 5))))) :rthm-seq-map '((1 ((fl (1 1 1 1 1)) (tp (1 1 1 1 1)) (vn (1 1 1 1 1)))))))) (get-player mini 'vn)) => PLAYER: (id instrument-palette): SLIPPERY-CHICKEN-STANDARD-INSTRUMENT-PALETTE doubles: NIL, cmn-staff-args: NIL, total-notes: 25, total-degrees: 3548, total-duration: 20.000, total-bars: 5, tessitura: B4 LINKED-NAMED-OBJECT: previous: (TP), this: (VN), next: NIL NAMED-OBJECT: id: VN, tag: NIL, data: INSTRUMENT: lowest-written: G3, highest-written: C7 ...
(defmethod get-player ((sc slippery-chicken) player)
slippery-chicken/get-rest [ Methods ]
[ Top ] [ slippery-chicken ] [ Methods ]
Retrieve the event object that contains the specified rest in a slippery-chicken object by giving bar number, rest number and player.
- A slippery-chicken object. - An integer that is the number of the bar from which to retrieve the rest event object. - An integer that is the number of the rest (not the number of the event) within that bar, counting from 1. - The ID of the player from whose part to retrieve the rest object.
An event object.
(let ((mini (make-slippery-chicken '+mini+ :ensemble '(((vn (violin :midi-channel 1)) (vc (cello :midi-channel 2)))) :tempo-map '((1 (q 60))) :set-palette '((1 ((c4 d4 e4 f4 g4 a4 b4 c5)))) :set-map '((1 (1 1 1))) :rthm-seq-palette '((1 ((((2 4) (e) e+e. 32 (32))) :pitch-seq-palette (((1) 2))))) :rthm-seq-map '((1 ((vn (1 1 1)) (vc (1 1 1)))))))) (get-rest mini 2 1 'vc)) => EVENT: start-time: 2.000, end-time: 2.500, duration-in-tempo: 0.500, compound-duration-in-tempo: 0.500, amplitude: 0.700 bar-num: 2, marks-before: NIL, tempo-change: NIL instrument-change: NIL display-tempo: NIL, start-time-qtrs: 2.000, midi-time-sig: NIL, midi-program-changes: NIL, 8va: 0 pitch-or-chord: NIL written-pitch-or-chord: NIL RHYTHM: value: 8.000, duration: 0.500, rq: 1/2, is-rest: T, score-rthm: 8.0, undotted-value: 8, num-flags: 1, num-dots: 0, is-tied-to: NIL, is-tied-from: NIL, compound-duration: 0.500, is-grace-note: NIL, needs-new-note: NIL, beam: NIL, bracket: NIL, rqq-note: NIL, rqq-info: NIL, marks: NIL, marks-in-part: NIL, letter-value: 8, tuplet-scaler: 1, grace-note-duration: 0.05 LINKED-NAMED-OBJECT: previous: NIL, this: NIL, next: NIL NAMED-OBJECT: id: E, tag: NIL, data: E
(defmethod get-rest ((sc slippery-chicken) bar-num rest-num player)
slippery-chicken/get-section [ Methods ]
[ Top ] [ slippery-chicken ] [ Methods ]
Return the section object with the specified reference ID.
- A slippery-chicken object. - A reference ID.
A section object.
(let ((mini (make-slippery-chicken '+mini+ :ensemble '(((sax (alto-sax :midi-channel 1)) (db (double-bass :midi-channel 2)))) :set-palette '((1 ((c2 d2 g2 a2 e3 fs3 b3 cs4 fs4 gs4 ds5 f5 bf5)))) :set-map '((1 (1 1 1 1 1)) (2 (1 1 1 1 1))) :rthm-seq-palette '((1 ((((4 4) h q e s s)) :pitch-seq-palette ((1 2 3 4 5))))) :rthm-seq-map '((1 ((sax (1 1 1 1 1)) (db (1 1 1 1 1)))) (2 ((sax (1 1 1 1 1)) (db (1 1 1 1 1)))))))) (get-section mini 2)) => SECTION: RECURSIVE-ASSOC-LIST: recurse-simple-data: NIL num-data: 2 linked: T full-ref: (2) ASSOC-LIST: warn-not-found NIL CIRCULAR-SCLIST: current 0 SCLIST: sclist-length: 2, bounds-alert: T, copy: T LINKED-NAMED-OBJECT: previous: NIL, this: NIL, next: NIL BAR-HOLDER: start-bar: 6 end-bar: 10 num-bars: 5 start-time: 20.0 end-time: 40.0 start-time-qtrs: 0 end-time-qtrs: 40.0 num-notes (attacked notes, not tied): 50 num-score-notes (tied notes counted separately): 50 num-rests: 0 duration-qtrs: 20.0 duration: 20.0 (20.000)
(defmethod get-section ((sc slippery-chicken) reference &optional (warn t))
slippery-chicken/get-section-bar-nums [ Methods ]
[ Top ] [ slippery-chicken ] [ Methods ]
Daniel Ross (mr.danielross[at]gmail[dot]com)
Mon 13 Jan 2020 15:23:17 GMT
Get the start and end bar numbers of each section of a slippery chicken piece, handlily formatted in an assoc list.
A slippery chicken object
Keyword args: :start - the first section to look at. (Default = 1) :end - the last section to look at. (Default = nil, look to the end.)
An assoc list where each key is a section number and its data is a list containing the start and end bar numbers of that section.
(let ((mini (make-slippery-chicken '+mini+ :ensemble '(((sax (alto-sax :midi-channel 1)))) :set-palette '((1 ((c2 d2 g2 a2 e3 fs3 b3 cs4 fs4 gs4 ds5 f5 bf5)))) :set-map '((1 (1 1 1 1 1)) (2 (1 1 1 1 1)) (3 (1 1 1 1 1))) :rthm-seq-palette '((1 ((((4 4) h q e s s)) :pitch-seq-palette ((1 2 3 4 5))))) :rthm-seq-map '((1 ((sax (1 1 1 1 1)))) (2 ((sax (1 1 1 1 1)))) (3 ((sax (1 1 1 1 1)))))))) (get-section-bar-nums mini)) => ASSOC-LIST: warn-not-found T CIRCULAR-SCLIST: current 0 SCLIST: sclist-length: 3, bounds-alert: T, copy: T LINKED-NAMED-OBJECT: previous: NIL, this: NIL, next: NIL NAMED-OBJECT: id: SECTION-BAR-NUMS, tag: NIL, data: ( NAMED-OBJECT: id: 1, tag: NIL, data: (1 5) ************** NAMED-OBJECT: id: 2, tag: NIL, data: (6 10) ************** NAMED-OBJECT: id: 3, tag: NIL, data: (11 15) ************** ) **************
(defmethod get-section-bar-nums ((sc slippery-chicken) &key (start 1) (end nil) (assoc-list-id 'section-bar-nums))
slippery-chicken/get-section-refs [ Methods ]
[ Top ] [ slippery-chicken ] [ Methods ]
Return the reference IDs for all section and subsections of a given slippery-chicken object.
- A slippery-chicken object. - An integer that is the first top-level section for which to return the reference IDs. As this number refers to the number of top-level sections only, any subsections will be contained in these and only count as 1. - An integer that is the number of consecutive sections to return section reference IDs.
A list of lists containing the section reference IDs of the specified range in the slippery-chicken object.
(let ((mini (make-slippery-chicken '+mini+ :ensemble '(((sax (alto-sax :midi-channel 1)))) :set-palette '((1 ((e3 fs3 b3 cs4 fs4 gs4 ds5 f5)))) :set-map '((1 (1 1 1)) (2 (1 1 1)) (3 ((a (1 1 1)) (b ((x (1 1 1)) (y (1 1 1)))))) (4 ((a (1 1 1)) (b (1 1 1)) (c (1 1 1 1)))) (5 (1 1 1)) (6 (1 1 1)) (7 (1 1 1))) :rthm-seq-palette '((1 ((((4 4) h q e s s)) :pitch-seq-palette ((1 2 3 4 5))))) :rthm-seq-map '((1 ((sax (1 1 1)))) (2 ((sax (1 1 1)))) (3 ((a ((sax (1 1 1)))) (b ((x ((sax (1 1 1)))) (y ((sax (1 1 1)))))))) (4 ((a ((sax (1 1 1)))) (b ((sax (1 1 1)))) (c ((sax (1 1 1 1)))))) (5 ((sax (1 1 1)))) (6 ((sax (1 1 1)))) (7 ((sax (1 1 1)))))))) (get-section-refs mini 2 4)) => ((2) (3 A) (3 B X) (3 B Y) (4 A) (4 B) (4 C) (5))
(defmethod get-section-refs ((sc slippery-chicken) start-section num-sections)
slippery-chicken/get-sequenz-from-section [ Methods ]
[ Top ] [ slippery-chicken ] [ Methods ]
Get the sequenz object specified by the section, player and sequenz number given.
- a slippery-chicken object - the player (symbol) - the sequenz number, counting from 1
the respective sequenz object
(defmethod get-sequenz-from-section ((sc slippery-chicken) section-ref player-ref seq-num) ; 1-based
slippery-chicken/get-set-for-bar-num [ Methods ]
[ Top ] [ slippery-chicken ] [ Methods ]
July 11th 2020, Heidhausen
Get the complete-set object from the set-palette that was used in the generation of a specific bar.
- the slippery-chicken object - the bar number (integer)
a complete-set object or NIL if the bar doesn't exist or the first event of the bar has no set-ref slot value, for any of the players, for some reason (e.g. not initialized by make-slippery-chicken)
(defmethod get-set-for-bar-num ((sc slippery-chicken) bar-num)
slippery-chicken/get-starting-ins [ Methods ]
[ Top ] [ slippery-chicken ] [ Methods ]
Return the instrument object that is the first instrument object used by a specified player in a given slippery-chicken object.
- A slippery-chicken object. - A player ID.
An instrument object.
(let ((mini (make-slippery-chicken '+mini+ :ensemble '(((sax ((alto-sax tenor-sax) :midi-channel 1)) (db (double-bass :midi-channel 2)))) :instrument-change-map '((1 ((sax ((1 alto-sax) (3 tenor-sax))))) (2 ((sax ((2 alto-sax) (5 tenor-sax)))))) :set-palette '((1 ((c2 d2 g2 a2 e3 fs3 b3 cs4 fs4 gs4 ds5 f5 bf5)))) :set-map '((1 (1 1 1 1 1)) (2 (1 1 1 1 1))) :rthm-seq-palette '((1 ((((4 4) h q e s s)) :pitch-seq-palette ((1 2 3 4 5))))) :rthm-seq-map '((1 ((sax (1 1 1 1 1)) (db (1 1 1 1 1)))) (2 ((sax (1 1 1 1 1)) (db (1 1 1 1 1)))))))) (get-starting-ins mini 'sax)) => INSTRUMENT: lowest-written: BF3, highest-written: FS6 lowest-sounding: CS3, highest-sounding: A5 starting-clef: TREBLE, clefs: (TREBLE), clefs-in-c: (TREBLE) prefers-notes: NIL, midi-program: 66 transposition: EF, transposition-semitones: -9 score-write-in-c: NIL, score-write-bar-line: NIL chords: NIL, chord-function: NIL, total-bars: 5 total-notes: 25, total-duration: 20.000 total-degrees: 2920, microtones: T missing-notes: (BQF3 BQF4), subset-id: NIL staff-name: alto saxophone, staff-short-name: alt sax, largest-fast-leap: 999, tessitura: BQF3 LINKED-NAMED-OBJECT: previous: NIL, this: NIL, next: NIL NAMED-OBJECT: id: ALTO-SAX, tag: NIL, data: NIL
(defmethod get-starting-ins ((sc slippery-chicken) player) ; symbol
slippery-chicken/get-tempo [ Methods ]
[ Top ] [ slippery-chicken ] [ Methods ]
Return the tempo object in effect for a specified bar of a given slippery-chicken object.
- A slippery-chicken object. - An integer that is the number of a bar within that slippery-chicken object.
A tempo object.
(let ((mini (make-slippery-chicken '+mini+ :ensemble '(((sax (alto-sax :midi-channel 1)))) :tempo-map '((1 (q 60)) (5 (e 72)) (7 (q. 176 "prestissimo"))) :set-palette '((1 ((e3 fs3 b3 cs4 fs4 gs4 ds5 f5)))) :set-map '((1 (1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1))) :rthm-seq-palette '((1 ((((4 4) h q e s s)) :pitch-seq-palette ((1 2 3 4 5))))) :rthm-seq-map '((1 ((sax (1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1)))))))) (get-tempo mini 6)) => TEMPO: bpm: 72, beat: E, beat-value: 8.0, qtr-dur: 1.6666666 qtr-bpm: 36.0, usecs: 1666666, description: NIL LINKED-NAMED-OBJECT: previous: NIL, this: NIL, next: NIL NAMED-OBJECT: id: NIL, tag: NIL, data: 72
(defmethod get-tempo ((sc slippery-chicken) bar-num)
slippery-chicken/get-time-sig [ Methods ]
[ Top ] [ slippery-chicken ] [ Methods ]
Get the time-sig object associate with a specified bar number in a given slippery-chicken object.
- A slippery-chicken object. - An integer that is the number of the bar for which to the time-sig object is to be returned. NB: Although this argument is listed as optional in the method definition (due to inheritance), it is actually required.
- (see above).
A time-sig object.
(let ((mini (make-slippery-chicken '+mini+ :ensemble '(((sax (alto-sax :midi-channel 1)))) :set-palette '((1 ((e3 fs3 b3 cs4 fs4 gs4 ds5 f5)))) :set-map '((1 (1 1 1))) :rthm-seq-palette '((1 ((((4 4) h q e s s) ((5 8) q e s s e) ((3 16) s e)) :pitch-seq-palette ((1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2))))) :rthm-seq-map '((1 ((sax (1 1 1)))))))) (get-time-sig mini 2)) => TIME-SIG: num: 5, denom: 8, duration: 2.5, compound: NIL, midi-clocks: 24, num-beats: 5 SCLIST: sclist-length: 2, bounds-alert: T, copy: T LINKED-NAMED-OBJECT: previous: NIL, this: NIL, next: NIL NAMED-OBJECT: id: "0508", tag: NIL, data: (5 8)
(defmethod get-time-sig ((sc slippery-chicken) &optional bar-num)
slippery-chicken/get-transposition-at-bar [ Methods ]
[ Top ] [ slippery-chicken ] [ Methods ]
Return the number of semitones difference between the sounding pitches and written pitches of a given player's part in a specified bar within a slippery-chicken object; e.g. bass clarinet = -14.
- The ID of the player for whom the transposition value is sought. - An integer which is the number of the bar for which the transposition value is sought. - A slippery-chicken object.
An integer.
(let ((mini (make-slippery-chicken '+mini+ :ensemble '(((sax (alto-sax :midi-channel 1)))) :set-palette '((1 ((e3 fs3 b3 cs4 fs4 gs4 ds5 f5)))) :set-map '((1 (1 1 1))) :rthm-seq-palette '((1 ((((4 4) h q e s s)) :pitch-seq-palette ((1 2 3 4 5))))) :rthm-seq-map '((1 ((sax (1 1 1)))))))) (get-transposition-at-bar 'sax 2 mini)) => -9
(defmethod get-transposition-at-bar (player bar (sc slippery-chicken))
slippery-chicken/lp-display [ Functions ]
[ Top ] [ slippery-chicken ] [ Functions ]
This function has exactly the same arguments as write-lp-data-for all and only differs from that method in that after writing all the Lilypond text files for the score, it calls Lilypond to render the PDF, which is then opened automatically from within Lisp (if the value of (get-sc-config 'lp-display-auto-open) is T). In order to work properly, you'll need to make sure the value of the 'lilypond-command configuration parameter is set via (set-sc-config ...) to the full path of your Lilypond command (not the app: it's usually /path/to/Lilypond.app/Contents/Resources/bin/lilypond on OSX). NB Only available with CCL and SBCL on OSX. With SBCL on OSX the output from Lilypond is only printed once the process has exited, so it may take a while until you see anything.
See write-lp-data-for-all
An integer: the shell's exit code for the PDF open command, usually 0 for success. Second returned value is the patch to the PDF file.
(defun lp-display (&rest args)
slippery-chicken/make-slippery-chicken [ Functions ]
[ Top ] [ slippery-chicken ] [ Functions ]
Make a slippery-chicken object using the specified data. This is the function that will be used most often to "put it all together", and many of its slots require full objects of other classes rather than just straight data. These objects, such as rthm-seq-palette, rthm-seq-map etc, are also documented in detail elsewhere in the robodoc and the user's manual. NB Usually, when no set pitches are available for an instrument, an error will be signalled. As of October 2018, you can instead allocate an 'empty sequence' (rests) in such cases by setting the following before calling make-slippery-chicken: (set-sc-config 'pitch-seq-no-pitches-error nil)
- A symbol that is the name/ID of the object. The value passed to this argument will be made into a global variable, so that the newly created slippery-chicken object and the data it contains remain in memory and can be accessed and modified after the object is generated.
keyword arguments: NB: Although these arguments are technically optional, the slippery-chicken object will only be complete and make musical sense if many of the core elements are present. - :title. A string that will be used as the title of the piece. The value given for this object will be used as both the header for the printable output as well as the base for any file names generated by the write-lp-data-for-all method. Default = "slippery-chicken-piece". - :subtitle. A string that will be used as the subtitle of the piece. Works in Lilypond scores only. - :instrument-palette. An instrument-palette object. This will be the palette of instrument objects available to the players of in the given slippery-chicken object's ensemble slot. Default = +slippery-chicken-standard-instrument-palette+. - :ensemble. A recursive association list that will be used as the data to create an ensemble object populated with player objects within the slippery-chicken object. The format of this list will be a list of user-defined player IDs each coupled with a list of instrument object IDs from the current instrument-palette and various player object parameters. See the user's manual and robodoc entries on the ensemble and player classes for more detail. - :set-palette. A recursive association list that will be used as the data to create a set-palette object within the slippery-chicken object. This object is where the collections of possible pitches for any given sequence are defined. The format of this list will be a list of IDs for each set of pitches, each coupled with a list of note-name symbols for the pitches that will be used to make that set. See the user's manual and the robodoc entry on the set-palette class for more detail. - :set-map. A recursive association list that will be used as the data to create a set-map object within the slippery-chicken object. This is where the order in which the pitch collections defined in the set-palette will be used in the piece. The format of this list will be a list of IDs from the given slippery-chicken object's structure coupled with a list of IDs from those given to the sets in the set-palette. There must be an equal number of sections in this list as there are in the rthm-seq-map, and they must have identical names. There must be an equal number of individual set IDs in each list paired with the section IDs as there are in the corresponding lists of the rthm-seq-map. See the user's manual and the robodoc entries for the set-map and sc-map for more detail. - :rthm-seq-palette. A recursive association list that will be used as the data to create a rthm-seq-palette object within the slippery-chicken object. This object is where the collections of possible rhythm sequences for any given sequence in the piece are defined. This list will take the format of a list of IDs paired with a list of data for individual rthm-seq objects. These in turn will consist of one or more lists of rhythm data for rthm-seq-bar objects, as well pitch-seq-palettes and marks data for the individual rthm-seq objects to be created. See the user's manual as well as the robodoc entries for rthm-seq-palette, rthm-seq, rthm-seq-bar, rhythm, and pitch-seq-palette for more detail. - :rthm-seq-map. A recursive association list that will be used as the data to create a rthm-seq-map object within the slippery-chicken object. This is where the order in which the rhythm sequences defined in the rthm-seq-palette will be used in the piece. It will take the format of a list of section IDs, of which there must be an equal number as are given in the set-map, each coupled with a list of player IDs, as defined in the ensemble slot of the given slippery-chicken object. The player IDs in turn are coupled with a list of IDs for rthm-seq objects, as defined in the rthm-seq-palette. Each of these lists must contain the same number of elements as are contained in each of the set-map sections. See the user's manual and robodoc entries for rthm-seq-map and sc-map for more details. - :snd-output-dir. A string that will be used as the directory path for any output generated by clm-play in conjunction with sound files listed in the sndfile-palette (see below). Default = (get-sc-config 'default-dir). - :sndfile-palette. A recursive association list that will be used as the data to create a sndfile-palette object within the slippery-chicken object. This is where the list is defined that contains all possible source sound files which may be used in conjunction with output generated by clm-play. This list will take the format of a list of IDs for sound-file groups, coupled with lists of file names and various other parameters associated with the sndfile class. The list of sound-file groups is followed by a list of directory paths where the given sound files are located and an optional list of file extensions. See the user's manual and the robodoc entries on sndfile-palette, sndfile, and clm-play for more detail. - :tempo-map. A recursive association list that will be used as the data to create tempo objects within the slippery-chicken object. This is one of two options for specifying the sequence of tempo changes for a given piece (also see tempo-curve below). The format will be a list of integers that are measure numbers within the piece, each coupled with tempo indications in the form (beat-unit bpm). See the user's manual as well as the robodoc entry for tempo-map for more detail. NB: This slot cannot be used together with :tempo-curve. - :tempo-curve. A list of data that will be used to create tempo objects within the slippery-chicken object, based on an interpolated list of break-point pairs. This is one of two options for specifying the sequence of tempo changes for a given piece (also see tempo-map above.) The first item in the list will be the number of bars between each new tempo object. The second item is the beat basis for the tempo objects made. The third and final argument is the list of break-point pairs, of which the first is a value on an arbitrary x-axis and the second is a number of beats-per-minute. See the user's manual and the robodoc entry for tempo-curve for more detail. NB: This slot cannot be used together with :tempo-map. - :staff-groupings. A list of integers that indicate the placement of group brackets for the printable output. Each number represents a consecutive number of players, in the order they appear in the ensemble object, that will be included in each consecutive group. The sum of the numbers in this list must be equal to the number of players in the ensemble. See the user's manual for more detail. - :instrument-change-map. A recursive association list that will be used as the data to create an instrument-change-map object within the slippery-chicken object. This will be used to indicate where those players in the ensemble that play multiple instruments will change instruments. The format will be a list of section IDs coupled with a list of player IDs, each of which in turn is coupled with a list of 2-item lists consisting of a sequence number paired with the ID (name) of one of the instrument objects assigned to that player in the ensemble object. See the user's manual and the robodoc entries for instrument-change-map for more detail. - :set-limits-high. A recursive association list that will be used to limit the uppermost pitches of either the parts of individual players or of the entire ensemble. The format will be a list of player IDs, as defined in the ensemble object, each paired with a list of break-point pairs that consist of a value on an arbitrary x-axis paired with a note-name pitch symbol. These break-point envelopes are applied to the entire duration of the piece. See the user's manual for more detail. - :set-limits-low. A recursive association list that will be used to limit the lowermost pitches of either the parts of individual players or of the entire ensemble. The format will be a list of player IDs, as defined in the ensemble object, each paired with a list of break-point pairs that consist of a value on an arbitrary x-axis paired with a note-name pitch symbol. These break-point envelopes are applied to the entire duration of the piece. See the user's manual for more detail. - :fast-leap-threshold. A number that is the longest duration of a note in seconds that can be followed by a leap of a large interval, as defined in the largest-fast-leaps slot of the instrument objects. Default = 0.125. - :instruments-hierarchy. A list of player IDs from the given slippery-chicken object's ensemble that will specify the order in which slippery chicken's pitch selection algorithm will choose pitches for the instruments. By default (when NIL) this order follows the order in which the instrument objects appear in the ensemble object. See the user's manual for more detail. Default = NIL. - :rehearsal-letters. A list of numbers that are measure numbers at which consecutive rehearsal letters will be placed. Since rehearsal letters are technically actually place on the right-hand bar line of the previous measure, measure 1 cannot be entered here. Slippery chicken automatically proceeds consecutively through the alphabet, so only numbers are required here. See the user's manual for more detail. If NIL, no rehearsal letters will be added to the score. Default = NIL. - :avoid-melodic-octaves. T or NIL to indicate whether two linearly consecutive pitches in the part of a given player may be of the same pitch class but a different octave. T = avoid melodic octaves. Default = T. - :instruments-write-bar-nums. A list of player IDs above whose parts in the score bar numbers should be written. If NIL, bar numbers will be written above the top player in each group. NB: This slot affects CMN output only. Default = NIL. - :pitch-seq-index-scaler-min. A decimal number that affects the likelihood that slippery-chicken's pitch selection algorithm will choose pitches for an instrument that have also already been assigned to other players. In general terms, the higher this number is, the more likely it will be that instruments may be assigned the same pitches, though this will of course also be dependent on other factors, such as the characteristics of those instruments and the pitches in the current set. See the user's manual on pitches and the robodoc entries for pitch-seq for more detail. Default = 0.5. - :bars-per-system-map. A list of 2-item lists, each of which consists of a measure number coupled with a number of measures to be placed in each system starting at that measure number. NB: This list only affects CMN output. See the user's manual on score layout for more details. - :composer. A string that will be used for the composer portion of the header on the score's first page in LilyPond output. If NIL, no composer's name will appear in the score. Default = NIL. - :year. A string that will be concatenated with the composer portion of the header on the score's first page in LilyPond output. If NIL, no year will appear in the score. Default = NIL. - :rthm-seq-map-replacements. A list of lists in the format '(((1 2 va) 3 2) ((2 3 vn) 4 3)) that indicate changes to individual elements of lists within the given rthm-seq-map object. Each such list indicates a change, the first element of the list being the reference into the rthm-seq-map (the vla player of section 1, subsection 2 in the first example here), the second element is the nth of the data list for this key to change, and the third is the new data. If NIL, no changes will be made. See the robodoc entries for rthm-seq-map for more detail. Default = NIL. - :set-map-replacements. A list of lists in the format '((1 2 2) (3 3 1)) that indicate changes to individual elements of lists within the given set-map object. Each such list indicates a change, the first element of the list being the reference into the set-map (the section, followed by a subsection if any exist), the second element being the nth of the data list for to change, and the third being the new data. If NIL, no changes will be made. See the robodoc entries for sc-map for more detail. Default = NIL. - :key-sig. A two-element list indicating starting key signature for the piece, e.g. '(ef minor). Usual note name symbols apply (e.g. ds = d sharp, bf - b flat). Implies nothing beyond the signature, i.e. no conformity to tonality expected. Default '(c major) i.e. no key signature. - :transposition-curve. An envelope describing over the duration of the piece (but using any arbitrary x-axis range) what transpositions in semitones should be applied to the sets. Default = (0 0 100 0) (- :warn-ties. This slot is now obsolete, but is left here for backwards compatibility with pieces composed with earlier versions of slippery-chicken. Default = T.)
;;; An example using all slots (let ((mini (make-slippery-chicken '+mini+ :title "A Little Piece" :composer "Joe Green" :ensemble '(((fl ((flute piccolo) :midi-channel 1)) (cl (b-flat-clarinet :midi-channel 2)) (hn (french-horn :midi-channel 3)) (tp (b-flat-trumpet :midi-channel 4)) (vn (violin :midi-channel 5)) (va (viola :midi-channel 6)) (vc (cello :midi-channel 7)))) :set-palette '((1 ((fs2 b2 d4 a4 d5 e5 a5 d6))) (2 ((b2 fs2 d4 e4 a4 d5 e5 a5 d6))) (3 ((cs3 fs3 e4 a4 e5 a5 e6)))) :set-map '((1 (2 1 2 3 1 3 1)) (2 (1 1 3 2 2 3 1)) (3 (2 3 1 3 1 1 2))) :rthm-seq-palette '((1 ((((4 4) h (q) e (s) s)) :pitch-seq-palette ((1 2 3)))) (2 ((((4 4) (q) e (s) s h)) :pitch-seq-palette ((2 1 3)))) (3 ((((4 4) e (s) s h (q))) :pitch-seq-palette ((3 2 1))))) :rthm-seq-map '((1 ((fl (2 3 3 1 1 1 2)) (cl (3 2 1 1 2 1 3)) (hn (1 2 3 1 1 3 2)) (tp (2 1 1 3 3 2 1)) (vn (3 1 3 2 1 1 2)) (va (2 1 1 1 3 2 3)) (vc (1 2 3 1 3 2 1)))) (2 ((fl (3 1 3 2 2 1 1)) (cl (1 1 2 3 1 3 2)) (hn (1 3 2 1 3 1 2)) (tp (1 1 1 3 3 2 2)) (vn (2 1 3 1 3 1 2)) (va (2 2 3 1 1 3 1)) (vc (1 3 1 2 2 1 3)))) (3 ((fl (1 1 3 2 1 3 2)) (cl (2 1 2 3 3 1 1)) (hn (3 2 1 1 1 3 2)) (tp (3 3 1 1 2 1 2)) (vn (3 1 3 2 1 1 2)) (va (3 2 1 1 3 2 1)) (vc (1 3 2 1 2 3 1))))) :snd-output-dir "/tmp" :sndfile-palette '(((sndfile-grp-1 ((test-sndfile-1.aiff :start 0.021 :end 0.283) (test-sndfile-2.aiff) (test-sndfile-3.aiff))) (sndfile-grp-2 ((test-sndfile-4.aiff :frequency 834) (test-sndfile-5.aiff) (test-sndfile-6.aiff)))) ("/path/to/test-sndfiles-dir-1" "/path/to/test-sndfiles-dir-2")) ;; :tempo-map '((1 (q 84)) (9 (q 72))) ; ; ; :tempo-curve '(5 q (0 40 25 60 50 80 75 100 100 120)) :staff-groupings '(2 2 3) :instrument-change-map '((1 ((fl ((1 flute) (3 piccolo) (5 flute)))))) :set-limits-low '((fl (0 c5 50 g5 100 c5)) (cl (0 c4 50 f4 100 c4)) (hn (0 f3 50 c4 100 f3)) (tp (0 c4 50 f4 100 c4)) (vn (0 e5 50 a5 100 e5)) (va (0 c3 50 f3 100 c3)) (vc (0 c2 50 f3 100 c2))) :set-limits-high '((fl (0 d6 50 a6 100 d6)) (cl (0 c5 50 a5 100 c5)) (hn (0 f4 50 c5 100 f4)) (tp (0 f5 50 c5 100 f5)) (vn (0 c6 50 e6 100 c6)) (va (0 g4 50 d5 100 g4)) (vc (0 c4 50 f4 100 c4))) :fast-leap-threshold 0.5 :instruments-hierarchy '(fl vn cl tp va hn vc) :rehearsal-letters '(3 11 19) :avoid-melodic-octaves nil :instruments-write-bar-nums '(fl cl hn tp) :pitch-seq-index-scaler-min 0.1 :bars-per-system-map '((1 1) (2 2) (3 3) (7 4) (11 5)) :rthm-seq-map-replacements '(((1 va) 3 1) ((2 fl) 4 3)) :set-map-replacements '((1 2 2) (3 3 1))))) (midi-play mini :midi-file "/tmp/mini.mid") (cmn-display mini) (write-lp-data-for-all mini))
(defun make-slippery-chicken (name &key rthm-seq-palette rthm-seq-map set-palette set-map sndfile-palette tempo-map tempo-curve (snd-output-dir (get-sc-config 'default-dir)) instrument-change-map instruments-write-bar-nums bars-per-system-map staff-groupings rthm-seq-map-replacements set-map-replacements set-limits-low set-limits-high instrument-palette ensemble rehearsal-letters (fast-leap-threshold 0.125) instruments-hierarchy (title "slippery chicken piece") subtitle composer year (avoid-melodic-octaves t) (avoid-used-notes t) (pitch-seq-index-scaler-min 0.5) defer ;; MDE Mon Jul 2 16:08:42 2012 (key-sig '(c major)) ;; MDE Thu Sep 6 14:34:14 2018 (transposition-curve '(0 0 100 0)) (warn-ties t))
slippery-chicken/midi-play [ Methods ]
[ Top ] [ slippery-chicken ] [ Methods ]
Generate a MIDI file from the data of the specified slippery-chicken object. Note that for events that contain chords, the event's amplitude slot will be used for all pitches unless each individual pitch object in the chord has its amplitude slot set to a number (in which case the event's amplitude slot will be ignored.)
- A slippery-chicken object.
keyword arguments: - :midi-file. The name of the MIDI file to produce, including directory path and extension. Default is a filename extracted from the title of the sc piece, placed in the (get-sc-config 'default-dir) directory (default /tmp). - :voices. NIL or a list of player IDs indicating which of the players' parts are to be included in the resulting MIDI file. If NIL, all players' parts will be included. Default = NIL. - :players. A synonym for voices. This is the preferred keyword as it aligns better with other classes, but :voices is retained for older code compatibility. - :start-section. An integer that is the number of the first section for which the MIDI file is to be generated. Default = 1. - :num-sections. An integer that is the number of sections to produce MIDI data for in the MIDI file. If NIL, all sections will be written. Default = NIL. - :from-sequence. An integer that is the number of the sequence within the specified section from which to start generating MIDI data. NB: This argument can only be used when the num-sections = 1. Default = 1. - :num-sequences. An integer that is the number of sequences for which MIDI data is to be generated in the resulting MIDI file, including the sequence specified in from-sequence. If NIL, all sequences will be written. NB: This argument can only be used when the num-sections = 1. Default = NIL. - :update-amplitudes. T or NIL to indicate whether events should have their amplitude slots updated to ensure that any dynamic marks that have been added (and therefore amplitude slots updated as a side-effect) reflect the subsequent events' amplitudes also. This will override any amplitude slots that have been changed other than by (setf (amplitude ...)) or (add-mark ... 'some-dynamic). Also, if T, then hairpins (cresc, dim) will result in increasing/decreasing amplitudes over their extent (but this will only work if the amplitude/dynamic of the hairpins' starting and ending events are correct, and in that case intervening events' amplitudes will be overwritten no matter how they've been set; also this won't handle cases where there's a hairpin end and a new hairpin beginning on the same event ). Default = T - :force-velocity. Either: an integer between 0 and 127 (inclusive) that is the MIDI velocity value which will be given to all notes in the resulting MIDI file, or a function which takes an event object argument and returns a velocity from it (e.g. randomising the existing amplitude slightly). Default = NIL. - :auto-open. Whether to open the MIDI file once written. Currently only available on OSX with SBCL or CCL. Uses the default app for MIDI files, as if opened with 'open' in the terminal. Default = Value of (get-sc-config 'midi-play-auto-open). - :suffix. Add some text to the filename just before .mid?. Default = ""
Returns the path of the file written, as a string.
;;; An example with some typical values for the keyword arguments. ; (let ((mini (make-slippery-chicken '+mini+ :ensemble '(((cl (b-flat-clarinet :midi-channel 1)) (hn (french-horn :midi-channel 2)) (vc (cello :midi-channel 3)))) :set-palette '((1 ((f3 g3 a3 b3 c4 d4 e4 f4 g4 a4 b4 c5)))) :set-map '((1 (1 1 1 1 1 1 1)) (2 (1 1 1 1 1 1 1)) (3 (1 1 1 1 1 1 1))) :rthm-seq-palette '((1 ((((4 4) h (q) e (s) s)) :pitch-seq-palette ((1 2 3)))) (2 ((((4 4) (q) e (s) s h)) :pitch-seq-palette ((1 2 3)))) (3 ((((4 4) e (s) s h (q))) :pitch-seq-palette ((2 3 3)))) (4 ((((4 4) (s) s h (q) e)) :pitch-seq-palette ((3 1 2))))) :rthm-seq-map '((1 ((cl (1 2 1 2 1 2 1)) (hn (1 2 1 2 1 2 1)) (vc (1 2 1 2 1 2 1)))) (2 ((cl (3 4 3 4 3 4 3)) (hn (3 4 3 4 3 4 3)) (vc (3 4 3 4 3 4 3)))) (3 ((cl (1 2 1 2 1 2 1)) (hn (1 2 1 2 1 2 1)) (vc (1 2 1 2 1 2 1)))))))) (midi-play mini :midi-file "/tmp/md-test.mid" :voices '(cl vc) :start-section 2)) ;;; An example that passes a (lambda) function to :force-velocity. Usually, by ;;; default, event amplitudes between 0.0 and 1.0 will map onto MIDI velocities ;;; of 0 to 127. Here we map them to velocities of 0 to 100 instead. (midi-play +jitterbug+ :force-velocity #'(lambda (event) (floor (* (amplitude event) 100))))
#+cm-2 (defmethod midi-play ((sc slippery-chicken) &key ;; no subsection refs: use from-sequence instead (start-section 1) ;; these voices are used to get the actual sequence ;; orders i.e. each voice will be appended to <section> ;; when calling get-data. ;; if nil then all voices. (voices nil) ;; MDE Thu Oct 18 17:07:57 2018 -- players is a more ;; appropriate keyword than voices but keep the latter ;; for historical code and make the two equivalent (players nil) ;; add something to the filename just before .mid? (suffix "") (midi-file (format nil "~a~a~a.mid" (get-sc-config 'default-dir) (filename-from-title (title sc)) suffix)) (from-sequence 1) (num-sequences nil) ;; if nil we'll write all the sections (num-sections nil) ;; MDE Mon Jun 13 12:30:55 2016 (update-amplitudes t) ;; MDE Tue Jun 4 19:06:11 2013 (auto-open (get-sc-config 'midi-play-auto-open)) ;; if this is a 7-bit number we'll use this for all ;; notes (force-velocity nil))
slippery-chicken/next-event [ Methods ]
[ Top ] [ slippery-chicken ] [ Methods ]
Get the events from a specified player's part within a given slippery-chicken object one after the other (e.g. in a loop). This method must be called once with a bar number (or any other non-NIL value, whereupon we start at bar 1) first in order to reset the counter; doing this will return NIL. Once the counter has been reset, calling the method without a bar number will return the events in sequence.
- A slippery-chicken object. - A player ID.
- T or NIL to indicate whether to return only events that consist of attacked notes (i.e., no ties or rests). T = return only events with attacked notes. Default = NIL. - T, NIL, or an integer to indicate the first bar from which events are to be retrieved. If T, the counter is reset to the first event of the player's part. This should be NIL after the first resetting call. Default = NIL - NIL or an integer to indicate the last bar from which events are to be retrieved. If NIL, all events will be retrieved from the starting point to the last event in the given slippery-chicken object. Default = NIL. NB This arg should be used in the second call to next-event. E.g.: (next-event sc player nil start-bar) (loop for ne = (next-event sc player nil nil end-bar) while ne etc...
An event object
(let ((mini (make-slippery-chicken '+mini+ :ensemble '(((cl (b-flat-clarinet :midi-channel 1)) (hn (french-horn :midi-channel 2)) (vc (cello :midi-channel 3)))) :set-palette '((1 ((f3 g3 a3 b3 c4 d4 e4 f4 g4 a4 b4 c5)))) :set-map '((1 (1 1 1))) :rthm-seq-palette '((1 ((((4 4) h (q) e (s) s)) :pitch-seq-palette ((1 2 3))))) :rthm-seq-map '((1 ((cl (1 1 1)) (hn (1 1 1)) (vc (1 1 1)))))))) (next-event mini 'vc nil t) (loop for ne = (next-event mini 'vc) while ne collect (get-pitch-symbol ne))) => (E4 NIL F4 NIL G4 E4 NIL F4 NIL G4 E4 NIL F4 NIL G4)
(defmethod next-event ((sc slippery-chicken) player &optional (attacked-notes-only nil) ;; could be a number too, whereupon it's the bar ;; number to start at (start-over nil) (end-bar nil)) ; inclusive
slippery-chicken/note-count [ Methods ]
[ Top ] [ slippery-chicken ] [ Methods ]
May 20th 2022, Heidhausen
for statistical purposes, generate a list of the count of all the notes in the whole or part of a piece.
- the slippery-chicken object - the player: either a single symbol, a list of players, or if nil, all the players
- how to sort the result. Default = 'pitch meaning that the pitches will ascend irrespective of their counts. Anything else (e.g. nil) will print in the order of lowest to highest note count - the start bar number. Default = NIL = 1 - the end bar number. Default = NIL = last bar - T or NIL to indicate sounding (nil) or written (t) pitches should be examined. Default = NIL = sounding.
a list of (note count) pairs
(defmethod note-count ((sc slippery-chicken) player &optional (sort 'pitch) start-bar end-bar written)
slippery-chicken/num-bars [ Methods ]
[ Top ] [ slippery-chicken ] [ Methods ]
Return the number of bars in the piece.
- A slippery-chicken object.
An integer that is the number of bars.
(let ((mini (make-slippery-chicken '+mini+ :ensemble '(((fl (flute :midi-channel 1)) (tp (b-flat-trumpet :midi-channel 2)) (vn (violin :midi-channel 3)))) :set-palette '((1 ((f3 g3 a3 b3 c4 d4 e4 f4 g4 a4 b4 c5)))) :set-map '((1 (1 1 1 1 1))) :rthm-seq-palette '((1 ((((4 4) h q e s s)) :pitch-seq-palette ((1 2 3 4 5))))) :rthm-seq-map '((1 ((fl (1 1 1 1 1)) (tp (1 1 1 1 1)) (vn (1 1 1 1 1)))))))) (num-bars mini)) => 5
(defmethod num-bars ((sc slippery-chicken))
slippery-chicken/num-notes [ Methods ]
[ Top ] [ slippery-chicken ] [ Methods ]
Returns the number of attacked notes in a given slippery-chicken object; i.e., not including ties or rests.
- A slippery-chicken object.
An integer,
(let ((mini (make-slippery-chicken '+mini+ :ensemble '(((fl (flute :midi-channel 1)))) :set-palette '((1 ((c4 d4 e4 f4 g4 a4 b4 c5)))) :set-map '((1 (1))) :rthm-seq-palette '((1 ((((4 4) - e e e e - - e e e e -))))) :rthm-seq-map '((1 ((fl (1)))))))) (num-notes mini)) => 8
(defmethod num-notes ((sc slippery-chicken))
slippery-chicken/num-players [ Methods ]
[ Top ] [ slippery-chicken ] [ Methods ]
Get the number of players in a slippery chicken object's ensemble object.
- A slippery chicken object
- An integer.
(defmethod num-players ((sc slippery-chicken))
slippery-chicken/num-seqs [ Methods ]
[ Top ] [ slippery-chicken ] [ Methods ]
Return the number of sequences (which may contain multiple bars) in a specified section of a slippery-chicken object. NB This will return the total number of seqs if there are sub-sections.
- A slippery-chicken object. - The ID of the section for which to return the number of sequences.
An integer.
(let ((mini (make-slippery-chicken '+mini+ :ensemble '(((sax (alto-sax :midi-channel 1)))) :set-palette '((1 ((e3 fs3 b3 cs4 fs4 gs4 ds5 f5)))) :set-map '((1 (1 1 1 1)) (2 (1 1 1)) (3 (1 1 1 1 1))) :rthm-seq-palette '((1 ((((4 4) h q e s s)) :pitch-seq-palette ((1 2 3 4 5))))) :rthm-seq-map '((1 ((sax (1 1 1 1)))) (2 ((sax (1 1 1)))) (3 ((sax (1 1 1 1 1)))))))) (num-seqs mini 2)) => 3
(defmethod num-seqs ((sc slippery-chicken) section-ref)
slippery-chicken/player-ambitus [ Methods ]
[ Top ] [ slippery-chicken ] [ Methods ]
February 9th 2017
Find the highest and lowest events in the (given bars of the) piece, printing if requested.
- the slippery-chicken object - the player ID (generally symbol)
keyword arguments: - :written. T or NIL to indicate if the written (as opposed to sounding) pitches of the events should be handled/returned/printed. Default = NIL = sounding pitches - :print. Whether to print results to the Lisp interpreter. - :start-bar. The bar number to start processing. Default = 1. - :start-bar. The bar number to stop processing (inclusive). Default = NIL = the last bar. - :attacked-only. Whether only to include attacked notes. Default = T.
two values: the lowest event and the highest event.
(defmethod player-ambitus ((sc slippery-chicken) player &key written print (start-bar 1) end-bar (attacked-only t))
slippery-chicken/player-doubles [ Methods ]
[ Top ] [ slippery-chicken ] [ Methods ]
Boolean test to check whether a specified player plays more than one instrument.
- A slippery-chicken object. - A player ID.
T if the player has more than one instrument, otherwise NIL>
(let ((mini (make-slippery-chicken '+mini+ :ensemble '(((sax ((alto-sax tenor-sax) :midi-channel 1)) (db (double-bass :midi-channel 2)))) :instrument-change-map '((1 ((sax ((1 alto-sax) (3 tenor-sax))))) (2 ((sax ((2 alto-sax) (5 tenor-sax)))))) :set-palette '((1 ((c2 d2 g2 a2 e3 fs3 b3 cs4 fs4 gs4 ds5 f5 bf5)))) :set-map '((1 (1 1 1 1 1)) (2 (1 1 1 1 1))) :rthm-seq-palette '((1 ((((4 4) h q e s s)) :pitch-seq-palette ((1 2 3 4 5))))) :rthm-seq-map '((1 ((sax (1 1 1 1 1)) (db (1 1 1 1 1)))) (2 ((sax (1 1 1 1 1)) (db (1 1 1 1 1)))))))) (player-doubles mini 'sax)) => T
(defmethod player-doubles ((sc slippery-chicken) player)
slippery-chicken/players [ Methods ]
[ Top ] [ slippery-chicken ] [ Methods ]
Return a list of all player IDs from the given slippery-chicken object.
- A slippery-chicken object.
A list of player IDs.
(let ((mini (make-slippery-chicken '+mini+ :ensemble '(((cl (b-flat-clarinet :midi-channel 1)) (hn (french-horn :midi-channel 2)) (vc (cello :midi-channel 3)))) :set-palette '((1 ((f3 g3 a3 b3 c4 d4 e4 f4 g4 a4 b4 c5)))) :set-map '((1 (1 1 1))) :rthm-seq-palette '((1 ((((4 4) h (q) e (s) s)) :pitch-seq-palette ((1 2 3))))) :rthm-seq-map '((1 ((cl (1 1 1)) (hn (1 1 1)) (vc (1 1 1)))))))) (players mini)) => (CL HN VC)
(defmethod players ((sc slippery-chicken))
slippery-chicken/players-ambitus [ Methods ]
[ Top ] [ slippery-chicken ] [ Methods ]
August 5th 2017
Call the player-ambitus method for each player in the slippery-chicken object.
see player-ambitus method
the lowest and highest events of all the players
(defmethod players-ambitus ((sc slippery-chicken) &key written print (start-bar 1) end-bar)
slippery-chicken/quarter-duration [ Methods ]
[ Top ] [ slippery-chicken ] [ Methods ]
23rd August 2023
return the duration in quarter notes of a slippery-chicken piece
the slippery chicken object
start-bar and end-bar, both integers or if nil will default to 1 and the number of bars in the piece
a float: total number of quarters
(defmethod quarter-duration ((sc slippery-chicken) &optional start-bar end-bar)
slippery-chicken/reaper-play [ Methods ]
[ Top ] [ slippery-chicken ] [ Methods ]
Using the sound files (samples) defined for the given reference (group ID) in the sndfile-palette slot of the slippery-chicken object, write a reaper files using the pitch and timing information of one or more players' parts from the slippery-chicken object. See clm-play for details of these related methods. One significant difference between this and clm-play is that reaper offers the possibility of transposing sound files via playback rate (like clm) and by pitch shift. Set :do-src 'transposition for the latter.
- A slippery chicken object. - The ID of the starting section. - The IDs of the player(s) whose events are to be used to obtain the rhythmic structure (and optionally, pitch content) of the resulting sound file. This can be a single symbol for an individual player, a list of player IDs, or NIL. If NIL, the event from all players' parts will be reflected in the output file. Default = NIL. - The ID of the sound file group in the sndfile-palette slot of the slippery-chicken object that contains the source sound files from which the new sound file is to be generated.
keyword arguments: - :num-sections. An integer or NIL to indicate how many sections should be generated, including the starting section. If NIL, sound file data will be generated for all sections of the piece. NB If there are sub-sections this will include them in the total, i.e., if section 1 has 3 subsections and :num-sections is 2, we'll generate data from the first two subsections of section 1, not all subsections of main sections 1 and 2. Default = NIL. - :from-sequence. An integer that is the number of the first sequence within the specified starting section to be used to generate the output file. This argument can only be used when num-sections = 1. Default = 1. - :num-sequences. NIL or an integer that indicates how many sequences are to be generated, including that specified by :from-sequence. If NIL, all sequences will be played. This argument can only be used when num-sections = 1 and the section has no subsections. Default = NIL. - :srate. A number that is the sampling rate of the reaper project file (independent of the input files). Default = 48000. lead time of a specified number of seconds of silence prior to the sound output. - :inc-start. T or NIL to indicate whether playback of the source sound files is to begin at incrementally increasing positions in those files or at their respective 0.0 positions every time. If T, the method will increment the position in the source sound file from which playback is begun such that it reaches the end of the source sound file the last time it is 'played'. T = increment start times. Default = NIL. - :ignore-rests. T or NIL to indicate whether silence should be incorporated into the resulting sound file to correspond with rests in the player's parts. If T, the sound files will play over the duration of rests. However, this is only true on a bar-by-bar basis; i.e., notes at the end of one bar will not be continued over into a rest in the next bar. This implies that rests at the start of a bar will not be turned into sounding notes. T = ignore resets. Default = T. - :sound-file-palette-ref2. The ID of a sound file group in the given slippery-chicken object's sndfile-palette slot. If this reference is given, the method will invoke fibonacci-transitions to transition from the first specified group of source sound files to this one. If NIL, only one group of source sound files will be used. Default = NIL. - :do-src. T, NIL, 'transposition, a number, or a note-name pitch symbol to indicate whether transposition of the source sound files for playback will be calculated such that the perceived fundamental frequencies of those sound files are shifted to match the pitches of the current set or score note. If do-src is a number (frequency in Hertz) or a note-name pitch symbol, the method will use only that pitch instead of the sound files' frequencies when transposing to the events' pitches. If :do-src 'transposition, then reaper's pitch-adjust will be used instead of playback rate (default). NB Whichever is used, after being converted to a sample rate conversion factor, this is always multiplied by the src-scaler (see below). T = match sound files' frequencies to set pitches or score pitches via playback rate (depending on :pitch-synchronous). NIL means no transposition will be performed. Default = T. - :pitch-synchronous: T or NIL to indicate whether the source sound files are to be transposed to match the pitches of the events in the given players' part. This will only be effective if the given source sound file has a perceptible frequency that has been specified using the sndfile object's :frequency slot in the sndfile-palette. :do-src must also be T for this to work. T = match pitches. Default = NIL. - :reset-snds-each-rs. T or NIL to indicate whether to begin with the first source sound file of the specified group at the beginning of each rthm-seq. T = begin with the first sound file. Default = T. - :reset-snds-each-player. T or NIL to indicate whether to begin with the first source sound file of the specified group for the beginning of each player's part. T = begin with the first sound file. Default = T. - :play-chance-env. A list of break-point pairs that determines the chance that a given event from the source player's part will be reflected in the new sound file. It is determined by random selection but uses a fixed seed that is re-initialized each time reaper-play is called. The following default ensures every note will play: '(0 100 100 100). - :play-chance-env-exp. A number that will be applied as the exponent to the play-chance-env's y values to create an exponential interpolation between break-point pairs. Default = 0.5. - :max-start-time. A number that is the last time-point in seconds for which events will be processed for the output file. If a maximum start time is specified here (in seconds), events after this will be skipped. The default value of 99999999 seconds (27778 hours) will result in all events being reflected in the sound file. - :time-scaler. A number that will be the factor by which all start times are scaled for the output file (in effect a tempo scaler). If :ignore-rests is T, this will also have an indirect effect on durations. This argument should not be confused with :duration-scaler. Default = 1.0. - :duration-scaler. A number that is the factor by which the duration of all events in the output sound file will be scaled. This does not alter start times, and will therefore result in overlapping sounds if greater than 1.0. This is not to be confused with :time-scaler. Instead of a simple number, :duration-scaler can also be an envelope (a list of break-point pairs). This means you could smoothly transition from staccato-like to overlapping sounds in a single reaper-play call. Default = 1.0. - :src-scaler: A number that is the factor by which all sample-rate conversion values will be scaled (for increasing or decreasing the transposition of the overall resulting sound file). Instead of a simple number, :src-scaler can also be an envelope (a list of break-point pairs), similar to :duration-scaler. Default = 1.0. - :note-number. A number that is an index, representing the the nth pitch of the current set or chord (from the bottom) to be used for the lowest player. Default = 0. - :duration-run-over. T or NIL to indicate whether the method will allow a sound file event to extend past the end of specified segment boundaries of a sound file in the sndfile-palette. T = allow. Default = NIL. - :short-file-names. T or NIL to indicate whether abbreviated output file names will be automatically created instead of the usually rather long names. T = short. Default = NIL. - :output-name-uniquifier. A user-specified string that will be incorporated into the file name, either at the end or the beginning depending on whether short-file-names is T or NIL. Default = "". - :check-overwrite. T or NIL to indicate whether to query the user before overwriting existing sound files. T = query. Default = T. - :sndfile-palette. NIL or a file name including path and extension that contains an external definition of a sndfile-palette. This will replace any sndfile-palette defined in the slippery-chicken object. If NIL, the one in the slippery-chicken object will be used. Default = NIL. - :chords. NIL or a list of lists consisting of note-name symbols to be used as the pitches for the resulting sound file in place of the pitches from the set-map. There must be one chord specified for each sequence. If NIL, the pitches from the set-map will be used. Default = NIL. - :chord-accessor. Sometimes the chord stored in the palette is not a simple list of data so we need to access the nth of the chord list. Default = NIL. - :pan-min-max. Each event is panned randomly between two channels. Pan values are in degrees where 0 is channel 1 (left in stereo files) and 90 is channel 2 (right). The values used are chosen from the following list of degrees: (15 25 35 45 55 65 75). However, these can be scaled to be within new limits by passing a two-element list to :pan-mix-max. E.g. '(40 50) would limit most values to the middle area of stereo space. Note that no matter how many channels a sound file or channel has, the item's panner is set as if it were stereo. Also that, for convenience, :min-channels and :max-channels can set the tracks' channel count, it is up to the user to take care of routing and, eventuallay, panning depending on the number of sound file and track channels used in the mix. Default = '(5 85). - :pan-fun. If you want to take charge of selecting pan positions yourself, pass a function via this keyword. The function must take one argument: the current event, though of course, it can ignore it completely if preferred. The function should return a degree value: a number between 0 and 90. Default = NIL. - :min-channels and :max-channels 4. Set the reaper tracks' minimum and maximum channel counts. See these named slots in the reaper-track class definition and the cond in create-tracks for details of how these are handled. - :snd-selector. By default the sound files in the given group are cycled through, one after the other, returning to the beginning when the end is reached. This can be changed by passing a function to :snd-selector. This function must take three arguments: the circular-sclist object that contains the group's sndfile objects (the sndfiles are in a simple list in the data slot); the pitch of the current event (if the event happens to be a chord, each pitch of the chord will be handled separately i.e. the :snd-selector function will be called for each pitch); and the event object. Of course any of these arguments may be ignored by the :snd-selector function; indeed it is imagined that the event object will be mostly ignored and the pitch object used instead, but it is nevertheless passed for completeness. For example, the following function, declared on-the-fly using lambda rather than separately with defun, makes reaper-play act as a traditional sampler would: Assuming our sndfile-palette group has a list of sound files whose frequencies really correspond to their perceived fundamentals (e.g. see the set-frequency-from-filename method, and the kontakt-to-sfp function) we choose the nearest sound file in the group to the frequency of the current event's pitch: :snd-selector #'(lambda (sflist pitch event) (declare (ignore event)) (get-nearest-by-freq (frequency pitch) (data sflist))) NB If :pitch-synchronous is NIL, then the pitch-or-chord slot of the event will be the pitch selected from the current set, rather than the actual pitch of the instrument in question. Default = NIL i.e. use the circular selection method. - :snd-transitions. Set the transition from sound-file-ref to sound-file-ref over the course of the call to reaper-play using a custom envelope instead of the default fibonacci-transitions method, e.g. '(0 0 100 1). x-axis is arbitrary, y-axis should range from 0 to 1. When reading, y-values will be rounded. - :file. reaper file name, if you don't want this to be auto-generated. Automatically generated file names will be placed in the default-dir as defined in the sc-config. A full path is expected. Default = NIL = automatic. - :fade-in :fade-out. The fade times expressed as a percentage of the duration of any given event/item. Default = 10% - :tracks-per-player. How many reaper tracks to use per player. If > 1 then the tracks will be used one after the other, in rotation, for each event. Particularly useful if there are lots of overlapping events due to e.g. :duration-scaler, or chords, of course. Default = 1. - :items-processor. A function to call to process the list of reaper-item objects just before writing the reaper file. This should take one argument, the list of reaper-items, and return a list of reaper-items that will be written to the file. Default = NIL = no processing. - :markers. Whether to write markers at sequenz and tempo changes. This should be a list of two booleans: whether to write sequenz and/or tempi. NB This only works (for now) if you're generating the whole piece. Default = '(t t)
Total events generated (integer).
;;; using playback speed to effect the transpositions: (reaper-play +second-law+ 1 nil 'source-sndfile-grp-1 :check-overwrite nil :tracks-per-player 2 :pitch-synchronous t) ;;; using reaper's pitch adjust and keeping playback speed implicitly to 1.0 (reaper-play +second-law+ 1 nil 'source-sndfile-grp-1 :check-overwrite nil :tracks-per-player 2 :pitch-synchronous t :do-src 'transposition)
(defmethod reaper-play ((sc slippery-chicken) section players sound-file-palette-ref &key sound-file-palette-ref2 (play-chance-env '(0 100 100 100)) (max-start-time 99999999) (play-chance-env-exp 0.5) (time-scaler 1.0) (from-sequence 1) (num-sequences nil) (num-sections nil) (ignore-rests t) (time-offset 0.0) (chords nil) (chord-accessor nil) (note-number 0) (fade-in 10) (fade-out 10) (inc-start nil) ;; either a number or an envelope (src-scaler 1.0) (do-src t) (pitch-synchronous nil) ;; either a number or an envelope (duration-scaler 1.0) (short-file-names nil) ;; by default we generate filenames according to players ;; and other relevent data but if this is given then ;; we'll use it instead (file nil) (check-overwrite t) (reset-snds-each-rs t) (reset-snds-each-player t) (duration-run-over nil) (srate 48000) (output-name-uniquifier "") (sndfile-palette nil) (tracks-per-player 1) ;; MDE Sat Oct 3 18:45:28 2015 -- for Cameron! pan-fun ;; MDE Thu Oct 1 21:03:59 2015 (pan-min-max '(5 85)) ;; MDE Wed Feb 21 13:21:00 2024, Heidhausen items-processor ;; MDE Thu Feb 22 11:40:43 2024, Heidhausen (markers '(t t)) ;; MDE Thu Oct 1 19:13:49 2015 snd-selector (min-channels 2) (max-channels 4) snd-transitions)
slippery-chicken/rebar [ Methods ]
[ Top ] [ slippery-chicken ] [ Methods ]
Go through the vertically simultaneous sequences in all players of the given slippery-chicken object and rebar according to the first one that has the least number of bars (but following the player hierarchy). If rthm-seqs or sequenzes are created algorithmically and bundled into the slippery-chicken piece slot artificially, bypassing the usual generation structure, it might be difficult to end up with each instrument having the same metric structure when combined vertically. This method goes through the vertically combined sequences and rebars as described above. NB: See documentation in piece class method. Don't confuse this method with the re-bar method. NB: This method is used internally and not recommended for direct use.
- A slippery-chicken object.
- A list of player IDs from the given slippery-chicken object, ordered in terms of importance i.e. which instrument's bar structure should take precedence. - NB: The rebar-fun is not yet used.
Always T.
(defmethod rebar ((sc slippery-chicken) &optional instruments-hierarchy rebar-fun)
slippery-chicken/sc-init [ Methods ]
[ Top ] [ slippery-chicken ] [ Methods ]
Explicitly initialize the slippery-chicken object. This is usually called implicitly by initialize-instance (i.e. when you call make-slippery-chicken) but there could be circumstances (e.g. in subclasses of slippery-chicken) where you'd like to defer initialization and call this method explicitly instead. In that case set :defer to t when making the slippery-chicken object. This can also be called with using :defer, to regenerate the piece after e.g. calling set-limits-by-section.
- the slippery-chicken object OPTIONAL ARUGMENTS keyword arguments: - :regenerate-pitch-seq-map: the pitch-seq-map is generated here for each instrument using the pitch-seqs in the rthm-seq-palette. By setting this to T we can force regeneration (e.g. if the rthm-seq-palette has changed and we want to re-init the sc with different data). Default = T.
the now fully initialized slippery-chicken object
(let ((sc (make-slippery-chicken '+mini+ :ensemble '(((vn (violin :midi-channel 1)))) :set-palette '((1 ((gs4 af4 bf4)))) :defer t :set-map '((1 (1 1 1))) :rthm-seq-palette '((1 ((((4 4) e e e e e e e e)) :pitch-seq-palette ((1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1))))) :rthm-seq-map '((1 ((vn (1 1 1)))))))) (sc-init sc))
(defmethod sc-init ((sc slippery-chicken) &key (regenerate-pitch-seq-map t))
slippery-chicken/section-densities [ Methods ]
[ Top ] [ slippery-chicken ] [ Methods ]
January 12th 2019, Heidhausen
Calculate the densities of notes or rests in the sections of a slippery-chicken object. Density is the average number of notes/rests per bar across a section.
- a slippery-chicken object
keyword arguments: - :slot. The section slot to use. 'num-score-notes is the default and makes sense in that ties indicate a higher level of density than just attacked notes by themselves, but further useful slots could be 'num-notes (attacks) or indeed 'num-rests - :percent. Whether to return values as percentages (where 0 would be the least dense section and 100 the most). If NIL the actual average notes per bar in each section would be returned. Default = T.
a list of density numbers, one per section/subsection.
(defmethod section-densities ((sc slippery-chicken) &key (slot 'num-score-notes) (percent t))
slippery-chicken/shorten-large-fast-leaps [ Methods ]
[ Top ] [ slippery-chicken ] [ Methods ]
Modify the pitches of each part in a slippery-chicken object to avoid large melodic leaps at fast speeds, based on the largest-fast-leap slot of the given instrument object and the fast-leap-threshold slot of the slippery-chicken object. This method is called automatically at init and as such will most likely seldom need to be directly accessed by the user.
- A slippery-chicken object.
keyword arguments: - :threshold. A number that is the maximum duration in seconds between two consecutive notes in the slippery-chicken object for which linear intervals greater than the number specified in the given instrument object's largest-fast-leap slot will be allowed. This value is taken from the fast-leap-threshold slot of the given slippery-chicken object by default. - :verbose. T or NIL to indicate whether to print feedback about the method's operations to the Lisp listener. T = print. Default = T.
Always T
(let ((mini (make-slippery-chicken '+mini+ :ensemble '(((vn (violin :midi-channel 1)))) :tempo-map '((1 (q 96))) :set-palette '((1 ((g3 a5 b6)))) :set-map '((1 (1 1 1 1 1 1))) :rthm-seq-palette '((1 ((((2 4) e s 32 64 64 e s 32 64 64)) :pitch-seq-palette ((1 5 1 5 1 5 1 5 1 5))))) :rthm-seq-map '((1 ((vn (1 1 1 1 1 1)))))))) (shorten-large-fast-leaps mini :threshold 0.25)) => ******* section (1) Getting notes for VN Shortening short, fast leaps... Shortened 23 large fast leaps seq-num 0, VN, replacing B6 with G3 seq-num 0, VN, replacing B6 with G3 seq-num 0, VN, replacing B6 with G3 seq-num 0, VN, replacing B6 with G3 seq-num 0, VN, replacing G3 with B6 seq-num 0, VN, replacing G3 with B6 seq-num 0, VN, replacing G3 with B6 seq-num 1, VN, replacing G3 with B6 seq-num 1, VN, replacing B6 with G3 seq-num 1, VN, replacing B6 with G3 seq-num 1, VN, replacing B6 with G3 seq-num 1, VN, replacing B6 with G3 seq-num 1, VN, replacing G3 with B6 seq-num 1, VN, replacing G3 with B6 seq-num 1, VN, replacing G3 with B6 seq-num 2, VN, replacing G3 with B6 seq-num 2, VN, replacing B6 with G3 seq-num 2, VN, replacing B6 with G3 seq-num 2, VN, replacing B6 with G3 seq-num 2, VN, replacing B6 with G3 seq-num 2, VN, replacing G3 with B6 seq-num 2, VN, replacing G3 with B6 seq-num 2, VN, replacing G3 with B6 seq-num 3, VN, replacing G3 with B6 seq-num 3, VN, replacing B6 with G3 seq-num 3, VN, replacing B6 with G3 seq-num 3, VN, replacing B6 with G3 seq-num 3, VN, replacing B6 with G3 seq-num 3, VN, replacing G3 with B6 seq-num 3, VN, replacing G3 with B6 seq-num 3, VN, replacing G3 with B6 seq-num 4, VN, replacing G3 with B6 seq-num 4, VN, replacing B6 with G3 seq-num 4, VN, replacing B6 with G3 seq-num 4, VN, replacing B6 with G3 seq-num 4, VN, replacing B6 with G3 seq-num 4, VN, replacing G3 with B6 seq-num 4, VN, replacing G3 with B6 seq-num 4, VN, replacing G3 with B6 seq-num 5, VN, replacing G3 with B6 seq-num 5, VN, replacing B6 with G3 seq-num 5, VN, replacing B6 with G3 seq-num 5, VN, replacing B6 with G3 seq-num 5, VN, replacing B6 with G3 seq-num 5, VN, replacing G3 with B6 seq-num 5, VN, replacing G3 with B6 seq-num 5, VN, replacing G3 with B6
(defmethod shorten-large-fast-leaps ((sc slippery-chicken) &key threshold (verbose t))
slippery-chicken/statistics [ Methods ]
[ Top ] [ slippery-chicken ] [ Methods ]
Print various information about the given slippery-chicken object to the Lisp listener or other specified stream.
- A slippery-chicken object.
- NIL or a stream to which the information should be printed. If NIL, the method will not print the information to any stream. T = print to the Lisp listener. Default = T.
A number of formatted statistics about the given slippery-chicken object.
(let ((mini (make-slippery-chicken '+mini+ :ensemble '(((sax (alto-sax :midi-channel 1)))) :set-palette '((1 ((e3 fs3 b3 cs4 fs4 gs4 ds5 f5)))) :set-map '((1 (1 1 1)) (2 (1 1 1))) :rthm-seq-palette '((1 ((((4 4) h q e s s)) :pitch-seq-palette ((1 2 3 4 5))))) :rthm-seq-map '((1 ((sax (1 1 1)))) (2 ((sax (1 1 1)))))))) (statistics mini)) => +MINI+ "+MINI+-piece" start-bar: 1 end-bar: 6 num-bars: 6 start-time: 0.0 end-time: 24.0 start-time-qtrs: 0 end-time-qtrs: 24.0 num-notes (attacked notes, not tied): 30 num-score-notes (tied notes counted separately): 30 num-rests: 0 duration-qtrs: 24.0 duration: 24.0 (24.000)
(defmethod statistics ((sc slippery-chicken) &optional (stream t))
slippery-chicken/transpose-events [ Methods ]
[ Top ] [ slippery-chicken ] [ Methods ]
Transpose the pitches of event objects in a specified region and a specified player's part.
- A slippery-chicken object. - A player ID. - An integer that is the first bar in which to transpose events. - An integer that is the first event in that bar to transpose. - An integer that is the last bar in which to transpose events. - An integer that is the last event in that bar to transpose. - A positive or negative number that is the number of semitones by which the pitches of the events in the specified region should be transposed.
keyword argument: - :destructively. T or NIL to indicate whether the pitches of the original event objects should be replaced. T = replace. Default = T.
Returns a list of events.
;;; Print the pitches before and after applying the method ; (let ((mini (make-slippery-chicken '+mini+ :ensemble '(((sax (alto-sax :midi-channel 1)) (db (double-bass :midi-channel 2)))) :set-palette '((1 ((c2 d2 g2 a2 e3 fs3 b3 cs4 fs4 gs4 ds5 f5 bf5)))) :set-map '((1 (1 1 1 1 1))) :rthm-seq-palette '((1 ((((4 4) h q e s s)) :pitch-seq-palette ((1 2 3 4 5))))) :rthm-seq-map '((1 ((sax (1 1 1 1 1)) (db (1 1 1 1 1)))))))) (print (loop for e in (get-events-from-to mini 'sax 3 2 5 3) collect (get-pitch-symbol e))) (transpose-events mini 'sax 3 2 5 3 11) (print (loop for e in (get-events-from-to mini 'sax 3 2 5 3) collect (get-pitch-symbol e)))) => (EF4 AF4 BF4 EF5 CS4 EF4 AF4 BF4 EF5 CS4 EF4 AF4) (D5 G5 A5 D6 C5 D5 G5 A5 D6 C5 D5 G5)
(defmethod transpose-events ((sc slippery-chicken) player start-bar start-event end-bar end-event semitones &key (destructively t))
slippery-chicken/update-instrument-slots [ Methods ]
[ Top ] [ slippery-chicken ] [ Methods ]
23rd August 2013
This will go through the generated slippery-chicken object's bar structure and update each players' instruments' total-bars, total-notes, total-duration, and total-degrees slots, for statistical purposes only. This might be called by the user after performing one of the editing routines that deletes or changes notes, etc.
- The slippery-chicken object.
(defmethod update-instrument-slots ((sc slippery-chicken))
slippery-chicken/update-slots [ Methods ]
[ Top ] [ slippery-chicken ] [ Methods ]
Called by initialize-instance and others. Updates timings of events and statistics. Not generally called by the user but can be useful if post-generation editing has changed something fundamental to the structure.
- A slippery-chicken object
- A tempo-map object (not just as a list). If not given, then the tempo-map from the slippery-chicken object will be used. Default = NIL. - A number that is the start-time of the first event object in seconds. Default = 0.0. - A number that is the start-time of the first event, in 'quarters' (for MIDI timing). Default = 0.0. - A integer that is the number of the starting bar. Default = 1. - The reference of the current section (for internal recursive use in the bar-holder class). Default = NIL. - The nth sequence (for internal recursive use in the sequenz class). Default = NIL. - T or NIL to indicate whether to print a warning to the Lisp listener when ties are being used at the beginning of a sequence. This argument is now obsolete and ignored, but remains for some backward compatibility. Default = T.
The duration in seconds of the object; in this class: the whole generated piece.
;;; Create a slippery-chicken object and print the start time of one of its ;;; events; call update-slots with a start time of 10.0 and print the start ;;; time of that same event to see the difference (let ((mini (make-slippery-chicken '+mini+ :ensemble '(((vn (violin :midi-channel 1)))) :tempo-map '((1 (q 60))) :set-palette '((1 ((c4 d4 e4 f4 g4 a4 b4 c5)))) :set-map '((1 (1 1 1 1 1))) :rthm-seq-palette '((1 ((((2 4) (s) (s) e e e)) :pitch-seq-palette ((1 2 3))))) :rthm-seq-map '((1 ((vn (1 1 1 1 1)))))))) (print (start-time (get-event mini 4 1 'vn))) (update-slots mini nil 10.0) (print (start-time (get-event mini 4 1 'vn)))) = 6.0 16.0
(defmethod update-slots ((sc slippery-chicken) &optional (tempo-map nil) (start-time 0.0) (start-time-qtrs 0.0) (start-bar 1) (current-section nil) (nth nil) (warn-ties t) (update-write-bar-nums nil))
slippery-chicken/write-antescofo [ Methods ]
[ Top ] [ slippery-chicken ] [ Methods ]
Write an antescofo~ (Arshia Cont's/IRCAM's score follower MaxMSP external) score file. This allows you to specify a single player to follow (for now: no polyphonic following) and which players' events you'd like to be triggered along with this, in the form of MIDI notes (sent via antescofo's group action commands). Of course this doesn't imply that you have to use MIDI with antescofo, rather, that you have something that picks up midi note data and uses them (or ignores them) somehow or other. In any case, the MIDI notes sent consist of four messages: the MIDI note (in midi cents e.g. middle C = 6000), the velocity (taken as usual from the amplitude slot of the event), the channel, and the duration in beats. Each may be preceded by a delay, which will be relative to the previous NOTE or group MIDI note. Rehearsal letters already in the slippery-chicken piece will automatically be written into the antescofo~ file as labels/cues. E.g. if you have rehearsal letter A, it will show up in the antescofo~ file as "letter-A". Further labels/cues can be added to any slippery-chicken events and these will also be written into the antescofo~ file. Action messages can also be added to events and thus written into the antescofo~ file. You can push as many messages as you want into this list; they'll be reversed before writing out so that they occur in the order in which you added them. If you prefer you can call the event method add-antescofo-message. NB For the part we're following, we can add messages to rests but if it turns out we added messages to rests in other players' (i.e. group event parts) these won't be written to the antescofo~ file. Do remember to set the instruments-hierarchy slot of the slippery-chicken object so that the player you're going to follow is top of the list, otherwise some strange event ordering might occur in the antescofo~ file. Bear in mind that if you want to write antescofo~ files without having to work within the usual slippery chicken workflow, you could generate events by any method, then put them into rthm-seq-bar objects before then calling bars-to-sc in order to create a slippery-chicken object by brute force (as it were). A note about grace notes: For the voice we're following, antescofo~ considers that grace notes are 'out of time' so have a duration of 0. But for group notes, which we're triggering, they have to have some duration; we default to the grace-note-duration of the event class (0.05 seconds by default, which will be written as a fraction of the beat at the current tempo, of course). Now this means our grace notes are not 'stealing' time from the previous note, as they do in performed music. This is not ideal, but if we've got a long group of grace notes, doing that might mean we end up with a negative duration for the previous note. So we simply make the grace notes short and allow/hope that the score follower catches up for us on the next recognised note.
- The slippery-chicken object - the player who we'll follow (single player for now, as a symbol)
keyword arguments: - :group-players (list of symbols). The players for whom midi-note events will be written in the antescofo file as part of a "group" action. If NIL, then we'll write all players' events except for the player we're following. NB There's no reason why we couldn't include the player we're following in these group commands (for unison playing between live and digital instruments perhaps). The easist way to write group events for all players is to write something like :group-players (players +your-sc-object+) Default = NIL. - :bar-num-receiver. The MaxMSP receiver name to which bar numbers will be sent for display other other purposes. Default = "antescofo-bar-num" - :midi-note-receiver. The MaxMSP receiver name to which midi notes will be sent. Default = "midi-note", so a typical group output event could be 0.0 midi-note 6500 12 4 0.6666667 - :file. The name of the file to write. If NIL, then the file name will be created from the slippery-chicken title and placed in (get-sc-config 'default-dir). Default = NIL. - :group-duration-in-millisecs. Should we write the group notes (i.e. those we generate) as fractions of a beat (NIL) or have antescofo~ convert this to millisec duration according to the current tempo (T)? Default = NIL. - :warn. Issue a warning when we write labels on group (rather than NOTE) events? (Because labels attached to group event notes can be written and read, but they won't show up in MaxMSP as cues which you can jump to.) Default = T. - :messages-first. Write antescofo messages immediately before the note data sent to the midi-note-receiver (T), or after (NIL)? Default = NIL. - :round-tempi. Round tempo values to the nearest integer? (If you don't do this, then MIDI playback could become out of synch with antescofo). Default = T. - :include-program-changes. If T, we write any programme changes attached to an event as "midi-program-change <programme> <channel>". If this is a symbol or string then that ID will be used instead of "midi-program-change". (Symbols will be made lowercase.) Default = T. - :makenote-compatible. If T, we'll write midi note information in the following order: midi note (rounded to nearest chromatic note i.e. no longer midi-cents), velocity, duration, channel. Default = NIL.
The number of NOTE plus action events we've written. We also print to the terminal the number of events and actions separately, which should then correspond to what Antescofo~ prints when it loads the score in MaxMSP.
;;; Follow the violin part and generate group events for all other parts ; (let* ((mini (make-slippery-chicken '+mini+ :title "antescofo test" :ensemble '(((vn (violin :midi-channel 1)) (va (viola :midi-channel 2)) (vc (cello :midi-channel 3)))) :set-palette '((1 ((f3 g3 a3 b3 c4 d4 e4 f4 g4 a4 b4 c5)))) :set-map '((1 (1 1 1))) :tempo-map '((1 60)) :rthm-seq-palette '((1 ((((4 4) { 3 tq tq tq } +q e (s) s))))) :rthm-seq-map '((1 ((vn (1 1 1)) (va (1 1 1)) (vc (1 1 1)))))))) ;; Adding a label (probably wouldn't need one in bar 1, but to illustrate) (setf (asco-label (get-event mini 1 1 'vn)) "test-label") ;; start the (fictitious) vocoder when the first cello note in bar 2 is played (push "max-receiver1 start-vocoder" (asco-msgs (get-event mini 2 1 'vc))) (write-antescofo mini 'vn :file "/tmp/asco-test.txt")) --> ******* section (1) Getting notes for VN Getting notes for VA Getting notes for VC Shortening short, fast leaps... Shortened 0 large fast leaps "/tmp/asco-test.txt" Antescofo~ score written successfully with 15 events and 34 actions. 49 The generated file will begin something like this: ; antescofo~ score generated by slippery chicken version ; ; 1.0.4 (svn revision 4733 2014-01-15 11:27:10) ; ; at 12:02:06 on Thursday the 8th of May 2014 ; BPM 60 antescofo-bar-num 1 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; NOTE 6200 0.6666667 test-label group bar1.1 { 0.0 midi-note 6000 12 2 0.6666667 0.0 midi-note 6400 12 3 0.6666667 } NOTE 6200 0.6666667 group bar1.2 { 0.0 midi-note 6000 12 2 0.6666667 0.0 midi-note 6400 12 3 0.6666667 } NOTE 6200 1.6666667 group bar1.3 { 0.0 midi-note 6000 12 2 1.6666667 0.0 midi-note 6400 12 3 1.6666667 } NOTE 6200 0.5 group bar1.4 { 0.0 midi-note 6000 12 2 0.5 0.0 midi-note 6400 12 3 0.5 } NOTE 0 0.25 NOTE 6200 0.25 group bar1.5 { 0.0 midi-note 6000 12 2 0.25 0.0 midi-note 6400 12 3 0.25 antescofo-bar-num 2 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; } NOTE 6200 0.6666667 group bar2.1 { 0.0 midi-note 6000 12 2 0.6666667 0.0 midi-note 6400 12 3 0.6666667 max-receiver1 start-vocoder } NOTE 6200 0.6666667 ...
(defmethod write-antescofo ((sc slippery-chicken) follow-player &key group-players file (warn t) (group-duration-in-millisecs nil) messages-first ;; could be T, a string, or a symbol ;; todo: include control changes also? (include-program-changes t) (round-tempi t) makenote-compatible (midi-note-receiver "midi-note") (bar-num-receiver "antescofo-bar-num"))
slippery-chicken/write-csound-score [ Methods ]
[ Top ] [ slippery-chicken ] [ Methods ]
Ruben Philipp <ruben.philipp@folkwang-uni.de>
2023-02-28, Essen
Generate a Csound-score file (.sco) from the data of the specified slippery-chicken object.
- A slippery-chicken object. - The ID(s) of the player(s) whose events are used to obtain the rhythmic structure of the score events (i.e. the onset and duration values) and, dependent on the p-fields function, pitch content, amplitude etc. This must be a list with one or more symbols. - The ID(s) (number) or name(s) (string) of the Csound instruments according to the resp. instrument definition in the Csound orchestra. Each player of the second argument of this methods needs to be assigned one Csound instrument. This must be a list with one or more values.
keyword arguments: - :suffix. A string to be added just before the .sco of the generated csound score-file. Will be overridden when manually setting the path via :csound-file. Default = "". - :csound-file. A string indicating the path and filename to the .sco-file to be generated with this method. Default is a filename extracted from the title of the sc piece, placed in the (get-sc-config 'default-dir) directory (per default /tmp). - :start-section. An integer that is the number of the first section for which the Csound-score is to be generated. Default = 1. - :num-sections. An integer that is the number of sections to generate the score data. If NIL, all sections will be written. Default = NIL. - :from-sequence. An integer that is the number of the first sequence within the specified starting section to be used to generate the output file. Default = 1. - :num-sequences. An integer that s the number of sequences for which event data is to be generated in the resulting .sco-file, including the sequence spiecified in from-sequence. If NIL, all sequences will be written. NB: This argument can only be used when the num-sections = 1. Default = NIL. - :chords. Either a boolean or an integer which determines how to deal with chords in events. When T, all notes of a chord are parsed as i-statements in the Csound-score. When NIL, chords will be ignored and treated like rests (i.e. nothing will be generated). When an integer is given, the number determines the max. amount of pitches being parsed as i- statements. They are chosen chronologically from the given chord. Default = T. - :offset. An integer or floating point value to indicate the global offset of all score events (in seconds). Default = 0. - :delimiter. A character which separates each score statement. Csound recommends using spaces, though #\tab does also work an might, in some cases, improve legibility. Default = #\space. - :p-fields. This should be either NIL, a list of lists or a function used to generate the p-fields starting from p4. The lists can be of arbitrary length and are solely limited by Csound's internal parsing restrictions. When NIL, no additional p-statements are added to any of the score- statements, regardless of the amount of included players (i.e. no further p-field is added to any of the players). When given a list of lists, each sublist contains a set of constant p-values for each player. NB: It is mandatory to pass a sub-list for each player chosen for score generation (cf. second argument). It is possible to pass an empty list (i.e. NIL) for a single player, if it is desired not to add any further p-fields other than instrument-name (p1), onset (p2), and duration (p3). When a function is given as argument, it will be used to generate the p-values based on the event-data and other arguments. This enables dynamic generation of score content dependent on the data contained in the specific event used for generating the i-statement (e.g. pitch or amplitude). The pfield-function needs to accept the following arguments: - event. A sc event. - event-num. An integer counting the event index of each player. - cs-instrument. The csound-instrument name as defined in the third argument (see above). This comes in handy when the csound instruments require different sets of p-values. NB: When chords should be able to be processed (see above), the function needs to be able to process events containing chords and return a list of the length of the chord (e.g. via is-chord). For further detail, take a look at csound-p-fields-simple. - :comments. A boolean indicating whether additional comments should be included into the generated score. The comments include the title, composer and generation date of the sc piece resp. the csound-score. Additionally, the score sections containing the instrument calls for each player will be preceded with a reference to the player ID according to the sc ensemble. Default = T.
Returns the path of the file written, as a string.
;;; An example using the csound-p-fields-simple function (let ((mini (make-slippery-chicken '+mini+ :ensemble '(((pno (piano :midi-channel 1)) (vln (violin :midi-channel 2)))) :set-palette '((1 ((f3 g3 as3 a3 bf3 b3 c4 d4 e4 f4 g4 a4 bf4 cs5)))) :set-map '((1 (1 1 1 1 1 1 1)) (2 (1 1 1 1 1 1 1)) (3 (1 1 1 1 1 1 1))) :tempo-map '((1 (q 60))) :rthm-seq-palette '((1 ((((4 4) h (q) e (s) s)) :pitch-seq-palette ((1 (2) 3)))) (2 ((((4 4) (q) e (s) s h)) :pitch-seq-palette ((1 2 3)))) (3 ((((4 4) e (s) s h (q))) :pitch-seq-palette ((2 3 3)))) (4 ((((4 4) (s) s h (q) e)) :pitch-seq-palette ((3 1 (2)))))) :rthm-seq-map '((1 ((pno (1 2 1 2 1 2 1)) (vln (1 2 1 2 1 2 1)))) (2 ((pno (3 4 3 4 3 4 3)) (vln (3 4 3 4 3 4 3)))) (3 ((pno (1 2 1 2 1 2 1)) (vln (1 2 1 2 1 2 1)))))))) (write-csound-score mini '(pno vln) '(1 "fmsynth") :chords 1 :delimiter #\tab :comments t)) ;;; An example that creates different sets of p-field for each ;;; individual player. ;;; - Player 'vln calls the (hypothetical) Csound instrument 1 ;;; which generates tone of frequency p4 and amplitude p5. ;;; Here, the standard csound-p-fields-simple function is invoked. ;;; - Player 'vlc calls the Csound instrument 2, which is a simple ;;; sampler capable of playing one out of ten pre-loaded soundfiles. ;;; These are identified by an index (1 <= i <= 10) which is expected ;;; to be p4. p5 determines the amplitude of the playback. ;;; In this examples, the samples will be selected cyclically, while ;;; each event of the player is allocated one of the ten samples. ;;; As there is one soundfile per events, chords will be treated as ;;; pitches, i.e. every chord results in a list instead of a list of ;;; lists of p-fields. (defun csound-p-fields-custom (event event-num cs-instrument) ;; generate different p-field sets depending on the ;; given Csound instrument-number (format t "~%ins: ~a; enum: ~a~%" cs-instrument event-num) (case cs-instrument (1 (csound-p-fields-simple event event-num cs-instrument)) (2 (let* ((amplitude (get-amplitude event)) ;; num of available samples in Csound ;; instrument definition / orchestra (num-samples 10) ;; get the id of the sample to be played ;; for this event (current-sample (1+ (mod (1- event-num) num-samples)))) (list current-sample amplitude))))) (let* ((mini (make-slippery-chicken '+mini+ :ensemble '(((vln (violin :midi-channel 1)) (vlc (cello :midi-channel 2)))) :tempo-map '((1 (q 60))) :set-palette '((1 ((f3 g3 a3 b3 c4 d4 e4 f4 g4 a4 b4 c5))) (2 ((f3 g3 a3 b3 c4 d4 e4 f4 g4 a4 b4 c5))) (3 ((f3 g3 a3 b3 c4 d4 e4 f4 g4 a4 b4 c5)))) :set-map '((1 (1 1 1 1 1)) (2 (2 2 2 2 2)) (3 (3 3 3 3 3))) :rthm-seq-palette '((1 ((((4 4) h q e s s)) :pitch-seq-palette ((1 2 3 4 5)))) (2 ((((4 4) q e s s h)) :pitch-seq-palette ((1 2 3 4 5)))) (3 ((((4 4) e s s h q)) :pitch-seq-palette ((1 2 3 4 5))))) :rthm-seq-map '((1 ((vln (1 3 2 1 2)) (vlc (3 1 1 2 2)))) (2 ((vln (3 1 1 2 2)) (vlc (1 3 1 2 2)))) (3 ((vln (1 1 3 2 2)) (vlc (2 1 1 2 3)))))))) (write-csound-score mini '(vln vlc) '(1 2) :chords nil :delimiter #\tab :p-fields #'csound-p-fields-custom :comments t))
(defmethod write-csound-score ((sc slippery-chicken) players csound-instruments &key (start-section 1) ;; offset in seconds (offset 0) ;; add something just before .sco? (suffix "") (csound-file (format nil "~a~a~a.sco" (get-sc-config 'default-dir) (filename-from-title (title sc)) suffix)) ;; add a comment sections? (comments t) (delimiter #\space) (from-sequence 1) (num-sequences nil) (chords t) ;; either NIL, a list of lists, or a function ;; cf. documentation (p-fields #'csound-p-fields-simple) ;; when NIL, all sections are considered (num-sections nil))
slippery-chicken/write-lp-data-for-all [ Methods ]
[ Top ] [ slippery-chicken ] [ Methods ]
Generate all of the .ly files required by the LilyPond application for printable output from the musical data stored in the given slippery-chicken object. This method produces .ly files for the score as well as the parts for all individual players in the ensemble (unless otherwise specified by the user). The files are automatically named based on the value passed to the TITLE slot of the given slippery-chicken object. NB: This method only produces the .ly files. These must be rendered by the LilyPond application separately for PDF output. See the slippery chicken installation web page and the manual page on Output for more detail. Bear in mind that SBCL and CCL users on OSX can use the lp-display macro to call Lilypond and display the resultant PDF automatically. NB: Many of the arguments for this method pass their values directly to LilyPond parameters. NB: Clefs added to grace-note events will not be rendered in Lilypond.
- A slippery-chicken object.
keyword arguments: - :base-path. A string that is the directory path only for the resulting files. The method will automatically generate the file names and extensions. Default = (get-sc-config 'default-dir). - :start-bar. An integer that is the first bar of the given slippery-chicken object for which output is to be generated. If NIL, the start-bar will be set to 1. Default = NIL. - :end-bar. An integer that is the last bar of the given slippery-chicken object for which output is to be generated. If NIL, all bars after the start bar will be generated. Default = NIL. - :start-bar-numbering: For bar counting in the score only: the bar number that the :start-bar will be counted as (integer). NIL = :start-bar. Default = NIL. - :players. A list of player IDs or NIL to indicate which players' parts are to be generated and included in the resulting score. If NIL, all players' parts will be generated and included in the score. This can be handy, for example, for excluding the computer part of a piece for tape and instruments. Default = NIL. - :respell-notes. NIL, T or a list to indicate whether the method should also call the respell-notes method on the given slippery-chicken object before generating the output to undertake enharmonic changes. If a list, then these are the specific enharmonic corrections to be undertaken. If this is T, the method will process all pitches for potential respelling. If NIL, no respelling will be undertaken. See the documentation for the respell-notes method for more. Default = NIL. - :auto-clefs. T or NIL to indicate whether the auto-clefs method should be called to automatically place mid-measure clefs in the parts of instruments that use more than one clef. T = automatically place clefs. Default = T - :in-c. T or NIL to indicate whether the full score is to contain written pitches or sounding pitches. NB: Some transposing C instruments still transpose at the octave in C scores, such as double-bass and piccolo. NB: Parts will always be transposed. T = sounding pitches. Default = NIL. - :page-nums. T or NIL to indicate whether page numbers should automatically be added to each page (not including the start page) of the output. T = add page numbers. Default = T. - :rehearsal-letters-font-size. A number that indicates the font size of rehearsal letters in LilyPond output. Default = 18. - :rehearsal-letters-all-players. T or NIL to indicate whether rehearsal letters are to be placed in all parts generated. T = all parts. Default = T. NB: This must be set to T when the user would like the rehearsal letters in all individual LilyPond parts, but printing with CMN thereafter will result in rehearsal letters in all parts as well. - :tempi-all-players. T or NIL to indicate whether tempo marks are to be placed in all parts generated. T = all parts. Default = T. - :all-bar-nums. T o NIL to indicate whether the corresponding bar number should be printed above every measure in the score (not including multi-bar rests). T = add a bar number to every measure. Default = NIL. - :paper. A string to indicate the paper size for LilyPond output. Only LilyPond's predefined paper sizes are valid here. According to the LilyPond manual, these include: "a4, letter, legal, and 11x17... Many more paper sizes are supported... For details, see scm/paper.scm, and search for the definition of paper-alist." NB: This argument will only adjust paper size, but not margins or line widths, which are adjusted using the arguments below. Default = "a4" - :staff-size. An integer that indicates the size of the notes and staves in the resulting output. Standard for parts is 20. Default = 14. - :group-barlines. T or NIL to indicate whether bar lines should be drawn through the whole staff group or just one staff. T = through the whole staff group. Default = T. - :landscape. T or NIL to indicate whether the paper format should be landscape or portrait. T = landscape. NB: This argument will only adjust paper layout, but not margins or line widths, which are adjusted using the arguments below. Default = NIL. - :barline-thickness. A number that is the relative thickness of the bar lines. Default = 0.5. - :top-margin. A number that is the margin at the top of the page in millimeters. Default = 10. - :bottom-margin. A number that is the margin at the bottom of the page in millimeters. Default = 10. - :left-margin. A number that is the margin at the left of the page in millimeters. Default = 20. - :line-width. A number that is the width of each line in centimeters. Default = 17. - :page-turns. T or NIL to indicate if LilyPond should attempt to optimize page breaks for page turns in parts. T = optimize page breaks. Default = NIL. - :min-page-turn. A two-item list indicating the minimum rest necessary for the method to automatically place a page turn, in a format similar to that of a time signature; i.e., '(2 1) would mean a minimum of 2 whole rests. Default = '(2 1)) - :use-custom-markup. T or NIL. Set to T when using a number of marks that are specific to LilyPond, such as 'bartok or any of the marks that use eps graphics files (whereupon those graphics files would need to be in the same folder as your lilypond files). Default = T. - :lp-version. A string that will be added to each .ly file generated in conjunction with the LilyPond \version command. Default = "2.42.1". NB Lilypond syntax changes every now and then. If you get errors that can't be explained by a user error, please post an issue on GitHub, as it might be that we need to update the generated code to reflect Lilypond's new syntax. - :process-event-fun. NIL or a user-defined function that will be applied to every event object in the given slippery-chicken object. If NIL, no processes will be applied. Default = NIL. - :extend-hairpins. If you want hairpin (cresc/dim) to extend beyond the previous barline (or beyond the note) set to T. Default = NIL. - :min-hairpin. If you're getting Lilypond warnings about hairpins being too short (and then not showing up in the score, or dynamics overlapping), you can set this value to, e.g. 10. - :stemlet-length. NIL or a decimal number < 1.0 that indicates the scaled length of stems over rests in LilyPond output, should this feature be desired. 0.75 is a recommended value for this. NIL = no stems over rests. Default = NIL. NB: LilyPond can be instructed to extend beams over rests (without stemlets) simply by using the '-' in the definition of the rthm-seq-bar object, as is done with any other note; however, starting/ending a beam on a rest and then trying to generate a score with CMN will fail. - :footer. A string to add to the footer of every score page. Default = NIL. - :title. Usually T or NIL to include the title of the piece at the top of the score or not, but could also be a string to specify a new title. Default = T. - :indent. T or NIL to indicate whether the first system in the score should be indented or not. Default = T. - :force-bracket. T or NIL to indicate whether tuplet numbers on beams should be forced into a bracket. Default = NIL. - :two-sided. A two-element list to set the inner and outer margins with layout for two-sided printing and binding. E.g. :two-sided '(30 20) means the left-hand margin will be 30mm and the right-hand will be 20mm. If set, this overrides the :left-margin and :line-width arguments. Default = NIL. - :dummy-staves. The player name(s) as a symbol or a list for any parts that have been created merely as empty staves to add cross-staff notation. - :between-system-space. The space in cm between systems (groups of staves). Default = NIL (= Lilypond's default distance). - :staff-basic-distance. This controls the distance between staffs within a system. It's in Lilypond units (relative to staff size). Setting to 15 creates a good distance between piano staves. Default = NIL (= Lilypond's default distance). - :fixed-width. Set to a rhythmic value (e.g. 1/32) in order to create fixed width rhythmic spacing. This makes it easier, for some, to read complex rhythms as you can see how long rhythms last by the horizontal space they occupy. The shorter the value given the more space is allocated, so experimentation might be necessary. Default = NIL (usual engraver's spacing algorithm used, according to context). - :accidental-style. String. See the lilypond documentation for details of applicable styles and their results. Default = 'modern. - :links. T or NIL to indicate whether the generated PDF should contain notes that are clickable links to the lilypond source code or not. Default = T.
The path of the main score file generated.
;;; An example with values for the most frequently used arguments ; (let ((mini (make-slippery-chicken '+mini+ :ensemble '(((fl (flute :midi-channel 1)) (cl (b-flat-clarinet :midi-channel 2)) (vc (cello :midi-channel 3)))) :staff-groupings '(2 1) :tempo-map '((1 (q 84)) (9 (q 72))) :set-palette '((1 ((f3 g3 a3 b3 c4 d4 e4 f4 g4 a4 b4 c5)))) :set-map '((1 (1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1)) (2 (1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1)) (3 (1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1))) :rthm-seq-palette '((1 ((((4 4) h (q) e (s) s)) :pitch-seq-palette ((1 2 3)) :marks (bartok 1))) (2 ((((4 4) (q) e (s) s h)) :pitch-seq-palette ((1 2 3))))) :rthm-seq-map '((1 ((fl (1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2)) (cl (1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2)) (vc (1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2)))) (2 ((fl (1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2)) (cl (1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2)) (vc (1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2)))) (3 ((fl (1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2)) (cl (1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2)) (vc (1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2))))) :rehearsal-letters '(3 11 19)))) (write-lp-data-for-all mini :start-bar 7 :end-bar 23 :paper "letter" :landscape t :respell-notes nil :auto-clefs nil :staff-size 17 :in-c nil :barline-thickness 3.7 :top-margin 40 :bottom-margin 60 :left-margin 40 :line-width 22 :page-nums t :all-bar-nums t :use-custom-markup t :rehearsal-letters-font-size 24 :lp-version "2.20.0" :group-barlines nil :page-turns t :players '(fl cl) :tempi-all-players t)) => T
(defmethod write-lp-data-for-all ((sc slippery-chicken) &key (base-path (get-sc-config 'default-dir)) start-bar end-bar (paper "a4") landscape ;; MDE Tue May 29 21:34:53 2012 start-bar-numbering ;; if a list, then these are the enharmonic corrections (respell-notes t) ;; automatically add clefs to instruments who read more than one? (auto-clefs t) (staff-size 14) ;; parts will always be transposed but score can be in in C or not (in-c nil) (barline-thickness 0.5) (top-margin 10) ; mm (bottom-margin 10) ; mm (left-margin 20) ; mm (line-width 17) ; cm ;; if not nil, then in cm between-system-space ;; MDE Tue May 3 12:12:46 2016 -- this one controls the distance ;; between staffs within a system. It's in Lilypond units (relative to ;; staff size). Setting to 15 creates a good distance between piano ;; staves. staff-basic-distance (page-nums t) ;; print every bar number unless ;; multi-bar-rest? (all-bar-nums nil) ;; this has to be T if we're going to get letters in the parts--but CMN ;; printing will have all parts all letters too thereafter (rehearsal-letters-all-players t) ;; set to t if using bartok pizz and othersigns (use-custom-markup t) (rehearsal-letters-font-size 18) ;; "2.16.2") "2.14.2") ;"2.12.3") "2.17.95") "2.20.0") (lp-version "2.24.1") ;; 24.7.11 (Pula) barlines through whole staff group or just a stave (group-barlines t) ;; 5.11.11 set to t if you want lilypond to optimize page breaks for ;; page turns in parts (page-turns nil) ;; MDE Sat Mar 10 16:52:31 2012 (process-event-fun nil) ;; MDE Mon Apr 16 16:08:36 2012 -- added so that we can write a subset ;; of players into the score (e.g. leave out a computer part). If nil ;; all players will be written. NB the order of these will determine ;; the order in the score (overriding the ensemble order). (players nil) (footer nil) ;; minimum rest necessary to do a page turn; something like a time ;; signature e.g. (2 1) would mean we need a min. of 2 whole rests (min-page-turn '(2 1)) ;; MDE Tue May 29 22:58:25 2012 (stemlet-length nil) ;; MDE Thu Jan 9 09:20:33 2014 -- if you want hairpin (cresc/dim) to ;; extend beyond the note set to T (extend-hairpins nil) ;; MDE Wed Dec 30 18:29:28 2020, Heidhausen (min-hairpin nil) ;; MDE Wed Jul 8 10:45:02 2015 -- tuplet numbers on beams don't usually ;; include a bracket but we can force this if we like (force-bracket nil) ;; MDE Thu Mar 26 18:49:46 2015: show the title? could also be a string ;; in order to not use the sc title (title t) ;; MDE Thu Apr 29 17:39:40 2021, Heidhausen -- show the composer? also ;; possibly a string (composer t) two-sided ; MDE Wed Oct 21 18:15:08 2015 ;; MDE Sat Dec 24 14:54:34 2016 -- try also "dodecaphonic" if you want ;; accidentals before every pitch (accidental-style "modern") ;; MDE Thu Mar 26 19:18:03 2015 (indent t) ;; MDE Thu Apr 28 15:17:36 2016 -- specify the player name(s) as a ;; symbol or in a list for any parts that have been created merely as ;; empty staves to add cross-staff notation. dummy-staves ;; MDE Thu Feb 2 14:45:21 2017 -- fixed width rhythmic notation fixed-width ;; MDE Sat Sep 30 16:55:40 2023, Heidhausen -- the PDF should contain ;; links to the source code? (links t) ;; sim to rehearsal letters (tempi-all-players t) (ekmelic-style "gost"))
slippery-chicken/write-xml [ Methods ]
[ Top ] [ slippery-chicken ] [ Methods ]
March 17th 2017, Edinburgh
Write a MusicXML file for import into Sibelius, Finale, Dorico, etc. All voices for the score and parts are written into one file. As it is assumed that editing will take place in the notation software of choice, there are only very basic arguments to this method, some of which may even be ignored upon import. For example, the :in-c keyword argument of other methods is missing here, as switching between sounding and transposing scores is assumed to be the job of the notation software used for MusicXML import. NB Sibelius 7.5 messes up some transposing instruments, getting octave transpositions wrong and adding generally unwanted key signatures.
- the slippery-chicken object
keyword arguments - :staff-height. The suggested height of the staff, in millimetres. Default = 7. - :page-width. The page width in millimetres. Default = 210 = A4 - :page-height The page height in millimetres. Default = 297 = A4 - :tenths. A number representing tenths of interline staff space (positive or negative). Both integer and decimal values are allowed, such as 5 for a half space and 2.5 for a quarter space. Interline space is measured from the middle of a staff line. Distances in a MusicXML file are measured in tenths of staff space. Tenths are then scaled to millimeters within the scaling element, used in the defaults element at the start of a score. See https://usermanuals.musicxml.com/MusicXML/Content/EL-MusicXML-scaling.htm for more detail. Default = 40. - :left-page-margins. A 4-element list specifying for left pages in the score the left, right, top, and bottom margins, all in millimetres. Default = '(20 20 20 20) - :right-page-margins. Similar to :left-page-margins but for right pages. - :players. Which players to write to the xml file. Default = NIL = process all players. - :hide-players. Which players to leave out of the score. - :start-bar. The bar number to start at. Default = NIL = 1. - :end-bar. The bar number to end at. Default = NIL = the last bar in the slippery-chicken object. - :respell-notes. NIL, T or a list to indicate whether the method should also call the respell-notes method on the given slippery-chicken object before generating the output to undertake enharmonic changes. If a list, then these are the specific enharmonic corrections to be undertaken. If this is T, the method will process all pitches for potential respelling. If NIL, no respelling will be undertaken. See the documentation for the respell-notes method for more detail. Default = T. - :file. The full path of the file to write. Default will be derived from the title slot of the slippery-chicken object and will be written into the default directory e.g. (set-sc-config 'default-dir "~/Desktop") - :suffix. A string to append to the default file name before the .xml extension. Default = "".
The file name written, as a string.
(defmethod write-xml ((sc slippery-chicken) &key (staff-height 7) ; mm (page-width 210) ; mm = a4 (page-height 297) ; mm = a4 (tenths 40) ; see below ;; left right top bottom, all mm (left-page-margins '(20 20 20 20)) (right-page-margins '(20 20 20 20)) players hide-players start-bar end-bar (respell-notes t) ;; MDE Tue Nov 30 09:01:48 2021, Heidhausen (suffix "") file)