linked-named-object/sndfile [ Classes ]
[ Top ] [ linked-named-object ] [ Classes ]
sndfile File: sndfile.lsp Class Hierarchy: named-object -> linked-named-object -> sndfile Version: 1.1.0 Project: slippery chicken (algorithmic composition) Purpose: Implementation of the sndfile class that holds information about a sound file as well as specifying desired parameters Author: Michael Edwards: Creation date: March 21st 2001 $$ Last modified: 14:20:55 Sat Jan 11 2025 CET
sndfile/centroid [ Methods ]
[ Top ] [ sndfile ] [ Methods ]
February 7th 2023, Heidhausen
Calculate the average spectral centroid of a sound file, between the start and end points given. This requires CLM's scentroid.ins to be compiled and loaded in advance. Note that the averaging is done by FFT analysis every 10 milliseconds and with an FFT size of 4096 samples. FFT frames that have an RMS amplitude of < -40dbFS will be ignored.
the sndfile object
The frequency of the centroid in Hertz.
(defmethod centroid ((sf sndfile))
sndfile/get-sound-info [ Functions ]
[ Top ] [ sndfile ] [ Functions ]
Leon Focker:
March 17th 2024.
Get duration, srate, number of channels and bits per sample for a sound (or video) file. This function uses clm, if installed, or ffprobe as an alternative and fallback method, when clm is not available. Use (set-sc-config 'ffprobe-command "new/path") to change the default path for ffprobe. NB: CLM is not recommended for use with video files.
- filename. The path to the sound or video file.
- ffprobe. Default=nil. When nil, use clm if possible, else ffprobe. When t, use ffprobe with the default path to ffprobe. When a string, interpret that string as path to the ffprobe executable.
a list containing srate, number of channels, bits per sample, duration, the file size in byte, the number of framples, the video fps, width and heigth as numbers.
(defun get-sound-info (filename &optional ffprobe)
sndfile/make-sndfile [ Functions ]
[ Top ] [ sndfile ] [ Functions ]
Create a sndfile object to hold data about an existing sound file, specifying at least the path and file name of that sound file. Optional arguments allow for the specification of segments within the given sound file and its perceived fundamental frequency (for src-based transposition). If the first argument ("path") is a list, then this sndfile object has been created from within a sndfile-palette object. In this case, the first item in the list will be the full path to the sound file, as defined in the sndfile-palette object; the second item in the list is the list given by the user containing the data slots to be used, whereby the first item of that list must be the ID of the object. NB: This function creates an object of the class sndfile, which is contains data concerning an existing sound file. It does not create an actual sound file.
- A path and file name of an existing sound file; or a list as explained above.
keyword arguments: - :id. An ID for the sndfile. Will be set automatically if created from within a sndfile-palette. Default nil. - :data. The given file name, including path and extension, usually set automatically to be the given path if nil. Default nil. - :duration. A number in seconds which is the duration of the segment of the specified sound file which the user would like to use. This should not be specified if :end has been specified. Default nil. - :end. A number in seconds which is the end time within the source sound file for the segment of the file which the user would like to use. This should not be specified if :duration has been specified. Default nil. - :start. A number in seconds which is the start time within the source sound file for the segment of the file which the user would like to use. Defaults to 0.0. - :frequency. A number or note-name symbol. This frequency will serve as the reference pitch for any src transpositions of this file. This can be any value, but will most likely be specified if the source sound file has a perceptible fundamental pitch. If given as a number, this number will be handled as a frequency in Hertz. Default = 'C4. - :amplitude. An number that is the amplitude which the user would like to designate for this sound file. This number may be of any value, as slippery chicken normalizes all sound file events; however, standard practice would suggest that this should fall between 0.0 and 1.0. Default = 1.0 - :angle-env. used for spatialization, fore example with #'write-reaper-ambisonics-file. Can be an env (list of breakpoints) or a list of envs. A list of envs can be used to spatialize different channels of the soundfile differently. See the examples in write-reaper-ambisonics-file. This then represents the azimuth angle in a polar coordinate system. 0 and 1 represend 0° and 360° and are assumed to be in the front. 0.5 would thus be 180° and located behind the listener. - :elevation-env. same as angle-env but represents the elevation angle. (the horizontal angle from the x-axis). -.5 represents the lowest point at -90°, 0 the level of the listening position and .5 the top (90°). This is, so that the span from 0 to 1 can represent the entire 360°. - :distance-env. same as angle-env but represents the distance from the listening position. This is not really relevant for use in ambisonics. There the distance is usually 1.
A sndfile object.
;; Example specifying the full path, a start and end time, and a base frequency (make-sndfile "/path/to/sndfile-1.aiff" :start 0.3 :end 1.1 :frequency 654) => SNDFILE: path: /path/to/sndfile-1.aiff, snd-duration: 3.011043, channels: 1, frequency: 654 start: 0.3, end: 1.1, amplitude: 1.0, duration 0.8 will-be-used: 0, has-been-used: 0 data-consistent: T LINKED-NAMED-OBJECT: previous: NIL, this: NIL, next: NIL NAMED-OBJECT: id: NIL, tag: NIL, data: /path/to/sndfile-1.aiff ;; Example using the sndfile-palette list as the first argument (make-sndfile '("/path/to/sndfile-1.aiff" (nil :start 0.3 :end 1.1))) => SNDFILE: path: /path/to/sndfile-1.aiff, snd-duration: 3.011043, channels: 1, frequency: 261.62555 start: 0.3, end: 1.1, amplitude: 1.0, duration 0.8 will-be-used: 0, has-been-used: 0 data-consistent: T LINKED-NAMED-OBJECT: previous: NIL, this: NIL, next: NIL NAMED-OBJECT: id: "/Volumes/JIMMY/SlipperyChicken/sndfile-2.aiff", tag: NIL, data: /path/to/sndfile-1.aiff
(defun make-sndfile (path &key id data duration end (start 0.0) (force-ffprobe nil) (frequency nil) (amplitude 1.0) (angle-env '(0 0 100 0)) (elevation-env '(0 0 100 0)) (distance-env '(0 1 100 1)))
sndfile/reset-usage [ Methods ]
[ Top ] [ sndfile ] [ Methods ]
Reset the WILL-BE-USED and HAS-BEEN-USED slots of the given sndfile object to 0. These slots keep track of how many times a sound will be used and has been used, which is useful for purposes such as incrementing start-time. These slots are set internally and are not intended to be set by the user.
- A sndfile object.
Returns 0.
;; First set the values of the WILL-BE-USED and HAS-BEEN-USED slots, as these ;; are 0 when a new sndfile object is created using make-sndfile. Set the ;; values, print them; reset both using reset-usage, and print again to see ;; the change. (let ((sf-1 (make-sndfile "/path/to/sndfile-1.aiff")))) (setf (will-be-used sf-1) 11) (setf (has-been-used sf-1) 13) (print (will-be-used sf-1)) (print (has-been-used sf-1)) (reset-usage sf-1) (print (will-be-used sf-1)) (print (has-been-used sf-1))) => 11 13 0 0
(defmethod reset-usage ((sf sndfile))
sndfile/spectrum [ Methods ]
[ Top ] [ sndfile ] [ Methods ]
18th April 2024
This is a simple convenience method to access the get-spectrum function defined in get-spectrum.lsp
- the sndfile object
keyword arguments: any keyword arguments that the get-spectrum function (get-spectrum.lsp) can handle. E.g. :start-analysis 0.1 (seconds) or :order-by 'freq or 'amp
two values: a list of the frequencies detected and a list of their amplitudes. The ordering of the lists depends on the :order-by keyword argment (see above).
#+clm (defmethod spectrum ((sf sndfile) &rest keyargs &key &allow-other-keys)
sndfile/stereo [ Methods ]
[ Top ] [ sndfile ] [ Methods ]
Test whether the CHANNELS slot of a given sndfile object is set to 2.
- A sndfile object.
Returns T if the CHANNELS slot is set to 2, otherwise returns NIL.
;; The method make-sndfile creates a sndfile object with the CHANNELS slot set ;; to NIL. Make a sndfile object, test to see whether the value of the CHANNELS ;; slot is 2; set the CHANNELS slot to 2 and test again. (let ((sf-1 (make-sndfile "/path/to/sndfile-1.aiff"))) (print (stereo sf-1)) (setf (channels sf-1) 2) (print (stereo sf-1))) => NIL T
(defmethod stereo ((sf sndfile))