palette/set-palette [ Classes ]
[ Top ] [ palette ] [ Classes ]
set-palette File: set-palette.lsp Class Hierarchy: named-object -> linked-named-object -> sclist -> circular-sclist -> assoc-list -> recursive-assoc-list -> palette -> set-palette Version: 1.1.0 Project: slippery chicken (algorithmic composition) Purpose: Implementation of the set-palette class which extends the palette class by simply instantiating the sets given in the palette. Note that the sets in this palette may refer to previously defined sets in order to obviate retyping note lists. Hence the reference to bcl-chord2 in the bcl-chord3 set of the example below will instantiate a set based on a transposed clone of that set previously stored as bcl-chord2. (make-set-palette 'test '((bcl-chord1 ((bf1 ef2 aqf2 c3 e3 gqf3 gqs3 cs4 d4 g4 a4 cqs5 dqf5 gs5 b5) :subsets ((tc1 (ds2 e3 a4)) (tc2 (bf1 d4 cqs5)) (qc1 (aqf2 e3 a4 dqf5 b5)) (qc2 (bf1 c3 gqs3 cs4 cqs5))) :related-sets ((missing (bqs0 eqs1 f5 aqs5 eqf6 fqs6 bqf6 dqs7 fs7))))) (bcl-chord2 ((bf1 d2 fqf2 fqs2 b2 c3 f3 g3 bqf3 bqs3 fs4 gs4 a4 cs5 gqf5) :subsets ((tc1 (d2 g3 cs5)) (tc2 (eqs2 f3 bqf3)) (qc1 (eqs2 c3 f3 fs4 gqf5)) (qc2 (d2 fqs2 bqs3 gs4 a4))) :related-sets ((missing (aqs0 dqs1 ds5 gqs5 dqf6 eqf6 aqf6 cqs7 e7))))) (bcl-chord3 (bcl-chord2 :transposition 13)))) Author: Michael Edwards: Creation date: August 14th 2001 $$ Last modified: 14:31:39 Fri Mar 22 2024 CET SVN ID: $Id$
set-palette/add-harmonics [ Methods ]
[ Top ] [ set-palette ] [ Methods ]
Add harmonically-related pitches to each set in the palette. See the sc-set class method for details and the get-harmonics function (utilities.lsp) for keyword arguments.
(defmethod add-harmonics ((sp set-palette) &rest keywords)
set-palette/auto-sequence [ Methods ]
[ Top ] [ set-palette ] [ Methods ]
July 30th 2015, Edinburgh
Automatically create an ordering for the sets in a set-palette based on a dissonance envelope and a spectral centroid envelope. For a description of a set or chord's dissonance or spectral centroid see the calculate-spectral-centroid and calculate-dissonance methods in the chord class. The envelopes describe a desired general tendency to, for example, proceed from less dissonant to more dissonant sets as the ordering (sequence) of sets proceeds. Such an envelope would move from lower to higher values. Similarly with the spectral centroid envelope: moving from a lower to a higher value implies moving from chords with an overall lower pitch height to chords with a higher pitch height. The envelopes should be expressed over any X axis range but with a Y axis range of 0.0 to 1.0 only. The x-axes will be stretched to fit over the number of sets in the palette. The Y axes will be stretched to fit the range of dissonance and centroid values to be found in the sets in the palette (see the quality-extremes method). The default method is successive. It selects sets one-by-one via a sort function which compares the sets' characteristics to those of the current envelope values. Essentially, when we are comparing two sets via the sort function, we look at the deviation between the sets' dissonance values and the current desired dissonance value from the envelope, similarly with the spectral centroid. The chord with the smallest combined deviation will be chosen first. If either envelope is nil, then the sorting is based on the other envelope only. Similarly, weighting factors of any arbitrary positive number can be passed via :dissonance-weight and :centroid-weight to emphasise or deemphasise these properties when sorting. Higher values will mean that that property will take precedence over the other property. An alternative method, indicated by :permutate T, is to get all (or at least a lot of) permutations of the sets in the palette and then score each ordering against the curves, as a form of fitness test. The advantage of this approach is that the best solution overall can be found. The successive approach, on the other hand will find the best fit at the beginning of the process but as it proceeds along the envelope and we run out of sets to select from, the fit can become worse and worse. In any case there is no guarantee that the desired curves will be expressed exactly in the returned ordering. The function tries to find the best fit but success depends very much on the number and variety of sets in the palette. Also taken into account when in both methods is the lowest note of the set. If :repeating-bass is NIL (the default) then the function tries to avoid repeating bass notes in two consecutive sets. Repeating highest notes are allowed. NB Unlike the chord methods which calculate dissonance and spectral centroid, there is no way to pass spectral data here. If you want to override the default spectral data then use (set-sc-config 'default-spectra ...). See globals.lsp for more details.
- the set-palette object
keyword arguments: - dissonance-env: The desired dissonance envelope. Y values: 0.0 to 1.0 Default '(0 .1 62 1 100 .3) - centroid-env: The desired spectral centroid envelope.Y values: 0.0 to 1.0 Default '(0 .4 62 1 100 .2) - dissonance-weight: A weighting factor (scaler) applied to dissonance. Higher values result in dissonance playing a larger role in the decision process. Default 1.0 - centroid-weight: a similar factor for spectral centroid. Default 1.0 - verbose: Whether to print data as the decision process proceeds. Default NIL - repeating-bass: Whether to allow bass notes to repeat between two consecutive chords. Default NIL - silent: Whether to print warnings or not. Default NIL - map-section: if you want a list of references suitable to be passed as a set-map, set this keyword to the integer ID of the section the map will be used for. Default = NIL. - permutate: use the permutation rather than the successive approach. This can either be T (which will limit to 2000), 'all (get all permutations--could take a very long time), or an integer to represent the maximum number of permutations we'll try. Default = NIL.
If we're using the permutate method then a single list of the sets' set-palette references is returned. If we're using the successive method we return two values: A list of the full references of the sets in the set palette in the automatically determined order, along with a list of the deviations from the ideal this order represents. Either method might return a list suitable for passing to a set-map (see example below).
(auto-sequence (recursive-set-palette-from-ring-mod '(a4 b4) 'spfrm-test :warn-no-bass nil) :verbose nil :centroid-weight 2 :silent t) => ((A4 15) (A4 13) (A4 4) (A4 7) (B4 4) (A4 14) (A4 2) (A4 20) (B4 2) (B4 17) (B4 14) (B4 11) (B4 9) (A4 12) (B4 21) (B4 6) (A4 6) (B4 5) (B4 7) (B4 12) (A4 19) (A4 5) (A4 9) (A4 3) (A4 11) (A4 10) (B4 18) (B4 10) (B4 16) (B4 3) (B4 19) (A4 17) (B4 13) (A4 8) (B4 15) (B4 8) (B4 20) (B4 1) (A4 21) (A4 1) (A4 18) (A4 16)) ((0.3433064594719475d0 0.04460029910249326d0 0.38790675857444074d0) (0.36511199730074173d0 0.10718227303159739d0 0.4722942703323391d0) ... (auto-sequence (recursive-set-palette-from-ring-mod '(a4 b4) 'spfrm-test :warn-no-bass nil) :verbose nil :centroid-weight 2 :silent t :permutate t :map-section 1) => ((1 ((B4 1) (B4 3) (B4 15) (B4 5) (B4 10) (A4 3) (A4 17) (A4 1) (A4 14) (A4 15) (B4 12) (A4 4) (B4 2) (B4 18) (A4 20) (A4 5) (B4 4) (B4 6) (B4 20) (B4 17) (B4 16) (B4 11) (A4 6) (B4 9) (A4 7) (A4 12) (B4 21) (A4 18) (A4 19) (A4 13) (B4 19) (B4 7) (A4 16) (B4 13) (A4 8) (A4 2) (B4 8) (A4 9) (A4 10) (A4 11) (A4 21) (B4 14))))
(defmethod auto-sequence ((sp set-palette) &key (dissonance-env '(0 .1 62 1 100 .3)) (centroid-env '(0 .4 62 1 100 .2)) (dissonance-weight 1.0) (centroid-weight 1.0) map-section permutate verbose repeating-bass silent)
set-palette/calculate-spectral-centroid [ Methods ]
[ Top ] [ set-palette ] [ Methods ]
January 30th 2016
Calculate the spectral centroid values for each set in a set-palette. This will set the centroid slot of each set.
- a set-palette object
keyword arguments: - sort: If T, sorts the list values from high to low, otherwise the list will be returned with the order of the sets in the palette. Default = NIL. see this method in the chord class for a description of further keywords
a list of two-element lists: the reference to the set within the palette and the centroid value.
(defmethod calculate-spectral-centroid ((sp set-palette) &rest keyargs &key &allow-other-keys)
set-palette/cmn-display [ Methods ]
[ Top ] [ set-palette ] [ Methods ]
Generate printable music notation output (.EPS) of the given set-palette object, including separate notation of the SUBSETS and RELATED-SETS slots, using the Common Music Notation (CMN) interface. The method requires at least the name of the given set-palette object, but has several additional optional arguments for customizing output. NB: Some of the keyword arguments are CMN attributes and share the same name as the CMN feature they effect.
- A set-palette object.
keyword arguments: - :file. The file path, including the file name, of the file to be generated. - :4stave. T or NIL to indicate whether the note-heads of the output should be printed on 4 staves (or 2). T = 4. Default = NIL. - :text-x-offset. Number (positive or negative) to indicate the horizontal offset of any text in the output. A value of 0.0 results in all text being lined up left-flush with the note-heads below it. Units here and below are relative to CMN staff size. Default = -0.5. - :text-y-offset. Number (positive or negative) to indicate the vertical offset of any text in the output. - :font-size. A number indicating the size of any text font used in the output. This affects text only and not the music (see :size below for changing the size of the music). If 0 then no text will be displayed. Default = 10.0. - :break-line-each-set. T or NIL to indicate whether each set-palette object should be printed on a separate staff or consecutively on the same staff. T = one staff per set-palette object. Default = T. - :line-separation. A number to indicate the amount of white space between lines of music (systems), measured as a factor of the staff height. Default = 3. This is a direct CMN attribute. - :staff-separation. A number to indicate the amount of white space between staves belong to the same system, measured as a factor of the staff height. Default = 3. This is a direct CMN attribute. - :transposition. Nil or a number (positive or negative) to indicate the number of semitones by which the pitches of the given set-palette object should be transposed before generating the CMN output. Default = NIL (0). - :size. A number to indicate the size of the music-font in the CMN output. This affects music only, not text. - :use-octave-signs. T or NIL to indicate whether to automatically insert ottava spanners. Automatic placement depends on the overall pitch content. This is a slippery-chicken process and may produce different results than :automatic-octave-signs, which is a direct CMN process. T = insert octave signs. Default = NIL. - :automatic-octave-signs. T or NIL to indicate whether to automatically insert ottava spanners. Automatic placement depends on the overall pitch content. This is a direct CMN process and may produce different results than :use-octave-signs, which is a slippery-chicken process. T = insert octave signs. Default = NIL. - :include-missing-chromatic. T or NIL to indicate whether to also print any chromatic pitches from the complete-set that are not present in the given set-palette object. T = print. Default = T. - :include-missing-non-chromatic. T or NIL to indicate whether to also print any microtonal pitches from the complete-set that are not present in the given set-palette object. T = print. Default = T.
;; A typical example with some specified keyword values for file, font-size, ;; break-line-each-set, size, include-missing-chromatic and ;; include-missing-non-chromatic (let ((msp (make-set-palette 'test p '((1 ((1 ((c3 g3 cs4 e4 fs4 a4 bf4 c5 d5 f5 gf5 af5 ef6))) (2 ((c3 g3 cs4 e4 fs4 a4 bf4 c5 d5 f5 gf5 af5 ef6) :subsets ((tc1 (d2 g3 cs5)) (tc2 (eqs2 f3 bqf3)) (tc3 (b2 bqs3 gqf5))))))) (2 ((1 ((1 1) :transposition 5)) (2 ((1 2) :transposition 5)))) (3 ((1 ((1 1) :transposition -2)) (2 ((1 2) :transposition -2)))))))) (cmn-display msp :file "/tmp/sp-output.eps" :font-size 8 :break-line-each-set nil :size 10 :include-missing-chromatic nil :include-missing-non-chromatic nil))
(defmethod cmn-display ((sp set-palette) &rest keyargs &key &allow-other-keys)
set-palette/find-sets-with-pitches [ Methods ]
[ Top ] [ set-palette ] [ Methods ]
Return a list of sets (as complete-set objects) from a given set-palette object based on whether they contain specified pitches. NB: Only sets which contain all of the specified pitches will be returned.
- A set-palette object. - A list of pitches, either as pitch objects or note-name symbols. OPTION ARGUMENTS - T or NIL to indicate whether to print the notes of each successful set as they are being examined.
A list of complete-set objects.
;; Find sets that contain a single pitch (let ((msp (make-set-palette 'test '((1 ((1 ((g3 c4 e4 g4))) (2 ((c4 d4 e4 g4))))) (2 ((1 ((1 1) :transposition 5)) (2 ((1 2) :transposition 5)))) (3 ((1 ((1 1) :transposition -2)) (2 ((1 2) :transposition -2)))))))) (find-sets-with-pitches msp '(c4))) => ( COMPLETE-SET: complete: NIL [...] data: (BF3 C4 D4 F4) [...] COMPLETE-SET: complete: NIL [...] data: (C4 F4 A4 C5) [...] COMPLETE-SET: complete: NIL [...] data: (C4 D4 E4 G4) [...] COMPLETE-SET: complete: NIL [...] data: (G3 C4 E4 G4) ) ;; Search for a set of two pitches, printing the successfully matched sets (let ((msp (make-set-palette 'test '((1 ((1 ((g3 c4 e4 g4))) (2 ((c4 d4 e4 g4))))) (2 ((1 ((1 1) :transposition 5)) (2 ((1 2) :transposition 5)))) (3 ((1 ((1 1) :transposition -2)) (2 ((1 2) :transposition -2)))))))) (print (find-sets-with-pitches msp '(c4 f4) t))) => (2 1): (C4 F4 A4 C5) (3 2): (BF3 C4 D4 F4) ( COMPLETE-SET: complete: NIL [...] data: (BF3 C4 D4 F4) COMPLETE-SET: complete: NIL [...] data: (C4 F4 A4 C5) )
(defmethod find-sets-with-pitches ((sp set-palette) pitches &optional print)
set-palette/force-micro-tone [ Methods ]
[ Top ] [ set-palette ] [ Methods ]
Change the value of the MICRO-TONE slot of all pitch objects in a given set-palette object to the specified <value>. NB If the pitches are microtonal and thus have associated pitch-bends and microtonal frequencies, these will not be changed, i.e. only the micro-tone slot is changed.
- A set-palette object.
- An item of any type that is to be the new value of the MICRO-TONE slot of all pitch objects in the given sc-set object (generally T or NIL). Default = NIL.
Always returns T.
;; Create a set-palette object whose individual sets contain some micro-tones ;; and print the contents of all the MICRO-TONE slots to see the values. Then ;; apply the force-micro-tone method and print the slots again to see the ;; changes. (let ((msp (make-set-palette 'test '((1 ((1 ((bf1 ef2 aqf2 c3 e3 gqf3 gqs3 cs4 d4 g4 a4 cqs5 dqf5 gs5 b5))) (2 ((bf1 d2 fqf2 fqs2 b2 c3 f3 g3 bqf3 bqs3 fs4 gs4 a4 cs5 gqf5) :subsets ((tc1 (d2 g3 cs5)) (tc2 (eqs2 f3 bqf3)) (tc3 (b2 bqs3 gqf5))))))) (2 ((1 ((1 1) :transposition 5)) (2 ((1 2) :transposition 5)))) (3 ((1 ((1 1) :transposition -2)) (2 ((1 2) :transposition -2)))))))) (print (loop for i in (data msp) collect (loop for j in (data (data i)) collect (loop for p in (data j) collect (micro-tone p))))) (force-micro-tone msp t) (print (loop for i in (data msp) collect (loop for j in (data (data i)) collect (loop for p in (data j) collect (micro-tone p)))))) => (((NIL NIL T NIL NIL T T NIL NIL NIL NIL T T NIL NIL) (NIL NIL T T NIL NIL NIL NIL T T NIL NIL NIL NIL T)) ((NIL NIL T NIL NIL T T NIL NIL NIL NIL T T NIL NIL) (NIL NIL T T NIL NIL NIL NIL T T NIL NIL NIL NIL T)) ((NIL NIL T NIL NIL T T NIL NIL NIL NIL T T NIL NIL) (NIL NIL T T NIL NIL NIL NIL T T NIL NIL NIL NIL T))) (((T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T) (T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T)) ((T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T) (T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T)) ((T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T) (T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T)))
(defmethod force-micro-tone ((sp set-palette) &optional value)
set-palette/gen-max-coll-file [ Methods ]
[ Top ] [ set-palette ] [ Methods ]
Write a text file from a given set-palette object suitable for reading into Max/MSP's coll object. The resulting text file has one line for each set in the palette, with the coll index being the ID of the set. The rest of the line is a list of frequency/amplitude pairs (or MIDI note number/velocity if required). 0.1 is the default amplitude for frequencies; 80 the default velocity for MIDI; if 'transp is the format argument then no amplitude or velocity data is written.
- A set-palette object. - The name (and path) of the .txt file to write.
- 'freq, 'freq-only (no amplitudes), 'midi', or 'transp to indicate whether frequencies in Hertz, MIDI note numbers, or semitone transposition factors should be generated. If the latter then the middle note will be represented by 0 transposition. Default = 'freq (frequencies). - a list of references into the palette to define the order in which the sets are written. Default = NIL = sets will be written in the order in which they appear in the palette. - T or NIL to indicate whether successive integers should be used as indices in the coll. Default = NIL = use combined set-palette and set IDs.
;; Generates frequencies by default (let ((msp (make-set-palette 'test '((1 ((1 ((g3 c4 e4 g4))) (2 ((c4 d4 e4 g4))))) (2 ((1 ((1 1) :transposition 5)) (2 ((1 2) :transposition 5)))) (3 ((1 ((1 1) :transposition -2)) (2 ((1 2) :transposition -2)))))))) (gen-max-coll-file msp "/tmp/msp-mcf.txt")) ;; Set the optional argument to 'midi to generate MIDI note numbers instead (let ((msp (make-set-palette 'test '((1 ((1 ((g3 c4 e4 g4))) (2 ((c4 d4 e4 g4))))) (2 ((1 ((1 1) :transposition 5)) (2 ((1 2) :transposition 5)))) (3 ((1 ((1 1) :transposition -2)) (2 ((1 2) :transposition -2)))))))) (gen-max-coll-file msp "/tmp/msp-mcf.txt" 'midi))
(defmethod gen-max-coll-file ((sp set-palette) file &optional (format 'freq) refs ints)
set-palette/gen-midi-chord-seq [ Methods ]
[ Top ] [ set-palette ] [ Methods ]
Generate a MIDI file in which each set of the given set-palette object is played at 1 second intervals.
- A set-palette object. - The name and path for the MIDI file to be generated.
- the tempo in beats per minute. Default = 60. - subsets-id, related-sets-id. If you want to generate a MIDI file of just a named subset or related-set, pass the ID here. NB this ID will have to exist for all sets.
Always returns T
(let ((msp (make-set-palette 'test '((1 ((1 ((bf1 ef2 aqf2 c3 e3 gqf3 gqs3 cs4 d4 g4 a4 cqs5 dqf5 gs5 b5))) (2 ((bf1 d2 fqf2 fqs2 b2 c3 f3 g3 bqf3 bqs3 fs4 gs4 a4 cs5 gqf5) :subsets ((tc1 (d2 g3 cs5)) (tc2 (eqs2 f3 bqf3)) (tc3 (b2 bqs3 gqf5))))))) (2 ((1 ((1 1) :transposition 5)) (2 ((1 2) :transposition 5)))) (3 ((1 ((1 1) :transposition -2)) (2 ((1 2) :transposition -2)))))))) (gen-midi-chord-seq msp "/tmp/msp-gmchs.mid"))
(defmethod gen-midi-chord-seq ((sp set-palette) midi-file &optional (tempo 60.0) subsets-id related-sets-id)
set-palette/limit [ Methods ]
[ Top ] [ set-palette ] [ Methods ]
Limit all the sets in a palette to a specified range. See the tl-set class limit method for details of the this method and its arguments.
The set-palette object.
(defmethod limit ((sp set-palette) &key upper lower do-related-sets)
set-palette/limit-shift-octave [ Methods ]
[ Top ] [ set-palette ] [ Methods ]
19th August 2015, Edinburgh
Apply the tl-set method of the same name to each set in the palette. See that class method description for details.
- the set-palette object
See descriptions in tl-set limiti-shift-octave method noting that here the :upper and :lower arguments can be a single note symbol or pitch object, as in tl-set, or an envelope. In the latter case, the x axis can be over any arbitrary scale and the y values can either be note symbols or midi note numbers.
The set-palette object (modified).
(defmethod limit-shift-octave ((sp set-palette) &key upper lower do-related-sets)
set-palette/make-set-palette [ Functions ]
[ Top ] [ set-palette ] [ Functions ]
Create a set-palette object. Note that the sets in this palette may refer to previously defined sets in order to avoid retyping note lists (see example below).
- A symbol that is to be the ID of the resulting set-palette object. - A recursive list of key/data pairs, of which the deepest level of data will be a list of note-name symbols.
keyword arguments: - :recurse-simple-data. T or NIL to indicate whether to interpret two-element data lists as recursive palettes. Default = T. - :warn-note-found. T or NIL to indicate whether to print warnings when specified data is not found with subsequent calls to the get-data method.
A set-palette object.
;;; Create a set-palette object (make-set-palette 'test '((1 ((1 ((bf1 ef2 aqf2 c3 e3 gqf3 gqs3 cs4 d4 g4 a4 cqs5 dqf5 gs5 b5) :subsets ((tc1 ((ds2 e3 a4) "a-tag")) (tc2 (bf1 d4 cqs5)) (tc3 (c3 cs4 gs5))))) (2 ((bf1 d2 fqf2 fqs2 b2 c3 f3 g3 bqf3 bqs3 fs4 gs4 a4 cs5 gqf5) :subsets ((tc1 (d2 g3 cs5)) (tc2 (eqs2 f3 bqf3)) (tc3 (b2 bqs3 gqf5))))) (3 ((cqs2 fs2 g2 c3 d3 fqs3 gqf3 cs4 ds4 e4 gs4 dqf5 f5 a5 bqs5) :subsets ((tc1 (cqs2 c3 f5)) (tc2 (fs2 e4 bqs5)) (tc3 (d3 ef4 a5))))))) (2 ((1 ((1 1) :transposition 5)) (2 ((1 2) :transposition 5)) (3 ((1 3) :transposition 5)))) (3 ((1 ((1 1) :transposition -2)) (2 ((1 2) :transposition -2)) (3 ((1 3) :transposition -2)))))) => SET-PALETTE: PALETTE: RECURSIVE-ASSOC-LIST: recurse-simple-data: T num-data: 9 linked: NIL full-ref: NIL ASSOC-LIST: warn-not-found T CIRCULAR-SCLIST: current 0 SCLIST: sclist-length: 3, bounds-alert: T, copy: T LINKED-NAMED-OBJECT: previous: NIL, this: NIL, next: NIL NAMED-OBJECT: id: TEST, tag: NIL, data: ( [...] ;;; NB A simple list of sets (with unique id slots) can also be passed. ;;; Create a set-palette object by referencing a set-palette-object already ;;; defined (sp1) and transposing a clone of that object. (make-set-palette 'test '((sp1 ((bf1 ef2 aqf2 c3 e3 gqf3 gqs3 cs4 d4 g4 a4 cqs5 dqf5 gs5 b5) :subsets ((tc1 (ds2 e3 a4)) (tc2 (bf1 d4 cqs5)) (qc1 (aqf2 e3 a4 dqf5 b5)) (qc2 (bf1 c3 gqs3 cs4 cqs5))) :related-sets ((missing (bqs0 eqs1 f5 aqs5 eqf6 fqs6 bqf6 dqs7 fs7))))) (sp2 (sp1 :transposition 13)))) => SET-PALETTE: PALETTE: RECURSIVE-ASSOC-LIST: recurse-simple-data: T num-data: 2 linked: NIL full-ref: NIL ASSOC-LIST: warn-not-found T CIRCULAR-SCLIST: current 0 SCLIST: sclist-length: 2, bounds-alert: T, copy: T LINKED-NAMED-OBJECT: previous: NIL, this: NIL, next: NIL NAMED-OBJECT: id: TEST, tag: NIL, data: ( COMPLETE-SET: complete: NIL num-missing-non-chromatic: 7 num-missing-chromatic: 2 missing-non-chromatic: (BQS BQF AQS FQS EQS EQF DQS) missing-chromatic: (FS F) [...] subsets: TC1: (DS2 E3 A4) TC2: (BF1 D4 CQS5) QC1: (AQF2 E3 A4 DQF5 B5) QC2: (BF1 C3 GQS3 CS4 CQS5) related-sets: MISSING: (BQS0 EQS1 F5 AQS5 EQF6 FQS6 BQF6 DQS7 FS7) SCLIST: sclist-length: 15, bounds-alert: T, copy: T LINKED-NAMED-OBJECT: previous: NIL, this: NIL, next: NIL NAMED-OBJECT: id: SP1, tag: NIL, data: (BF1 EF2 AQF2 C3 E3 GQF3 GQS3 CS4 D4 G4 A4 CQS5 DQF5 GS5 B5) [...] COMPLETE-SET: complete: NIL num-missing-non-chromatic: 7 num-missing-chromatic: 2 missing-non-chromatic: (BQS BQF AQS FQS EQS EQF DQS) missing-chromatic: (FS F) TL-SET: transposition: 13 limit-upper: NIL limit-lower: NIL [...] subsets: TC1: (E3 F4 BF5) TC2: (B2 EF5 DQF6) QC1: (AQS3 F4 BF5 DQS6 C7) QC2: (B2 CS4 AQF4 D5 DQF6) related-sets: MISSING: (BQS0 EQS1 F5 AQS5 EQF6 FQS6 BQF6 DQS7 FS7) SCLIST: sclist-length: 15, bounds-alert: T, copy: T LINKED-NAMED-OBJECT: previous: NIL, this: NIL, next: NIL NAMED-OBJECT: id: SP2, tag: NIL, data: (B2 E3 AQS3 CS4 F4 GQS4 AQF4 D5 EF5 AF5 BF5 DQF6 DQS6 A6 C7) ************** )
(defun make-set-palette (id palette &key (recurse-simple-data t) (warn-not-found t))
set-palette/midi-play [ Methods ]
[ Top ] [ set-palette ] [ Methods ]
25th May 2017, Edinburgh
Write a MIDI file containing the sets in the set-palette
- the set-palette object
keyword arguments: - :midi-file. The path (string) of the midi file to write. Default is to use the ID of the set-palette and write it into the default directory. - :tempo. The tempo of the MIDI file in beats per minute. Default = 60. - :auto-open. Whether to open the midi file after generating (not available on all operating systems). Default is (get-sc-config 'midi-play-auto-open) which itself defaults to sc-auto-open in the *features* list. - :related-sets-id :subsets-id. If you want to generate a MIDI file of just a named subset or related-set, pass the ID here. NB this ID will have to exist for all sets.
(defmethod midi-play ((sp set-palette) &key (tempo 60.0) (auto-open (get-sc-config 'midi-play-auto-open)) ;; MDE Sat Mar 20 12:05:17 2021, Heidhausen related-sets-id subsets-id (midi-file (format nil "~a~a.mid" (get-sc-config 'default-dir) (string-downcase (string (id sp))))))
set-palette/quality-extremes [ Methods ]
[ Top ] [ set-palette ] [ Methods ]
Get the extremes (as four values) of the dissonance (min max) and spectral centroid (min max) of a whole set palette.
- a set-palette object
Four values (i.e. to be used by multiple-value-bind and friends): dissonance min, dissonance max, centroid min, centroid max.
(defmethod quality-extremes ((sp set-palette))
set-palette/recursive-set-palette-from-ring-mod [ Functions ]
[ Top ] [ set-palette ] [ Functions ]
Create a set-palette object consisting of sub palette-objects whose pitch content is generated based on ring modulation routines applied to the specified pitches.
- A list of note-name symbols, each of which will serve as the reference pitch from which a new set-palette object is made using the set-palette-from-ring-mod method. - A symbol that will be the ID for the top-level set-palette object. The IDs of the new set-palette objects contained in the top-level object are generated from the note-name symbols of the reference-pitches, with the IDs of the pitch sets contained with them then generated by sequential numbers.
keyword arguments: - :partials. A list of integers that are the partials which the method is to ring modulate, with 1 being either the reference-note or the bass note that would have the reference-note as the highest partial in the given list. Default = '(1 3 5 7). - :warn-no-bass. T or NIL to indicate whether to issue a warning when ring-mod-bass fails to find suitable bass notes for the generated sets. T = warn. Default = T. - :do-bass. T or NIL to indicate whether to add notes created by the ring-mod-bass function to the resulting set-palette object. T = create and add bass notes. Default = T. - :remove-octaves. T or NIL to indicate whether to remove the upper instances of any octave-equivalent pitches from the resulting set-palette object. T = remove. Default = NIL. - :min-bass-notes. An integer that is the minimum number of bass notes to be generated and added to the resulting set-palette object. Default = 1. - :ring-mod-bass-octave. An integer that is the MIDI octave reference number (such as the 4 in 'C4), indicating the octave from which the bass note(s) are to be taken. - :force-chromatic. T or NIL. If T, force all micro-tone slots of pitch objects to be NIL so that they won't be filtered out when a set is to be used by a chromatic instrument. See sc-set class force-micro-tone for more details.
- A set-palette object (recursive)
;; Simple useage with default keyword argument values (recursive-set-palette-from-ring-mod '(a4 b4 c4) 'rspfrm-test) => SET-PALETTE: PALETTE: RECURSIVE-ASSOC-LIST: recurse-simple-data: T num-data: 3 linked: NIL full-ref: NIL ASSOC-LIST: warn-not-found T CIRCULAR-SCLIST: current 0 SCLIST: sclist-length: 3, bounds-alert: T, copy: T LINKED-NAMED-OBJECT: previous: NIL, this: NIL, next: NIL NAMED-OBJECT: id: RSPFRM-TEST, tag: NIL, data: ( NAMED-OBJECT: id: A4, tag: NIL, data: SET-PALETTE: PALETTE: RECURSIVE-ASSOC-LIST: recurse-simple-data: T num-data: 21 linked: NIL full-ref: NIL ASSOC-LIST: warn-not-found T CIRCULAR-SCLIST: current 0 SCLIST: sclist-length: 21, bounds-alert: T, copy: T LINKED-NAMED-OBJECT: previous: NIL, this: NIL, next: NIL NAMED-OBJECT: id: A4, tag: NIL, data: ( COMPLETE-SET: complete: NIL [...]
(defun recursive-set-palette-from-ring-mod (reference-notes id &key (warn-no-bass t) (ring-mod-bass-octave 0) (do-bass t) remove-octaves force-chromatic (min-bass-notes 1) (partials '(1 3 5 7)))
set-palette/remove-similar [ Methods ]
[ Top ] [ set-palette ] [ Methods ]
12th August 2015, Wals, Austria
Remove similar sets from a palette when two sets are deemed similar. The set furthest down the data list will remain, whatever the ID. Note that this is a destructive operation. We use the similarity chord method to remove sets from the palette, so see that method for further information and for more keyword argument descriptions.
- the set-palette object
keyword arguments: - :threshold. The lowest value that the chord class's similarity method may return in order to trigger removal. Default = 0.8 - :clone. Whether to clone the set-palette object before removing sets. - :enharmonics-are-equal. See similarity method. Default = T. - :octaves-are-true. See similarity method. Default = NIL.
the pared-down set-palette object
(defmethod remove-similar ((sp set-palette) &key (threshold 0.8) (clone nil) (enharmonics-are-equal t) (octaves-are-true nil))
set-palette/ring-mod [ Functions ]
[ Top ] [ set-palette ] [ Functions ]
Ring modulate (sum and difference tones) two pitches and return the resulting pitch and harmonic partials thereof.
- A first pitch, either as a numeric hertz frequencey or a note-name symbol. - A second pitch, either as a numeric hertz frequencey or a note-name symbol. The second value needn't be higher than first.
keyword arguments - :return-notes. T or NIL to indicate whether to return the results as note-name symbols or frequency numbers. T = note-name symbols. Default = NIL. - :pitch1-partials. An integer that indicates how many harmonic partials of the first pitch are to be included in the modulation. Default = 3. - :pitch2-partials. An integer that indicates how many harmonic partials of the second pitch are to be included in the modulation. Default = 2. - :min-freq. A number that is the the minimum frequency (hertz) that may be returned. Default = 20. - :max-freq. A number that is the the maximum frequency (hertz) that may be returned. Default = 20000. - :round. T or NIL to indicate whether frequency values returned are first rounded to the nearest hertz. T = round. Default = T - :remove-duplicates. T or NIL to indicate whether any duplicate frequencies are to be removed from the resulting list before returning it. T = remove. Default = T. - :print. T or NIL to indicate whether resulting data is to be printed as it is being generated. T = print. Default = NIL. - :remove-octaves. T or NIL to indicate whether octave repetitions of pitches will be removed from the resulting list before returning it, keeping only the lowest instance of each pitch. This argument can also be set as a number or a list of numbers that indicates which octave repetitions will be allowed, the rest being removed. For example, :remove-octaves '(1 2) will remove all octave repetitions of a given pitch except for those that are 1 octave and 2 octaves above the given pitch; thus '(c1 c2 c3 c4 c5) would return '(c1 c2 c3), removing c4 and c5. Default = NIL. - :scale. A variable that indicates which scale to use when converting frequencies to note-names. Default = cm::*scale* i.e. the value to which the Common Music scale is set, which in slippery chicken is *quarter-tone* by default.
A list of note-name symbols or frequencies.
;; Apply ring modulation to 'C4 and 'D4, using 5 partials of the first pitch ;; and 3 partials of the second, removing octave repetitions, and returning the ;; results as rounded hertz-frequencies (ring-mod 'c4 'd4 :pitch1-partials 5 :pitch2-partials 3 :min-freq 60 :max-freq 2000 :remove-octaves t) => (64.0 96.0 166.0 198.0 230.0 358.0 427.0 459.0 491.0 555.0 619.0 817.0 1079.0 1143.0 1340.0 1372.0 1404.0 1666.0 1895.0 1927.0) ;; Applying ring modulation to two frequencies, returning the results as ;; note-name symbols within the chromatic scale. (ring-mod '261.63 '293.66 :return-notes t :remove-duplicates nil :scale cm::*chromatic-scale*) => (C1 C2 G3 BF3 E4 B4 CS5 AF5 AF5 CS6 CS6 F6)
(defun ring-mod (pitch1 pitch2 ;; hertz or notes &key (return-notes nil) (pitch1-partials 3) (pitch2-partials 2) (min-freq 20) (max-freq 20000) (round t) (remove-duplicates t) (print nil) remove-octaves (scale cm::*scale*))
set-palette/ring-mod-bass [ Functions ]
[ Top ] [ set-palette ] [ Functions ]
Using ring-modulation techniques, invent (sensible) bass note(s) from a list of frequencies.
- A list of numbers that are hertz frequencies from which the bass note(s) are to be generated.
keyword arguments - :bass-octave. An integer that is an octave indicator (e.g. the 4 in 'C4). The method will only return any frequencies/note-names generated that fall in this octave. Default = 0. - :low. A note-name symbol that is the lowest possible pitch of those returned. This argument further restricts the :bass-octave argument. Thus a :bass-octave value of 1 could be further limited to no pitches below :low 'DS1. Default = 'A0. - :high. A note-name symbol that is the highest possible pitch of those returned. This argument further restricts the :bass-octave argument. Thus a :bass-octave value of 1 could be further limted to no pitches above :high 'FS1. Default = 'G3. - :round. T or NIL to indicate whether the frequencies returned are rounded to integer values. T = round. Default = T. - :warn. T or NIL to print a warning when no bass can be created from the specified frequencies/note-names. T = print warning. Default = T. - :return-notes. T or NIL to indicate whether the resulting pitches should be returned as note-names instead of frequencies. T = return as note-names. Default = NIL. - :scale. A variable pointing to the scale to which any translation of frequencies into note-names symbols should take place. By default this value is set to cm::*scale*, which is automatically set by slippery chicken to 'quarter-tone at initialisation. To return e.g. pitches rounded to chromatic note-names set this argument to cm::*chromatic-scale*.
Returns a list of frequencies by default. Setting the :return-notes keyword argument to T will cause the method to return note-name symbols instead.
;; Simple usage with default keyword argument values (ring-mod-bass '(261.63 293.66 329.63 349.23)) => (28 29 32) ;; Return as note-names instead, in quarter-tone scale by default (ring-mod-bass '(261.63 293.66 329.63 349.23) :return-notes t) => (A0 BF0 BQS0) ;; Set the :scale argument to cm::*chromatic-scale* to return equal-tempered ;; note-name symbols instead (ring-mod-bass '(261.63 293.66 329.63 349.23) :return-notes t :scale cm::*chromatic-scale*) => (A0 BF0 C1) ;; Return pitches from bass octave 1 rather than default 0 (ring-mod-bass '(261.63 293.66 329.63 349.23 392.00) :return-notes t :scale cm::*chromatic-scale* :bass-octave 1) => (CS1 D1 F1 G1 A1 B1) ;; Further limit the notes returned by setting :low and :high values (ring-mod-bass '(261.63 293.66 329.63 349.23 392.00) :return-notes t :scale cm::*chromatic-scale* :bass-octave 1 :low 'e1 :high 'a1) => (F1 G1) ;; Set the :round argument to NIL to return decimal-point frequencies (ring-mod-bass '(261.63 293.66 329.63 349.23 392.00) :bass-octave 1 :low 'e1 :high 'a1 :round NIL) => (42.76999999999998 43.45666666666667 43.80000000000001 49.16999999999999) ;; The method prints a warning by default if no bass note can be made (ring-mod-bass '(261.63)) => NIL WARNING: set-palette::ring-mod-bass: can't get bass from (261.63)! ;; This warning can be suppressed by setting the :warn argument to NIL (ring-mod-bass '(261.63) :warn nil) => NIL
(defun ring-mod-bass (freqs &key (bass-octave 0) (low 'a0) (high 'g3) (round t) (warn t) (return-notes nil) (scale cm::*scale*))
set-palette/round-to-nearest [ Methods ]
[ Top ] [ set-palette ] [ Methods ]
January 30th 2017
Rounds all pitch objects to the nearest pitch in the current or given scale. See also sc-set, chord, slippery-chicken, event, and pitch class methods.
- a set-palette object
keyword argument: :scale. The scale to use when rounding. (Common Music tuning object or symbol). If a symbol, then 'chromatic-scale, 'twelfth-tone, or 'quarter-tone only at present. Default is the current scale as set by (in-scale :...).
the modified set-palette
(defmethod round-to-nearest ((sp set-palette) &key (scale cm::*scale*))
set-palette/set-palette-from-ring-mod [ Functions ]
[ Top ] [ set-palette ] [ Functions ]
Create a new set-palette object from the pitches returned by applying ring modulation procedures (difference and sum tones of partials).
- A note-name symbol that is the central pitch from which we perform the ring-modulation. See :partials below. - A symbol that is to be the ID for the new set-palette object.
keyword arguments - :partials. A list of integers that are the partials which the method uses to ring modulate. We create partials ascending from the reference-note but also ascending from a fundamental calculated so that reference-note would be the highest partial in the partials list. E.g. if reference-note were 'a4 (440Hz) and :partials was '(1 2) we'd have partial frequencies of 440 and 880, as these are the ascending partials 1 and 2 from 440, but also have 220, as that is the fundamental for which 440 would be the highest partial out of (1 2). Default = '(1 3 5 7). - :warn-no-bass. T or NIL to indicate whether to issue a warning when ring-mod-bass fails to find suitable bass notes for the generated sets. T = warn. Default = T. - :do-bass. T or NIL to indicate whether to add notes created by the ring-mod-bass function to the resulting set-palette object. T = create and add bass notes. Default = T. - :remove-octaves. T or NIL to indicate whether to remove the upper instances of any octave-equivalent pitches from the resulting set-palette object. T = remove. Default = NIL. - :min-bass-notes. An integer that is the minimum number of bass notes to be generated and added to the resulting set-palette object. Default = 1. - :ring-mod-bass-octave. An integer that is the MIDI octave reference number (such as the 4 in 'C4), indicating the octave from which the bass note(s) are to be taken. - :force-chromatic. T or NIL. If T, force all micro-tone slots of pitch objects to be NIL so that they won't be filtered out when a set is to be used by a chromatic instrument. See sc-set class force-micro-tone for more details. If you want truly chromatic sets make sure to be (in-scale :chromatic) - :start-id. An integer which represents the ID number for the first set. This will be incremented for each subsequent set generated.
A set-palette object.
;; Simple usage with default keyword argument values (set-palette-from-ring-mod 'a4 'spfrm-test) => SET-PALETTE: PALETTE: RECURSIVE-ASSOC-LIST: recurse-simple-data: T num-data: 21 linked: NIL full-ref: NIL ASSOC-LIST: warn-not-found T CIRCULAR-SCLIST: current 0 SCLIST: sclist-length: 21, bounds-alert: T, copy: T LINKED-NAMED-OBJECT: previous: NIL, this: NIL, next: NIL NAMED-OBJECT: id: SPFRM-TEST, tag: NIL, data: ( [...] ;;; Use with the :partials argument (let ((spfrm2 (set-palette-from-ring-mod 'a4 'spfrm-test :partials '(2 4 6 8)))) (loop for cs in (data spfrm2) collect (pitch-symbols cs))) => ((BQS0 CS5 E5 GQF5 B5 CS6 DQS6 FQS6 GQF6 AF6 BF6 B6 C7) (BQF0 B0 A2 A3 E4 A4 CS5 E5 GQF5) (BQS0 FQS6 GQF6 AF6 BF6 B6 C7 GQS7 AF7 AQF7 AQS7 BF7 BQF7) (B0 A2 A3 E4 A4 CS5 E5 GQF5 A5 B5) (BQS0 DQF7 DQS7 EQF7 EQS7 FQS7 FS7) (BQF0 A2 A3 E4 CS5 E5 GQF5 B5 CS6 DQS6) (AQS0 BQF0 B0 GQS7 AF7 AQF7 AQS7 BF7 BQF7) (B0 A4 E5 CS6 E6 GQF6 B6 CS7 DQS7 FQS7 GQF7) (B0 A5 A6 E7 A7) (B0 A3 CS5 CS6 DQS6 FQS6 GQF6 B6 C7 DQF7 DQS7 FS7 AF7) (BQS0 A5 A6 E7 A7) (B0 A4 A5 E6 A6 CS7 E7 GQF7 A7) (BQS0 A5 A6 E7) (BQS0 CS6 E6 GQF6 B6 CS7 DQS7 FQS7 GQF7 AF7 BF7 B7 C8) (BQF0 B0 BQS0 A2 A3 E4 A4 CS5 GQF5 A5 B5 CS6 E6) (BQS0 B6 CS7 DQS7 FQS7 GQF7 AF7) (B0 A3 A4 E5 A5 CS6 E6 GQF6) (B0 BQS0 FQS7 GQF7 AF7 BF7 B7 C8) (BQS0 CS6 FQS6 C7 DQS7 FQS7 GQS7 BQF7 C8) (B0 A5 A6 E7 A7) (BQS0 A5 E6 CS7 E7 GQF7 B7) (BQS0 A6 A7) (BQS0 AF6 B6 DQF7 FS7 AF7 AQS7) (BQF0 B0 BQS0 A2 A3 CS5 GQF5 CS6 DQS6 FQS6 GQF6 BF6) (BQS0 EQF7 FQS7 GQS7 BQF7 C8) (BQS0 A6 CS7 GQF7 A7) (B0 A5 A6) (BQS0 CS7 E7 GQF7 B7)) ;;; Use with the :do-bass and :remove-octaves arguments (let ((spfrm3 (set-palette-from-ring-mod 'a4 'spfrm-test :do-bass nil :remove-octaves t))) (loop for cs in (data spfrm3) collect (pitch-symbols cs))) => ((BQS1 GQF3 EF4 A4 DQF5) (DQF6 DQS6 EF6 F6 FQS6 GQF6 EQF7 EQS7) (BQS2 GQF3 A4 DQF5 F5 GQS5) (BQS6 C7 CQS7 DQF7 D7 DQS7) (BQS3 EF4 GQF4 DQF5 F5 GQS5 BF5 CQS6) (FQS7 FS7 GQF7 G7 GQS7) (GQF5 BF5 DQF6 AQF6 C7 DQS7 F7 GQS7) (BQS1 A4 F5 GQS5 DQS6) (GQS6 AQS6 BQS6 DQS7 EQF7 F7 BQF7) (BQS1 EF4 F5 GQS5 CQS6 FQS6) (EF7 EQS7 FQS7 GQS7 AQF7 AQS7) (F5 BQS5 GQS6 B6 D7 FS7 AF7 AQS7) (A4 GQF7) (A4 CS7 GQF7) (A4 CS7) (EF6 G6 BF6 F7 AQF7 BQS7) (BQS1 GQF3 DQF5 CQS6 DQS6 F6 AQS6) (CQS7 DQS7 F7 AQF7 BF7 BQS7) (E6 A6 GQF7 B7) (A4 E6 B7) (A6 CS7 E7 B7))
(defun set-palette-from-ring-mod (reference-note id &key (warn-no-bass t) (do-bass t) ;; the start id for the sets; will be ;; incremented (start-id 1) remove-octaves force-chromatic (min-bass-notes 1) (ring-mod-bass-octave 0) (partials '(1 3 5 7)))
set-palette/set-palette-from-spectra [ Functions ]
[ Top ] [ set-palette ] [ Functions ]
August 24th 2018
Create a set-palette by analysing a sound file at regular intervals and using the detected frequency components as pitches in a set. NB CLM is needed for this method.
- the sndfile to analyse
keyword arguments - :id. The ID for the set-palette object to return. If NIL a suitable symbol will be created from the sndfile path. Default = NIL. - :start. The time in seconds to start the analysis. Default = 0 - :stop. The time in seconds to stop the analysis. If nil then analysis will continue until one millisecond before the end of the sound file. Default = NIL. - :interval. The time increment in seconds for the analysis start point. Default = 0.1 - :min-pitches. The minimum number of pitches a set may contain. Analyses returning less than this number of frequencies will be skipped. Default = 5. - :pitch-min. The lowest pitch of any set. Pitch object or symbol. Default = c1. - :pitch-max. The highest pitch of any set. Pitch object or symbol. Default = g7. - :round. Round the generated pitches to the nearest in the current scale? Default = NIL. - :reject-fun. A function that takes a set as an argument and returns T if it should be rejected, or NIL if not. Default = NIL. - :warn-dups. T or NIL to warn if duplicate pitches are found when calling make-complete-set. Default = T. - :gs-keys. Any other keyword arguments to be passed to the get-spectrum call (get-spectrum.lsp). In particular :fftsize will be useful here as larger windows will result in lower pitches being detected. In any case it's worth experimenting with :fftsize. Default: various but :fftsize of 1024
a set-palette object. Each set in the palette has a numerically ascending integer ID, starting from 1.
(let ((sp (set-palette-from-spectra (concatenate 'string cl-user::+slippery-chicken-home-dir+ "test-suite/test-sndfiles-dir-1/test-sndfile-3.aiff")))) (print-simple sp)) => 1: DQS2 E5 DQS6 AQF6 AQS6 B6 CQS7 DQF7 2: E5 GQS5 AQS5 B5 CQS6 AQS6 4: EQF3 FQS4 E5 AQS5 CS6 AQS6 5: EQS2 AF3 EQF4 A4 DQF5 E5 AQF5 BQF5 AQS6 6: B4 EQF5 BF5 CQS6 DQS6 EQS6 GQS6 AQS6 7: F4 A4 CQS5 EQF5 GQS5 BQS5 CS6 AQS6 23: E5 BF6 D7 EQF7 E7 FQS7 NIL
#+clm (defun set-palette-from-spectra (sndfile &key id (start 0) stop (interval 0.1) (min-pitches 5) (pitch-min 'c1) (pitch-max 'g7) (round t) reject-fun (warn-dups t) (gs-keys `(:fftsize 1024 :order-by clm::freq :freq-min 20 :freq-max ,(note-to-freq 'b8))))
set-palette/set-palette-p [ Functions ]
[ Top ] [ set-palette ] [ Functions ]
Test whether a given object is a set-palette object.
- A lisp object
(let ((msp (make-set-palette 'test '((1 ((1 ((bf1 ef2 aqf2 c3 e3 gqf3 gqs3 cs4 d4 g4 a4 cqs5 dqf5 gs5 b5))) (2 ((bf1 d2 fqf2 fqs2 b2 c3 f3 g3 bqf3 bqs3 fs4 gs4 a4 cs5 gqf5) :subsets ((tc1 (d2 g3 cs5)) (tc2 (eqs2 f3 bqf3)) (tc3 (b2 bqs3 gqf5))))))) (2 ((1 ((1 1) :transposition 5)) (2 ((1 2) :transposition 5)))) (3 ((1 ((1 1) :transposition -2)) (2 ((1 2) :transposition -2)))))))) (set-palette-p msp)) => T
t or nil
(defun set-palette-p (thing)
set-palette/stack [ Methods ]
[ Top ] [ set-palette ] [ Methods ]
30th June 2019, Corfu
Call the stack method for each set in the palette. See the method description in the sc-set class for details of arguments etc.
- the set-palette with new stacked sets (clone before calling if necessary)
(defmethod stack ((sp set-palette) num-stacks &key id by-freq (up t) (down t))
set-palette/thin [ Methods ]
[ Top ] [ set-palette ] [ Methods ]
Apply the thin method to each set in the palette. See the sc-set class method for details, including keyword arguments.
(defmethod thin ((sp set-palette) &rest keywords &key &allow-other-keys)
set-palette/wrap [ Methods ]
[ Top ] [ set-palette ] [ Methods ]
March 5th 2016, Edinburgh
Applies the wrap method from the chord class to each set in the palette. See the chord class method for details.
The set-palette object, wrapped.
(defmethod wrap ((sp set-palette) &optional (num-times 1) (transpose t))