bar-holder/piece [ Classes ]
[ Top ] [ bar-holder ] [ Classes ]
piece File: piece.lsp Class Hierarchy: named-object -> linked-named-object -> sclist -> circular-sclist -> assoc-list -> recursive-assoc-list -> piece AND named-object -> linked-named-object -> bar-holder -> piece Version: 1.1.0 Project: slippery chicken (algorithmic composition) Purpose: Implementation of the piece class which holds all the note information for a whole piece in the form of sections (possibly subsections), which then contain player-sections, sequenzes and rthm-seq-bars. Author: Michael Edwards: Creation date: 16th February 2002 $$ Last modified: 12:08:32 Mon Dec 20 2021 CET SVN ID: $Id$
piece/delete-sequenzes [ Methods ]
Delete one or more consecutive sequenz objects from a given piece object by specifying any bar number within the first sequenz object to be deleted. This method deletes the whole sequenz object which contains the bar with a given number. NB: This method only deletes the sequenz object for the specified player, so the remaining players will have a different structure, making MIDI or printable output impossible. The user must be sure that each section has the same number of sequenzes of identical time-signature structure in each section. NB: The user must call the update-slots method to ensure that changes to the NUM-BARS slot etc. are reflected in the given slippery-chicken object.
- A piece object. - An integer that is the number of the bar for which the containing sequenz is to be deleted. - The ID of the player from whose part the sequenz is to be deleted.
- An integer that is the number of consecutive sequenz objects to delete, including the first sequenz indicated by the <bar-num> argument. Default = 1.
Returns T.
;;; Print the number of sequenz objects contained in section 2 of each player's ;;; part, delete two sequenz objects from each part in that section, and print ;;; the number of sequenz objects again to see the difference. Update the slots ;;; and call cmn-display for printable output. (let ((mini (make-slippery-chicken '+mini+ :ensemble '(((hn (french-horn :midi-channel 1)) (vc (cello :midi-channel 2)))) :set-palette '((1 ((f3 g3 a3 b3 c4 d4 e4 f4 g4 a4 b4 c5)))) :set-map '((1 (1 1 1 1 1)) (2 (1 1 1 1 1)) (3 (1 1 1 1 1))) :rthm-seq-palette '((1 ((((4 4) h q e s s)) :pitch-seq-palette ((1 2 3 4 5)))) (2 ((((4 4) h h)) :pitch-seq-palette ((1 2))))) :rthm-seq-map '((1 ((hn (1 1 1 1 1)) (vc (1 1 1 1 1)))) (2 ((hn (2 2 2 2 2)) (vc (2 2 2 2 2)))) (3 ((hn (1 1 1 1 1)) (vc (1 1 1 1 1)))))))) (print (length (get-data-data 'hn (get-section mini 2)))) (print (length (get-data-data 'vc (get-section mini 2)))) (delete-sequenzes (piece mini) 8 'hn 2) (delete-sequenzes (piece mini) 8 'vc 2) (print (length (get-data-data 'hn (get-section mini 2)))) (print (length (get-data-data 'vc (get-section mini 2)))) (update-slots mini) (cmn-display mini))
(defmethod delete-sequenzes ((p piece) bar-num player &optional (how-many 1))
piece/get-nth-sequenz [ Methods ]
Get the sequenz object from a specified section of a piece object by specifying a position index and a player. NB: This is the primary method for accessing player sequences, as it handles cases in which a player doesn't play in a sequence, and it is called automatically by slippery-chicken. When the specified player has no note events in the specified sequence and the optional argument <create-rest-seq> is set to T, this method creates a rest sequence (one that consists of the correct number of bars with the right time signatures, but in which the bars are only rest bars) based on a simultaneous sequence in one of the playing instruments.
- A piece object. - The ID of the section in from which the sequenz object is to be returned. - The ID of the player from whose part the sequenz object is to be returned. - An integer that is the index (position) of the desired sequenz object within the given section. This number is 0-based.
- T or NIL to indicate whether to convert sequenz objects that are NIL (i.e., the specified player has no events in the specified sequenz) to sequenz objects consisting of full-bar rests. T = create rest sequences. Default = T. NB: This argument is already called by slippery-chicken with a value of T, so has no effect when used as a post-generation editing method and can be thus considered for internal use only.
Returns a sequenz object.
;;; Returns a sequenz object (let ((mini (make-slippery-chicken '+mini+ :ensemble '(((hn (french-horn :midi-channel 1)) (vc (cello :midi-channel 2)))) :set-palette '((1 ((f3 g3 a3 b3 c4 d4 e4 f4 g4 a4 b4 c5)))) :set-map '((1 (1 1 1 1 1)) (2 (1 1 1 1 1)) (3 (1 1 1 1 1))) :rthm-seq-palette '((1 ((((4 4) h q e s s)) :pitch-seq-palette ((1 2 3 4 5))))) :rthm-seq-map '((1 ((hn (1 1 1 1 1)) (vc (1 1 1 1 1)))) (2 ((hn (nil nil nil nil nil)) (vc (1 1 1 1 1)))) (3 ((hn (1 1 1 1 1)) (vc (1 1 1 1 1)))))))) (get-nth-sequenz (piece mini) 3 'hn 2)) => SEQUENZ: pitch-curve: (1 2 3 4 5) RTHM-SEQ: num-bars: 1 num-rhythms: 5 num-notes: 5 num-score-notes: 5 num-rests: 0 duration: 4.0 psp-inversions: NIL marks: NIL time-sigs-tag: NIL handled-first-note-tie: NIL (for brevity's sake, slots pitch-seq-palette and bars are not printed) SCLIST: sclist-length: 3, bounds-alert: T, copy: T LINKED-NAMED-OBJECT: previous: NIL, this: (1), next: NIL BAR-HOLDER: start-bar: 13 end-bar: 13 num-bars: 1 start-time: 48.0 end-time: 52.0 start-time-qtrs: 48.0 end-time-qtrs: 52.0 num-notes (attacked notes, not tied): 5 num-score-notes (tied notes counted separately): 5 num-rests: 0 duration-qtrs: 4.0 duration: 4.0 (4.000)
(defmethod get-nth-sequenz ((p piece) section player seq-num ; 0-based &optional (create-rest-seq t))
piece/get-sequenz-from-bar-num [ Methods ]
Get the specified sequenz object located at a specified bar-number location of a specified player's part in a given piece object.
- A piece object. - An integer that is the number of the bar from which to return the sequenz object. - The ID of the player from whose part the sequenz object is to be returned.
A sequenz object.
(let ((mini (make-slippery-chicken '+mini+ :ensemble '(((hn (french-horn :midi-channel 1)) (vc (cello :midi-channel 2)))) :set-palette '((1 ((f3 g3 a3 b3 c4 d4 e4 f4 g4 a4 b4 c5)))) :set-map '((1 (1 1 1 1 1)) (2 (1 1 1 1 1)) (3 (1 1 1 1 1))) :rthm-seq-palette '((1 ((((4 4) h q e s s)) :pitch-seq-palette ((1 2 3 4 5))))) :rthm-seq-map '((1 ((hn (1 1 1 1 1)) (vc (1 1 1 1 1)))) (2 ((hn (1 1 1 1 1)) (vc (1 1 1 1 1)))) (3 ((hn (1 1 1 1 1)) (vc (1 1 1 1 1)))))))) (get-sequenz-from-bar-num (piece mini) 7 'vc)) => SEQUENZ: pitch-curve: (1 2 3 4 5) RTHM-SEQ: num-bars: 1 num-rhythms: 5 num-notes: 5 num-score-notes: 5 num-rests: 0 duration: 4.0 psp-inversions: NIL marks: NIL time-sigs-tag: NIL handled-first-note-tie: NIL (for brevity's sake, slots pitch-seq-palette and bars are not printed) SCLIST: sclist-length: 3, bounds-alert: T, copy: T LINKED-NAMED-OBJECT: previous: NIL, this: (1), next: NIL BAR-HOLDER: start-bar: 7 end-bar: 7 num-bars: 1 start-time: 24.0 end-time: 28.0 start-time-qtrs: 24.0 end-time-qtrs: 28.0 num-notes (attacked notes, not tied): 5 num-score-notes (tied notes counted separately): 5 num-rests: 0 duration-qtrs: 4.0 duration: 4.0 (4.000)
(defmethod get-sequenz-from-bar-num ((p piece) bar-num player)
piece/insert-bar [ Methods ]
Insert a rthm-seq-bar object into an existing piece object. NB: As this is a post-generation editing method when used with this class, the rthm-seq-bar object must consist of event objects (with pitches), not just rhythm objects. If used to insert a bar into an isolated rthm-seq object (not a sequenz object), the inserted rthm-seq-bar could then consist of rhythm objects rather than events. NB: Slippery chicken does not check to ensure that a new bar is inserted for each player at a given point; this is up to the user. NB: The user must call the update-slots method to ensure that changes to the num-bars slot etc. are reflected in the given slippery-chicken object.
- A piece object. - A rthm-seq-bar object. - An integer that is the bar-number within the rthm-seq-bar object before which the new bar is to be inserted. - NB: The optional arguments are actually required for use with this class.
NB: The optional arguments are actually required for use with this class. - An integer that is the section of in which the bar is to be inserted. - The ID of the player into whose part the new bar is to be added. - An integer that is the number of the sequenz object into which the bar is to be inserted. This is one-based. - A list of integers that are the curve for a pitch-seq object to be applied to the bar that is to be inserted.
(let ((mini (make-slippery-chicken '+mini+ :ensemble '(((hn (french-horn :midi-channel 1)) (vc (cello :midi-channel 2)))) :set-palette '((1 ((f3 g3 a3 b3 c4 d4 e4 f4 g4 a4 b4 c5)))) :set-map '((1 (1 1 1 1 1)) (2 (1 1 1 1 1)) (3 (1 1 1 1 1))) :rthm-seq-palette '((1 ((((4 4) h q e s s)) :pitch-seq-palette ((1 2 3 4 5)))) (2 ((((4 4) h h)) :pitch-seq-palette ((1 2))))) :rthm-seq-map '((1 ((hn (1 1 1 1 1)) (vc (1 1 1 1 1)))) (2 ((hn (1 1 1 1 1)) (vc (1 2 1 1 1)))) (3 ((hn (1 1 1 1 1)) (vc (1 1 1 1 1))))))) (new-bar (make-rthm-seq-bar '((4 4) (w))))) (fill-with-rhythms new-bar (loop for r in '(h q. e) for p in '(c4 e4 g4) collect (make-event p r))) ;; slippery-chicken object has 15 bars (print (num-bars mini)) ;; print the number of bars in the sequenz in piece=mini, section=2, ;; seq=2 (0=based), player='hn. ;; has 1 bar (print (num-bars (get-nth-sequenz (piece mini) 2 'hn 2))) ;; insert an rsb in piece=mini, section=2, seq=3 (1-based), player='hn, ;; before rsb=1 of the existing seq (insert-bar (piece mini) new-bar 1 2 'hn 3 '(1 2 3)) ;; insert an rsb in piece=mini, section=2, seq=3 (1-based), player='vc, ;; before rsb=1 of the existing seq (insert-bar (piece mini) new-bar 1 2 'vc 3 '(1 2 3)) ;; print the number of bars in the sequenz in piece=mini, section=2, ;; seq=2 (0=based), player='hn. ;; now has 2 bars. (print (num-bars (get-nth-sequenz (piece mini) 2 'hn 2))) ;; update slots of the sc object. (update-slots mini) ;; print the number of bars of the slippery-chicken object. ;; now 16. (print (num-bars mini))) => 15 1 2 16
(defmethod insert-bar ((p piece) (rsb rthm-seq-bar) bar-num ;; these aren't actually optional but we don't ;; need them in the rthm-seq method &optional section player seq-num ; seq-num is 1-based! ;; this really is optional pitch-seq)
piece/rebar [ Methods ]
Go through the sequences and rebar according to the first one that has the least number of bars (but following the player hierarchy).
- A piece object (usually provided by calling from the slippery-chicken class)
- A list of player IDs from the given piece object, ordered in terms of importance i.e. which instrument's bar structure should take precedence. NB: The optional arguments are actually required in this class (not in slippery-chicken) but the rebar-fun is not yet used.
Always T.
(defmethod rebar ((p piece) &optional instruments-hierarchy rebar-fun)