palette/sndfile-palette [ Classes ]
[ Top ] [ palette ] [ Classes ]
sndfile-palette File: sndfile-palette.lsp Class Hierarchy: named-object -> linked-named-object -> sclist -> circular-sclist -> assoc-list -> recursive-assoc-list -> palette -> sndfile-palette Version: 1.1.0 Project: slippery chicken (algorithmic composition) Purpose: Implementation of the sndfile-palette class, which is a simple palette that checks that all the sound files given in a list for each id exist. See comments in methods for limitations and special features of this class. Author: Michael Edwards: Creation date: 18th March 2001 $$ Last modified: 17:10:00 Sat Jun 29 2024 CEST SVN ID: $Id$
sndfile-palette/find-sndfile [ Methods ]
[ Top ] [ sndfile-palette ] [ Methods ]
Return the full directory path and file name of a specified sound file, from within the directories given in the PATHS slot.
- A sndfile-palette object. - The name of a sound file from within that object. This can be a string or a symbol. Unless it is given as a string, it will be handled as a symbol and will be converted to lowercase. Inclusion of the file extension is optional.
Returns the full directory path and file name of the specified sound file as a string.
(let ((msfp (make-sfp 'sfp-test '((sndfile-group-1 (test-sndfile-1)) (sndfile-group-2 (test-sndfile-2 test-sndfile-3 (test-sndfile-4 :frequency 261.61))) (sndfile-group-3 ((test-sndfile-5 :start 0.006 :end 0.182) test-sndfile-6))) :paths '("/path/to/sndfiles-dir-1" "/path/to/sndfiles-dir-2")))) (find-sndfile msfp 'test-sndfile-4)) => "/path/to/sndfiles-dir-2/test-sndfile-4.aiff"
(defmethod find-sndfile ((sfp sndfile-palette) sndfile)
sndfile-palette/get-nearest [ Methods ]
[ Top ] [ sndfile-palette ] [ Methods ]
Get the sndfile whose frequency slot is nearest to the first argument.
- the frequency we're looking for, in Hertz (a number) - the sndfile-palette object we'll search
- the IDs of the sndfile groups we'll search. Either a list of ids or a single id. If NIL then all groups will be searched. Default = NIL. - if more than one sndfile is very close in frequency, select one at random (see also the get-nearest-by-freq function)
the nearest sndfile object
(defmethod get-nearest (freq (sfp sndfile-palette) &optional ids random)
sndfile-palette/get-nearest-by-freq [ Functions ]
[ Top ] [ sndfile-palette ] [ Functions ]
October 1st 2015, Edinburgh
Given a frequency and a list of sndfile objects, return the sndfile from the list whose frequency is closest to the first argument.
- a frequency in Hertz (number) - a simple list of sndfile objects, such as that contained in the data slot of a sndfile-palette group.
- T or NIL to indicate whether a random file should be chosen when there are several sndfiles with the same frequency. (NB the function random-rep will be used so if you wanted repeatable results call (random-rep 1 t) in order to reset the random seed before calling clm-play or whatever context uses this function.) Default = NIL.
the nearest sndfile object
(defun get-nearest-by-freq (freq sflist &optional random)
sndfile-palette/get-sndfiles [ Functions ]
[ Top ] [ sndfile-palette ] [ Functions ]
5th September 2015, Edinburgh
Return a list of the full paths of sound files in the given path. Files without the extensions aif, wav, aiff, and snd are ignored.
The full path to the folder where the sound files are, as a string
- a list of folders to skip i.e. just the last folder name, not the complete path - A single pattern (string) or list of patterns that the sound file name must have--just the filename, excluding path/folders and extension. If a list then all patterns must be in the file name, not just one of them, unless (hack alert!) the first element of the list is the symbol or, in which case only one of the patterns must be present. Default = NIL. - Sim. to :insist except this/these are patterns none of which can be in the file name. Default = NIL.
A list of full paths as strings.
(get-sndfiles "/music/hyperboles/snd/cello/samples/" '("short-percussive" "weird")) --> ("/music/hyperboles/snd/cello/samples/1/g4-III-4-001.aif" "/music/hyperboles/snd/cello/samples/1/g4-III-4-002.aif" "/music/hyperboles/snd/cello/samples/1/g4-III-4-003.aif" "/music/hyperboles/snd/cello/samples/1/g4-III-4-004.aif" "/music/hyperboles/snd/cello/samples/10/cs5-I-5-9-13-4-001.aif" ...
(defun get-sndfiles (folder &optional skip insist resist force-quotes)
sndfile-palette/kontakt-to-sfp [ Functions ]
[ Top ] [ sndfile-palette ] [ Functions ]
October 2nd 2015, Edinburgh DESCRIPTION This function is only available on Mac OSX 64bit Intel machines and requires the nki executable which since version 1.0.6 comes with slippery-chicken (in the bin directory). Using the public-domain C programme "nki tool" from the Linux Sampler project (, convert a Kontakt .nki sampler file to a sndfile-palette object. This will only include the sound file and the MIDI note number it is mapped to, but it will mean that the sndfile objects in the palette include the correct frequency. So using such a sndfile-palette makes it possible to have clm-play act as a traditional sampler, though of course much more is possible too. The nki file could of course map more than one sample to any MIDI note (e.g. for handling different velocities). By default all of these could be included in the sndfile-palette, and the :snd-selector function passed to clm-play could select the correct file based on velocity, for instance. However, you may want to filter out some sound files. This is where the :insist and :resist keyword arguments come in handy (see below). NB If you get the error message "zpipe: invalid or incomplete deflate data" then it's probably because the nki file is in Kontakt 4.2.2 (or higher) format so can't be converted with this tool. You could try "save as" in Kontakt 3 or 4 and rerunning this function, as those older programmes will probably save in the older format (worked for me at least once).
- the path to the .nki file to process - the path to the samples i.e. the sound files which the nki file uses
Keyword arguments: :insist - :insist. A single pattern (string) or list of patterns that the sound file name must have--just the filename, excluding path/folders and extension. If a list then all patterns must be in the file name, not just one of them. Default = NIL i.e. accept all. - :resist. Sim. to :insist except this/these are patterns none of which can be in the file name. Default = NIL. - :group. The group ID that will be assigned to the sound files. Default = NIL whereby the name of the nki file will be used. - :converter. The path to the nki tool executable. Default = /path/to/slippery-chicken/bin/nki
#+(and mac-osx X86-64) (defun kontakt-to-sfp (nki samples-path &key insist resist group (converter (concatenate 'string cl-user::+slippery-chicken-home-dir+ "bin/nki")))
sndfile-palette/make-sfp [ Functions ]
[ Top ] [ sndfile-palette ] [ Functions ]
Make a sndfile-palette object. This object is a simple palette which checks to make sure that all of the sound files in a given list exist for each given ID. Sound files are given as as single names, without the path and without the extension. These can be given using the optional keyword arguments <paths> and <extensions>. NB Although this class is a palette and therefore a subclass of recursive-assoc-list, the sound lists in this case cannot be nested beyond a depth of two (as in example below).
- An ID for the palette. - A list of lists that contains IDs for the names of one or more groups of sound files, each paired with a list of one or more names of existing sound files. The sound file names themselves can be paired with keywords from the sndfile class, such as :start, :end, and :frequency, to define and describe segments of a given sound file.
keyword arguments: - :paths. A list of one or more paths to where the sound files are located. - :extensions. A list of one or more sound file extensions for the specified sound files. The default initialization for this slot of the sndfile-palette already contains ("wav" "aiff" "aif" "snd"), so this argument can often be left unspecified. - :auto-freq. whether to do automatic frequency detection on the sound files. T would mean using a pitch detection routine, or a function can also be passed, whereupon it will be called with the path slot as argument (the idea is that the fundamental can be extracted from the file name). Default = NIL. - :warn-not-found. T or NIL to indicate whether a warning should be printed to the Lisp listener if the specified sound file cannot be found. T = print warning. Default = T.
Returns NIL.
(let ((msfp (make-sfp 'sfp-test '((sndfile-group-1 (test-sndfile-1)) (sndfile-group-2 (test-sndfile-2 test-sndfile-3 (test-sndfile-4 :frequency 261.61))) (sndfile-group-3 ((test-sndfile-5 :start 0.006 :end 0.182) test-sndfile-6))) :paths '("/path/to/sound-files-dir-1/" "/path/to/sound-files-dir-2/")))))
(defun make-sfp (id sfp &key paths (extensions '("wav" "aiff" "aif" "snd")) auto-freq (warn-not-found t))
sndfile-palette/make-sfp-from-folder [ Functions ]
[ Top ] [ sndfile-palette ] [ Functions ]
5th September 2015, Edinburgh
Makes a sndfile-palette object from the sound files found in a specific folder (directory) on the file system. Allows any arbitrary levels of subfolders with the proviso that they'll be converted to a flat list, using the subfolders as tags (e.g. dir/subdir1/subdir2 becomes dir-subdir1-subdir2). The folders can contain other files (they'll be ignored). Sound files are those with extensions .aif .wav .aiff and .snd
- the folder path, as a string.
keyword arguments: - :skip. a list of folders to skip i.e. just the last folder name, not the complete path. Default = NIL. - :auto-freq. whether to do automatic frequency detection on the sound files. Default = NIL. - :insist. A single pattern (string) or list of patterns that the sound file name must have--just the filename, excluding path/folders and extension. If a list then all patterns must be in the file name, not just one of them. Default = NIL. - :resist. Sim. to :insist except this/these are patterns none of which can be in the file name. Default = NIL.
a sndfile-palette object
(make-sfp-from-folder "/music/hyperboles/snd/cello/samples/" :skip '("short-percussive" "weird")) --> SNDFILE-PALETTE: paths: NIL extensions: (wav aiff aif snd) num-snds: 92 PALETTE: RECURSIVE-ASSOC-LIST: recurse-simple-data: T num-data: 16 linked: T full-ref: NIL ASSOC-LIST: warn-not-found T CIRCULAR-SCLIST: current 0 SCLIST: sclist-length: 16, bounds-alert: T, copy: T LINKED-NAMED-OBJECT: previous: NIL, this: NIL, next: NIL NAMED-OBJECT: id: AUTO, tag: NIL, data: ( LINKED-NAMED-OBJECT: previous: NIL, this: (1), next: (10) NAMED-OBJECT: id: 1, tag: NIL, data: ( SNDFILE-EXT: use: T, cue-num: 2, pitch: -1, pitch-curve: -1, bandwidth: -1, bandwidth-curve: -1, continuity: -1, continuity-curve: -1, weight: -1, weight-curve: -1, energy: -1, energy-curve: -1, harmonicity: -1, harmonicity-curve: -1, volume: -1, volume-curve: -1, loop-it: NIL, bit-depth: 24, srate: 96000, num-frames: 1719753, bytes: 5159314, group-id: (1) followers: NIL SNDFILE: path: /music/hyperboles/snd/cello/samples/1/g4-III-4-004.aif, snd-duration: 17.914093, channels: 1, frequency: 150.24414 start: 0.0, end: 17.914093, amplitude: 1.0, duration 17.914093 will-be-used: 0, has-been-used: 0 data-consistent: T ... |# (defun make-sfp-from-folder (folder &key skip auto-freq insist resist (default-group 'default-group))
sndfile-palette/make-sfp-from-groups-in-wavelab-marker-file [ Functions ]
[ Top ] [ sndfile-palette ] [ Functions ]
Automatically generate a sndfile-palette object using the specified sound file from grouping defined in the specified wavelab marker file. The <marker-file> argument can be passed as a list of marker files, in which case these will first be concatenated.
- A string that is the name of the marker file, including the directory path and extension. - A string that is the name of the sound file. This can either be a full directory path, file name, and extension, or just a base file name. If the latter, values for the optional arguments :paths and :extensions must also be specified.
- :paths. NIL or a list of strings that are the directory paths to the specified sound files. If the sound file is passed with the directory path, this must be set to NIL. NB: The paths given here apply only to the sound files, not to the marker files. Default = NIL. - :extensions. A list of strings that are the extensions to the given sound files. If the sound files are passed with their extensions, this must be set to NIL. Default = NIL. - :warn-not-found. T or NIL to indicate whether to print a warning to the listener if the specified sound file is not found. T = print a warning. Default = NIL. - :sampling-rate. An integer that is the sampling rate of the specified sound file. Changing this value will alter the start-times determined for each sound segment. Default = 44100. - :print. T or NIL to indicate whether feedback about the groups found and created should be printed to the listener. T = print. Default = T.
Returns NIL.
(make-sfp-from-groups-in-wavelab-marker-file "/path/to/24-7.mrk" "24-7" :paths '("/path/to/sndfile/directory/") :sampling-rate 44100 :extensions '("wav")) => 24 markers read from /path/to/24-7.mrk Adding tapping: 2.753 -> 4.827 Adding tapping: 5.097 -> 6.581 Adding tapping: 6.763 -> 8.538 Adding splinter: 13.878 -> 15.993 Adding tapping: 16.338 -> 18.261 Adding splinter: 19.403 -> 25.655 tapping: 4 sounds splinter: 2 sounds
(defun make-sfp-from-groups-in-wavelab-marker-file (marker-file sndfile &key paths extensions warn-not-found (sampling-rate 44100) (print t))
sndfile-palette/make-sfp-from-reaper-markers [ Functions ]
[ Top ] [ sndfile-palette ] [ Functions ]
July 2nd 2021
Create a sndfile-palette object by reading a reaper-file with specially-named markers. This is specifically aimed at the situation where you want to use one longer sound file in many segments, rather than lots of different sound files. We search the reaper file for all markers whose names begin with clm-play. A marker which begins a sound file segment will then include the group name after a after a further hyphen e.g. the marker will be named clm-play-perc or clm-play-string-attack (in these cases the sndfile-palette will contain groups named perc and string-attack. A marker with the name clm-play will indicate the end of a sndfile segment, and is required. All other markers in the reaper file will be ignored. (N.B. In all, this is a little different from the funtion which creates sndfile-palettes from wavelap-marker files but that is a different situation (marker files, not wavelab files in general, as here with reaper files) and had a slightly different goal at the time, creating groups in bundles rather than in names. So we're not reproducing functionality here with reaper files rather we're providing a slightly different functionality which sorts current needs quite a few years on.)
- the path to the reaper file (string) - the path to the sound file. This must be provided as the reaper file could have marks at any point where there are several sound files playing. (string)
- the default frequency of the sound files: either a pitch symbol, a frequency in Hertz, 'detect for autocorrelation pitch detection, or a function to be called to e.g. extract the pitch from the file name or use another pitch detection method. Default = 'C4 (middle C)
a sndfile-palette object with appropriate groups as read from the reaper file.
(defun make-sfp-from-reaper-markers (reaper-file sound-file &optional (auto-freq 'c4))
sndfile-palette/make-sfp-from-wavelab-marker-file [ Functions ]
[ Top ] [ sndfile-palette ] [ Functions ]
Automatically create a sndfile-palette object from the specified wavelab marker file and the specified sound file (from which the marker file must have been generated). The function will produce a sndfile-palette object with multiple groups, each of which consists of the number of sound file segments specified using the :snds-per-group argument (defaults to 8). By default the segments will be collected into the groups in chronological order. If the optional :random-every argument is given a value, every nth group will consist of random segments instead. The sound file segments of each group will correspond to the time points stored in the marker file. The <marker-file> argument can consist of a list of marker files, in which case these would first be concatenated. NB: Be aware that marker files created on operating systems differing from the one on which this function is called might trigger errors due to newline character mismatches.
- A string that is the name of the marker file, including the directory path and extension. - A string that is the name of the sound file. This can either be a full directory path, file name, and extension, or just a base file name. If the latter, values for the optional arguments :paths and :extensions must also be specified.
keyword arguments: - :snds-per-group. An integer that is the number of sound file segments to include in each group. Default = 8. - :random-every. An integer to indicate that every nth group is to consist of random (rather than chronologically consecutive) sound file segments. Default = 999999 (i.e. essentially never) - :paths. NIL or a list of strings that are the directory paths to the specified sound files. If the sound file is passed with the directory path, this must be set to NIL. NB: The paths given here apply only to the sound files, not to the marker files. Default = NIL. - :sampling-rate. An integer that is the sampling rate of the specified sound file. Changing this value will alter the start-times determined for each sound segment. Default = 44100. - :extensions. A list of strings that are the extensions to the given sound files. If the sound files are passed with their extensions, this must be set to NIL. Default = NIL. - :warn-not-found. T or NIL to indicate whether to print a warning to the listener if the specified sound file is not found. T = print a warning. Default = NIL. - :name. The name for the overall sndfile-palette and the base name for each group within (these will have a suffix that is an auto-incrementing number e.g. 'auto would become 'auto1 'auto2 etc.). Default = 'auto.
A sndfile-palette object.
(make-sfp-from-wavelab-marker-file "/path/to/24-7.mrk" "24-7" :snds-per-group 2 :random-every 3 :paths '("/path/to/sound-file/directory/") :sampling-rate 44100 :extensions '("wav")) => SNDFILE-PALETTE: paths: (/Volumes/JIMMY/SlipperyChicken/sc/test-suite/) extensions: (wav) PALETTE: RECURSIVE-ASSOC-LIST: recurse-simple-data: T num-data: 8 linked: NIL full-ref: NIL ASSOC-LIST: warn-not-found NIL CIRCULAR-SCLIST: current 0 SCLIST: sclist-length: 8, bounds-alert: T, copy: T LINKED-NAMED-OBJECT: previous: NIL, this: NIL, next: NIL NAMED-OBJECT: id: AUTO, tag: NIL, data: ( NAMED-OBJECT: id: "auto1", tag: NIL, data: ( SNDFILE: path: /Volumes/JIMMY/SlipperyChicken/sc/test-suite/24-7.wav, snd-duration: 29.652811, channels: 2, frequency: 261.62555 start: 0.09142857, end: 1.0361905, amplitude: 1.0, duration 0.94476193 will-be-used: 0, has-been-used: 0 data-consistent: T LINKED-NAMED-OBJECT: previous: NIL, this: NIL, next: NIL NAMED-OBJECT: id: "24-7", tag: NIL, data: /Volumes/JIMMY/SlipperyChicken/sc/test-suite/24-7.wav [...]
(defun make-sfp-from-wavelab-marker-file (marker-file sndfile &key (snds-per-group 8) (random-every 999999) ;; i.e. never paths (sampling-rate 44100) extensions ;; MDE Fri Oct 5 14:04:08 2012 (name 'auto) warn-not-found)
sndfile-palette/set-frequency-from-filename [ Methods ]
[ Top ] [ sndfile-palette ] [ Methods ]
October 1st 2015, Edinburgh
Set the frequency slot of every sound file object in the palate to a value extracted from the file name. This is intended but of course not restricted to palettes created from sample libraries, where, as is often the case, the file name of each sample contains the pitch of the file. For example, from the Akoustik Piano sample library we have the file Stein-R(A1)-V(220)-dB(2446)-T(MF)-M(123)-P(404-03-01).wav. In this case the A1 in the first parentheses indicate the pitch. By writing and passing a short parsing function to read the pitch out of such a file name we can easily process each sound file in the palette. See akoustik-piano-name below for an example of how to process such file names. See also make-sfp-from-folder.
- The sound file palette object
Keyword arguments: - :groups. A single group or list of groups (IDs) for the sound files we wish to process. - :name-fun.The function for processing a single name. Of course the names must be consistent and each sound file must be able to be processed by this single function. NB for reasons of similar usage in get-spectra-al (see spectra.lsp) this function actually must return the MIDI note number (may be a floating point for microtonal applications), which is then converted by the sndfile class to a frequency in Hertz. - :on-error. The function to be called when the name function cannot determine the frequency of the sound file. This could be #'error (the default), #'warn, or nil if nothing is to be done on failure.
The sndfile-palette object after processing.
(defmethod set-frequency-from-filename ((sfp sndfile-palette) &key groups (name-fun #'akoustik-piano-name) (on-error #'error))