palette/rthm-seq-palette [ Classes ]

[ Top ] [ palette ] [ Classes ]



 File:             rthm-seq-palette.lsp

 Class Hierarchy:  named-object -> linked-named-object -> sclist -> 
                   circular-sclist -> assoc-list -> recursive-assoc-list ->
                   palette -> rthm-seq-palette

 Version:          1.1.0

 Project:          slippery chicken (algorithmic composition)

 Purpose:          Implementation of the rthm-seq-palette class.

 Author:           Michael Edwards:

 Creation date:    19th February 2001

 $$ Last modified:  13:14:24 Fri May  3 2024 CEST
 SVN ID: $Id$

rthm-seq-palette/chop [ Methods ]

[ Top ] [ rthm-seq-palette ] [ Methods ]


 Applies the chop method to each rthm-seq object in the given
 rthm-seq-palette object (see rthm-seq-bar::chop for details). Returns a
 new rthm-seq-palette object with the same structure as the argument, but
 with a further level of nesting: Each rthm-seq object in the argument is
 replaced by a list of rthm-seq objects that are each one "slice" of the
 original rthm-seq objects.

 The chop method is the basis for slippery-chicken's feature of
 intra-phrasal looping.

 NB: Since the chop method functions by comparing each beat of a given
     rthm-seq-bar object to the specified <chop-points> pattern for
     segmenting that beat, all rthm-seq-bar objects in the given
     rthm-seq-palette object must be evenly divisible by the beat for which
     the pattern is defined. For example, if the <chop-points> argument
     defines a quarter-note, all bars in the given rthm-seq-palette object
     must be evenly divisible by a quarter-note, and a rthm-seq-palette
     consisting of a rthm-seq object with a 2/4, a 3/4 and a 3/8 bar would
     fail at the 3/8 bar with an error.

 NB: The <unit> argument must be a duplet rhythmic value (i.e. 32, 's, 'e
     etc.) and cannot be a tuplet value (i.e. 'te 'fe etc.). 

 NB: In order for the resulting chopped rhythms to be parsable by LilyPond
     and CMN, there can be no tuplets (triplets etc.) among the rhythms to
     be chopped. Such rhythms will result in LilyPond and CMN errors. This
     has only minimal bearing on any MIDI files produced, however, and these
     can potentially be imported into notation software.


 - A rthm-seq-palette object.


 - <chop-points>. A list of integer pairs, each of which delineates a
   segment of the beat of the given rthm-seq-bar objects within the given
   rthm-seq-palette object, measured in the rhythmic unit specified by the
   <unit> argument. See the documentation for rthm-seq-bar::chop for more
 - <unit>. The rhythmic duration that serves as the unit of measurement for
   the chop points. Default = 's.
 - <number-bars-first>. T or NIL. This argument helps in naming (and
   therefore debugging) the newly-created bars.  If T, the bars in the
   original rthm-seq will be renumbered, starting from 1, and this will be
   reflected in the tag of the new bars.  E.g. if T, a new bar's tag may be
   new-bar-from-rs1-b3-time-range-1.750-to-2.000, if NIL this would be
   new-bar-from-rs1-time-range-1.750-to-2.000. Default = T.


 A rthm-seq-palette with the same top-level structure of the first argument,
 but each ID now referencing a sub-rthm-seq-palette with sequentially
 numbered rthm-seqs for each of the chopped results.


;;; Create a rthm-seq-palette object, chop it with user-defined chop-points and
;;; a <unit> value of 'e, and print-simple the results
(let* ((rsp-orig (make-rsp
                     ((((2 4) (e) e (e) e)) 
                      :pitch-seq-palette (1 8)))
                     ((((2 4) (s) e s e. (s))) 
                      :pitch-seq-palette (3 5 7)))
                     ((((3 4) q +s e. +q)) 
                      :pitch-seq-palette (1 7))))))
       (rsp-chopped (chop rsp-orig
                          '((1 1) (1 2) (2 2))
  (print-simple rsp-chopped))

rthm-seq-palette SL-RSP
rthm-seq-palette 1
rthm-seq 1
(1 8): rest 8, 
rthm-seq 2
(1 4): rest E, NIL E, 
rthm-seq 3
(1 8): NIL E, 
rthm-seq 4
(1 8): rest 8, 
rthm-seq 5
(1 4): rest E, NIL E, 
rthm-seq 6
(1 8): NIL E, 
rthm-seq 1
(1 8): rest S, NIL S, 
rthm-seq 2
(1 4): rest S, NIL E, NIL S, 
rthm-seq 3
(1 8): rest S, NIL S, 
rthm-seq 4
(1 8): NIL E, 
rthm-seq 5
(1 4): NIL E., rest S, 
rthm-seq 6
(1 8): rest 8, 
rthm-seq 1
(1 8): NIL E, 
rthm-seq 2
(1 4): NIL Q, 
rthm-seq 3
(1 8): rest 8, 
rthm-seq 4
(1 8): rest S, NIL S, 
rthm-seq 5
(1 4): rest S, NIL E., 
rthm-seq 6
(1 8): rest 8, 
rthm-seq 7
(1 8): rest 8, 
rthm-seq 8
(1 4): rest 4, 
rthm-seq 9
(1 8): rest 8,


(defmethod chop ((rsp rthm-seq-palette) &optional chop-points 
                                                  (unit 's)
                                                  (number-bars-first t))

rthm-seq-palette/cmn-display [ Methods ]

[ Top ] [ rthm-seq-palette ] [ Methods ]


 Generate printable music notation output (.EPS) of the given
 rthm-seq-palette object using the Common Music Notation (CMN)
 interface. The method requires at least the name of the given
 rthm-seq-palette object to set, but has several additional optional
 arguments for customizing output.

 NB: Most of the keyword arguments are CMN attributes and share the same
     name as the CMN feature they effect.


 - A rthm-seq-palette object.


 keyword arguments:
 - :all-output-in-one-file. T or NIL to indicate whether to write the output
   to a multi-page file or to separate files for each page.  
   T = one multi-page file. Default = T. This is a direct CMN attribute.
 - :file. The file path, including the file name, of the file to be
 - :staff-separation. A number to indicate the amount of white space between
   staves belong to the same system, measured as a factor of the staff
   height. Default = 3. This is a direct CMN attribute.
 - :line-separation. A number to indicate the amount of white space between
   lines of music (systems), measured as a factor of the staff
   height. Default = 5. This is a direct CMN attribute.
 - :page-nums. T or NIL to indicate whether or not to print page numbers on
   the pages. T = print page numbers. Default = T.
 - :no-accidentals. T or NIL to indicate whether or not to supress printing
   accidentals for each and every note (rather than once per bar). 
   T = supress printing all accidentals. Default = NIL.
 - :seqs-per-system. An integer indicating the number of rthm-seq objects to
   be printed in one staff system. Default = 1.
 - :size. A number to indicate the font size of the CMN output.
 - :auto-open. Automatically open the EPS file?.  
    Default = (get-sc-config cmn-display-auto-open)




;; A typical example with some specified keyword values for file and size
(let ((mrsp
       (make-rsp 'rsp-test 
                 '((seq1 ((((2 4) q +e. s)
                           ((s) e (s) q)
                           (+e. s { 3 (te) te te } ))
                          :pitch-seq-palette ((1 2 3 4 5 6 7)
                                              (1 3 5 7 2 4 6)
                                              (1 4 2 6 3 7 5)
                                              (1 5 2 7 3 2 4))))
                   (seq2 ((((4 4) (e.) s { 3 te te te } +h)
                           ({ 3 +te (te) te } e e (h)))
                          :pitch-seq-palette (2 3 4 5 6 7 8)))
                   (seq3 ((((2 4) e e { 3 te te te })
                           ((4 4) (e) e e e s s (s) s q))
                          :pitch-seq-palette (3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 7)))))))
  (cmn-display mrsp
               :file "/tmp/rmsp-output.eps"
               :size 10))


(defmethod cmn-display ((rsp rthm-seq-palette)
                        (all-output-in-one-file t)
                         (format nil "~a~a.eps" 
                                 (get-sc-config 'default-dir)
                                 (string-downcase (id rsp))))
                        (staff-separation 3)
                        (line-separation 5)
                        (page-nums t)
                        (no-accidentals t)
                        (seqs-per-system 1)
                        (auto-open (get-sc-config 'cmn-display-auto-open))
                        (size 15))

rthm-seq-palette/create-psps [ Methods ]

[ Top ] [ rthm-seq-palette ] [ Methods ]


 30 Mar 2006


 Automatically create pitch-seq-palette objects for each rthm-seq object in
 the given rthm-seq-palette object. 

 The selection function given as an optional keyword argument should be able
 to generate a list of numbers (relative note levels) for a rthm-seq of any
 length; it takes two arguments only: the number of notes needed and the
 pitch-seq data lists (see below).  

 As a pitch-seq-palette usually has several options for each rthm-seq
 object, it's best when the selection-fun doesn't always return the same 
 thing given the same number of notes. NB: This will silently kill the data
 of any pitch-seq-palette objects already supplied for any rthm-seqs in the
 Note that the default selection function will suffice in lots of cases.
 However, you may just want to use different data lists with the default
 function. In that case just pass these via :selection-fun-data.


 - A rthm-seq-palette object.


 keyword arguments
 - :selection-fun. This is a function that will return the pitch-seq
   numbers. It takes two arguments only: 1) the number of notes needed, and
   2) the pitch-seq data lists. The function also needs to be able to handle
   being passed NIL NIL as arguments. In this case it should reset, if needs
   be; i.e. it's just a call to init and should return nothing. Default =
 - :pitch-seqs-per-rthm-seq. This is an integer that is the number of
   pitch-seqs each rthm-seq should have. NB: The method will simply cycle
   through the pitch-seqs given in the selection function to create the
   required number.  Default = 3.
 - :selection-fun-data. This contains the pitch-seq lists to be passed to
   the default selection function. There can be as many pitch-seqs in these
   lists as desired. The number of notes the pitch-seq will provide is the
   first item of the list. They need not be in ascending order. When this
   argument is passed a value of T, the selection function will reinitialize
   its default data and use that.
 - :overwrite. If NIL and a pitch-seq-palette was given for a particular
   rthm-seq, then a new one won't be created. Default = T.
 - :reinit. Used internally.  Do not change.

   At the moment, the default data are:
             '((1 ((3) (3) (1) (25)))
               (2 ((3 4) (5 2) (25 25) (1 25)))
               (3 ((3 4 3) (5 9 6) (1 2 4) (5 2 2) (6 2 3)))
               (4 ((3 4 3 4) (5 3 6 4) (9 4 5 11) (2 10 4 8)))
               (5 ((5 5 6 5 8) (7 7 7 4 8) (11 8 4 10 2) (7 7 4 9 9)))
               (6 ((4 5 5 3 6 6) (3 8 3 9 3 8) (9 3 9 5 10 6)))
               (7 ((8 8 8 5 9 6 9 ) (9 3 8 4 7 5 4) (3 4 3 5 3 4 3)))
               (8 ((3 3 4 3 3 1 5 4) (10 3 9 3 8 3 7 4) (3 5 8 2 8 9 4 11)))
               (9 ((3 6 4 7 4 7 3 6 7) (10 2 9 2 8 2 7 2 3) 
                   (2 9 3 9 4 9 9 6 11)))
               (10 ((9 9 9 3 9 9 3 5 9 5) (8 9 8 9 5 9 9 5 6 6)))
               (12 ((1 2 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 5) (2 1 5 1 5 1 6 5 1 5 2 5)))
               (13 ((1 2 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 5 2) (2 1 5 1 5 1 6 5 1 5 2 5 1)))
               (14 ((1 2 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 5 2 1) 
                    (2 1 5 1 5 1 6 5 1 5 2 5 1 2)))
               (15 ((1 2 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 5 2 1 2) 
                    (2 1 5 1 5 1 6 5 1 5 2 5 1 2 6))))))


 Always returns the rthm-seq-palette argument.


;; Create a rthm-seq-palette object that specifies pitch-seq-palettes for each
;; contained rthm-seq object and print the values of the individual
;; pitch-seq-palettes. Then apply the create-psps method using its default
;; values, and print the values of the individual pitch-seq-palettes again to
;; see the change.  NB You wouldn't normally specify pitch-seq-palettes in your
;; rthm-seq-palette as the whole point of this method is to have them created
;; algorithmically, but they are given here for purposes of comparison.
(let ((mrsp (make-rsp 'rsp-test 
                      '((seq1 ((((2 4) q +e. s)
                                ((s) e (s) q)
                                (+e. s { 3 (te) te te } ))
                               :pitch-seq-palette (1 2 3 4 5 6 7)))
                        (seq2 ((((3 4) (e.) s { 3 te te te } +q)
                                ({ 3 +te (te) te } e e (q)))
                               :pitch-seq-palette (2 3 4 5 6 7 8)))
                        (seq3 ((((2 4) e e { 3 te te te })
                                ((5 8) (e) e e e s s))
                               :pitch-seq-palette (3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2)))))))
   (loop for rs in (data mrsp)
        (loop for ps in (data (pitch-seq-palette rs))
           collect (data ps))))
  (create-psps mrsp)
   (loop for rs in (data mrsp)
        (loop for ps in (data (pitch-seq-palette rs))
                 collect (data ps)))))

(((1 2 3 4 5 6 7)) ((2 3 4 5 6 7 8)) ((3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2))) 

(((8 8 8 5 9 6 9) (9 3 8 4 7 5 4) (3 4 3 5 3 4 3))
 ((8 8 8 5 9 6 9) (9 3 8 4 7 5 4) (3 4 3 5 3 4 3))
 ((9 9 9 3 9 9 3 5 9 5) (8 9 8 9 5 9 9 5 6 6) (9 9 9 3 9 9 3 5 9 5)))

;; Use the :pitch-seqs-per-rthm-seq keyword argument to specify the number of
;; pitch-seq objects to be created for each rthm-seq. This example creates 5
;; instead of the default 3.
(let ((mrsp (make-rsp 'rsp-test 
                      '((seq1 ((((2 4) q +e. s)
                                ((s) e (s) q)
                                (+e. s { 3 (te) te te } ))))
                        (seq2 ((((3 4) (e.) s { 3 te te te } +q)
                                ({ 3 +te (te) te } e e (q)))))
                        (seq3 ((((2 4) e e { 3 te te te })
                                ((5 8) (e) e e e s s))))))))
  (create-psps mrsp :pitch-seqs-per-rthm-seq 5)
  (loop for rs in (data mrsp)
              (loop for ps in (data (pitch-seq-palette rs))
                 collect (data ps))))

(((8 8 8 5 9 6 9) (9 3 8 4 7 5 4) (3 4 3 5 3 4 3) (8 8 8 5 9 6 9)
  (9 3 8 4 7 5 4))
 ((3 4 3 5 3 4 3) (8 8 8 5 9 6 9) (9 3 8 4 7 5 4) (3 4 3 5 3 4 3)
  (8 8 8 5 9 6 9))
 ((9 9 9 3 9 9 3 5 9 5) (8 9 8 9 5 9 9 5 6 6) (9 9 9 3 9 9 3 5 9 5)
  (8 9 8 9 5 9 9 5 6 6) (9 9 9 3 9 9 3 5 9 5)))

;;; Now an example with our own selection-fun creating random pitch-seqs for
;;; demo purposes only: 
(let ((mrsp (make-rsp 'rsp-test 
                      '((seq1 ((((2 4) q +e. s)
                                ((s) e (s) q)
                                (+e. s { 3 (te) te te }))))
                        (seq2 ((((3 4) (e.) s { 3 te te te } +q)
                                ({ 3 +te (te) te } e e (q)))))
                        (seq3 ((((2 4) e e { 3 te te te })
                                ((5 8) (e) e e e s s))))))))
   :selection-fun #'(lambda
                        (num-notes data-lists)
                      ;; NB we're not doing anything with data-lists here
                      (loop repeat num-notes collect (random 10))))
   (loop for rs in (data mrsp)
        (loop for ps in (data (pitch-seq-palette rs))
                 collect (data ps))))
(((5 4 3 0 3 8 0) (1 2 8 5 3 7 8) (5 5 7 3 9 1 7))
 ((3 1 5 6 6 7 1) (7 7 8 5 5 2 4) (9 1 3 0 8 7 8))
 ((4 8 6 9 6 6 0 8 1 2) (1 5 5 7 7 2 9 3 1 2) (1 5 6 2 5 3 7 3 4 2)))


(defmethod create-psps ((rsp rthm-seq-palette) 
                          (selection-fun #'create-psps-default)
                          (selection-fun-data nil)
                          ;; MDE Sat Jul 14 17:20:27 2012 -- 
                          (reinit t)
                          ;; MDE Thu Feb  1 17:34:42 2018
                          (overwrite t)
                          ;; MDE Mon Jun 22 15:31:48 2015 
                          (chords t)
                          (pitch-seqs-per-rthm-seq 3))

rthm-seq-palette/get-multipliers [ Methods ]

[ Top ] [ rthm-seq-palette ] [ Methods ]


 Get a list of factors by which a specified rhythmic unit must be multiplied
 in order to create the rhythms of a specified rthm-seq object within the
 given rthm-seq-palette object.

 See also rthm-seq method for more information.


 - A rthm-seq object.
 - A rhythm unit, either as a number of a CMN shorthand symbol (i.e. 'e)
 - A symbol that is the ID of the rthm-seq-object for which the multipliers
   is sought is also a required argument (though it is listed as an optional
   argument for internal reasons).


 - T or NIL to indicate whether to round the results. T = round. 
   Default = NIL. NB: Lisp always rounds to even numbers, meaning x.5 may
   sometimes round up and sometimes round down; thus (round 1.5) => 2, and
   (round 2.5) => 2.


 A list of numbers.


;; Returns a list of numbers, by default not rounded
(let ((mrsp
       (make-rsp 'rsp-test 
                 '((seq1 ((((2 4) q +e. s)
                           ((s) e (s) q)
                           (+e. s { 3 (te) te te } ))
                          :pitch-seq-palette ((1 2 3 4 5 6 7)
                                              (1 3 5 7 2 4 6)
                                              (1 4 2 6 3 7 5)
                                              (1 5 2 7 3 2 4))))
                   (seq2 ((((4 4) (e.) s { 3 te te te } +h)
                           ({ 3 +te (te) te } e e (h)))
                          :pitch-seq-palette (2 3 4 5 6 7 8)))
                   (seq3 ((((2 4) e e { 3 te te te })
                           ((4 4) (e) e e e s s (s) s q))
                          :pitch-seq-palette (3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 7)))))))
  (get-multipliers mrsp 'e 'seq1))

=> (2.0 1.0 1.5 2.0 1.1666666666666665 0.6666666666666666 0.6666666666666666)

;; Setting the option <round> argument to T returns rounded results
(let ((mrsp
       (make-rsp 'rsp-test 
                 '((seq1 ((((2 4) q +e. s)
                           ((s) e (s) q)
                           (+e. s { 3 (te) te te } ))
                          :pitch-seq-palette ((1 2 3 4 5 6 7)
                                              (1 3 5 7 2 4 6)
                                              (1 4 2 6 3 7 5)
                                              (1 5 2 7 3 2 4))))
                   (seq2 ((((4 4) (e.) s { 3 te te te } +h)
                           ({ 3 +te (te) te } e e (h)))
                          :pitch-seq-palette (2 3 4 5 6 7 8)))
                   (seq3 ((((2 4) e e { 3 te te te })
                           ((4 4) (e) e e e s s (s) s q))
                          :pitch-seq-palette (3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 7)))))))
  (get-multipliers mrsp 'e 'seq1 t))

=> (2 1 2 2 1 1 1)

;; The ID argument is required, even though it's listed as being optional. The
;; method interrupts with an error if no ID is supplied
(let ((mrsp
       (make-rsp 'rsp-test 
                 '((seq1 ((((2 4) q +e. s)
                           ((s) e (s) q)
                           (+e. s { 3 (te) te te } ))
                          :pitch-seq-palette ((1 2 3 4 5 6 7)
                                              (1 3 5 7 2 4 6)
                                              (1 4 2 6 3 7 5)
                                              (1 5 2 7 3 2 4))))
                   (seq2 ((((4 4) (e.) s { 3 te te te } +h)
                           ({ 3 +te (te) te } e e (h)))
                          :pitch-seq-palette (2 3 4 5 6 7 8)))
                   (seq3 ((((2 4) e e { 3 te te te })
                           ((4 4) (e) e e e s s (s) s q))
                          :pitch-seq-palette (3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 7)))))))
  (get-multipliers mrsp 'e))

rthm-seq-palette::get-multipliers: third argument (rthm-seq ID) is required.
   [Condition of type SIMPLE-ERROR]

;;; Applying the method to the a multiple-bar rthm-seq object may return
;;; different results than applying the method to each of the bars contained
;;; within that rthm-seq object as individual one-bar rthm-seq objects, as the
;;; method measures the distances between attacked notes, regardless of ties
;;; and rests.
(let ((rs1 (make-rthm-seq '(seq1 ((((2 4) q +e. s))
                                  :pitch-seq-palette ((1 2))))))
      (rs2 (make-rthm-seq '(seq2 ((((2 4) (s) e (s) q))
                                  :pitch-seq-palette ((1 2))))))
      (rs3 (make-rthm-seq '(seq3 ((((2 4) +e. s { 3 (te) te te } ))
                                  :pitch-seq-palette ((1 2 3))))))
      (rs4 (make-rthm-seq '(seq4 ((((2 4) q +e. s)
                                   ((s) e (s) q)
                                   (+e. s { 3 (te) te te } ))
                                  :pitch-seq-palette ((1 2 3 4 5 6 7)))))))
  (print (get-multipliers rs1 'e))
  (print (get-multipliers rs2 'e))
  (print (get-multipliers rs3 'e))
  (print (get-multipliers rs4 'e)))

(3.5 0.5) 
(1.5 2.0) 
(1.1666666666666665 0.6666666666666666 0.6666666666666666) 
(3.5 1.0 1.5 3.5 1.1666666666666665 0.6666666666666666 0.6666666666666666)


(defmethod get-multipliers ((rsp rthm-seq-palette) rthm &optional id round)

rthm-seq-palette/invert [ Methods ]

[ Top ] [ rthm-seq-palette ] [ Methods ]


 February 6th 2024


 Turn all the rests in each rthm-seq into notes and all the notes/chords
 into rests. NB this method is destructive. 


 - the rthm-seq-palette object


 - T or NIL to call auto-beam on the result. Default = NIL.


 The modified rthm-seq-palette object


(defmethod invert ((rsp rthm-seq-palette) &optional auto-beam ignore)

rthm-seq-palette/make-rsp [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ rthm-seq-palette ] [ Functions ]


 Create a rthm-seq-palette object.


 - A symbol that is to be the ID of the rhtm-seq-palette object created.
 - A list containing rhtm-seq data to be made into rthm-seqs. Each item in
   this list is a list of data formatted as it would be when passed to the
   make-rthm-seq function.


 T or NIL to indicate whether to automatically generate and store inversions
 of the pitch-seq-palette passed to the rthm-seq objects in the
 rthm-seq-palette object created. T = generate and store. Default = NIL.


 A rthm-seq-palette object.


(make-rsp 'rsp-test '((seq1 ((((2 4) q +e. s)
                              ((s) e (s) q)
                              (+e. s { 3 (te) te te } ))
                             :pitch-seq-palette (1 7 3 4 5 2 6)))
                      (seq2 ((((3 4) (e.) s { 3 te te te } +q)
                              ({ 3 +te (te) te } e e (q)))
                             :pitch-seq-palette (3 1 2 5 1 7 6)))
                      (seq3 ((((2 4) e e { 3 te te te })
                              ((5 8) (e) e e e s s))
                             :pitch-seq-palette (4 4 4 5 4 4 4 5 4 3)))))

RTHM-SEQ-PALETTE: psp-inversions: NIL
RECURSIVE-ASSOC-LIST: recurse-simple-data: T
                      num-data: 3
                      linked: T
                      full-ref: NIL
ASSOC-LIST: warn-not-found T
SCLIST: sclist-length: 3, bounds-alert: T, copy: T
LINKED-NAMED-OBJECT: previous: NIL, this: NIL, next: NIL
data: (
RTHM-SEQ: num-bars: 3

;; Create two rthm-seq-palette objects, one with :psp-inversions set to NIL and 
;; one with it set to T, and print the DATA of the pitch-seq-palettes of each 
(let ((mrsp1 (make-rsp 'rsp-test 
                       '((seq1 ((((2 4) q +e. s)
                                 ((s) e (s) q)
                                 (+e. s { 3 (te) te te } ))
                                :pitch-seq-palette (1 7 3 4 5 2 6))))
                       :psp-inversions nil))
      (mrsp2 (make-rsp 'rsp-test 
                       '((seq1 ((((2 4) q +e. s)
                                 ((s) e (s) q)
                                 (+e. s { 3 (te) te te } ))
                                :pitch-seq-palette (1 7 3 4 5 2 6))))
                       :psp-inversions t)))
   (loop for i in (data (pitch-seq-palette (first (data mrsp1))))
      collect (data i)))
   (loop for i in (data (pitch-seq-palette (first (data mrsp2))))
      collect (data i))))

((1 7 3 4 5 2 6)) 
((1 7 3 4 5 2 6) (7 1 5 4 3 6 2))


(defun make-rsp (id data &key (psp-inversions nil))

rthm-seq-palette/make-rsp-from-fragments [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ rthm-seq-palette ] [ Functions ]


 December 15th 2022


 Define a bunch of rhythmic fragments then create a rthm-seq-palette by
 listing references to them in any order.


 - a list of rhythm fragments suitable to be used in a rthm-seq
   (i.e. e.g. including tuplet and beaming info.), prefaced by an id
 - a list of rthm-seqs using these fragments consisting of a list of the
   fragments to be combined into bars, each prefaced by the meter (unless it
   doesn't change)


 - T or NIL to indicated whether the number of rthm-seqs made should be


 a rthm-seq-palette object where each rthm-seq will have an ID ascending from


  '((1 (- s s - (e))) 
    (2 (s (s) (s) s)) 
    (3 ((s) - s e -))
    (4 (- s s (s) s -)) 
    (5 ((e) - s s -)) 
    (6 ((q)))
    (7 (h))
    (8 (q.)))
   ;; one rthm-seq per line: number 1 will have three bars 3/4 3/4 4/4
  '((((3 4) 1 2 3) (2 3 4) ((4 4) 5 6 1 2))
   ;; rthm-seq 2 has 5 bars: 7/8 7/8 2/4 2/4 7/8
    (((7 8) 7 8) (3 4 8) ((2 4) 3 4) (5 6) ((7 8) 5 6 8))
    (((4 4) 1 2 1 2) ((5 4) 1 2 1 2 2) (3 4 5 7))
    (((3 8) 8) ((2 4) 5 6) (7))))


(defun make-rsp-from-fragments (fragments references &optional verbose)

rthm-seq-palette/make-rsp-from-unit-multipliers-simp [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ rthm-seq-palette ] [ Functions ]


 Make a rthm-seq-palette using lists of lists of multiples of a single unit
 e.g. '(2 2 1) would result in an automatic time signature of 5/8 if passed a
 unit of 'e (or 8). In that case the rhythms would be q q e. Rests may be
 created by passing a number in parentheses.


 - the ID for the rthm-seq-plaette
 - the rhythm unit (symbol, number or rhythm object)
 - the lists of lists multipliers, each sublist representing a rthm-seq and
   each sublist of that representing a bar. 


 a rthm-seq-palette object


(print-simple (make-rsp-from-unit-multipliers-simp
              'test-unit-mults 's
              '(((3 4 1 2) (2 (1) 2))
                ((2 1 2 1) (3) ((4)))
                (((3) 4 1) (3 4 1) ((2) 3) (2 3) (2)))))
rthm-seq-palette TEST-UNIT-MULTS
rthm-seq 1
NIL: bar -1: (10 16): 
note E., 
note Q, 
note S, 
note E, 
NIL: bar -1: (5 16): 
note E, 
rest S, 
note E, 
rthm-seq 2
NIL: bar -1: (6 16): 
note E, 
note S, 
note E, 
note S, 
NIL: bar -1: (3 16): 
note E., 
NIL: bar -1: (4 16): 
rest 4, 
rthm-seq 3
NIL: bar -1: (8 16): 
rest E., 
note Q, 
note S, 
NIL: bar -1: (8 16): 
note E., 
note Q, 
note S, 
NIL: bar -1: (5 16): 
rest E, 
note E., 
NIL: bar -1: (5 16): 
note E, 
note E., 
NIL: bar -1: (2 16): 
note E, 


(defun make-rsp-from-unit-multipliers-simp (id unit seqs)

rthm-seq-palette/reset-psps [ Methods ]

[ Top ] [ rthm-seq-palette ] [ Methods ]


 Call the reset method (inherited from circular-sclist) for all
 pitch-seq-palette objects of all rthm-seq objects in the given
 rthm-seq-palette object, resetting their pointers to the head of the
 sequence. This ensures that each rthm-seq starts over again at the first
 note of the first given pitch-seq.

 NB Since 28/10/13 there's also a reset method for the palette class which
 will mean we call the reset method of all pitch-seqs here.  So this method
 is now partially obsolete (but still perhaps useful in that in only resets
 the psps, not the whole palette).


 - A rthm-seq-palette object.


 Always returns T.


;; Create a rthm-seq-palette object whose first rthm-seq has three pitch-seq
;; objects in its pitch-seq-palette. Apply the get-next method to the
;; pitch-seq-palette object of the first rthm-seq object twice, then print the
;; data of the next pitch-seq object to show where we are. Apply the reset-psps
;; method and print the data of the next pitch-seq object to show that we've
;; returned to the beginning of the pitch-seq-palette.

(let ((mrsp
       (make-rsp 'rsp-test 
                 '((seq1 ((((2 4) q +e. s)
                           ((s) e (s) q)
                           (+e. s { 3 (te) te te } ))
                          :pitch-seq-palette ((1 2 3 4 5 6 7)
                                              (1 3 5 7 2 4 6)
                                              (1 4 2 6 3 7 5)
                                              (1 5 2 7 3 2 4))))
                   (seq2 ((((3 4) (e.) s { 3 te te te } +q)
                           ({ 3 +te (te) te } e e (q)))
                          :pitch-seq-palette (2 3 4 5 6 7 8)))
                   (seq3 ((((2 4) e e { 3 te te te })
                           ((5 8) (e) e e e s s))
                          :pitch-seq-palette (3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2)))))))
  (loop repeat 2
       do (get-next (pitch-seq-palette (first (data mrsp)))))
  (print (data (get-next (pitch-seq-palette (first (data mrsp))))))
  (reset-psps mrsp)
  (print (data (get-next (pitch-seq-palette (first (data mrsp)))))))

(1 4 2 6 3 7 5) 
(1 2 3 4 5 6 7)


(defmethod reset-psps ((rsp rthm-seq-palette))

rthm-seq-palette/rs-equal-durations? [ Methods ]

[ Top ] [ rthm-seq-palette ] [ Methods ]


 June 13th 2017, Edinburgh


 See if all the rthm-seqs in a palette (or sub-palette) have the same


 - the rthm-seq-palette object


 - a reference (symbol or list) into the rthm-seq-palette to examine a


 If all rthm-seqs in the palette have the same duration, then their duration
 in quarter notes, otherwise nil.


(defmethod rs-equal-durations? ((rsp rthm-seq-palette) &optional ref)

rthm-seq-palette/rsp-subseq [ Methods ]

[ Top ] [ rthm-seq-palette ] [ Methods ]


 23rd October 2013


 (Recursively) change all the rthm-seq objects in the palette to be a
 subsequence of the existing rthm-seqs.


 - the original rthm-seq-palette object
 - the start bar (1-based)


 - the end bar (1-based and (unlike Lisp's subseq function) inclusive).  If
   NIL, we'll use the original end bar of each rthm-seq. Default = NIL.


 The original rthm-seq-palette but with the new rthm-seqs


(defmethod rsp-subseq ((rsp rthm-seq-palette) start &optional end)

rthm-seq-palette/scale [ Methods ]

[ Top ] [ rthm-seq-palette ] [ Methods ]


 Scale the durations of the rhythm objects in a given rthm-seq-palette
 object by the specified factor.

 NB: As is evident in the examples below, this method does not replace the
     original data in the rthm-seq-palette object's DATA slot.


 - A rthm-seq-palette object.
 - A real number that is the scaling factor.


 (- the three IGNORE arguments are for internal purposes only).


 Returns a rthm-seq-palette object.


;; Returns a rthm-seq-palette object
(let ((mrsp
       (make-rsp 'rsp-test 
                 '((seq1 ((((2 4) q +e. s)
                           ((s) e (s) q)
                           (+e. s { 3 (te) te te } ))
                          :pitch-seq-palette ((1 2 3 4 5 6 7)
                                              (1 3 5 7 2 4 6)
                                              (1 4 2 6 3 7 5)
                                              (1 5 2 7 3 2 4))))
                   (seq2 ((((4 4) (e.) s { 3 te te te } +h)
                           ({ 3 +te (te) te } e e (h)))
                          :pitch-seq-palette (2 3 4 5 6 7 8)))
                   (seq3 ((((2 4) e e { 3 te te te })
                           ((4 4) (e) e e e s s (s) s q))
                          :pitch-seq-palette (3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 7)))))))
   (scale mrsp 2))

RTHM-SEQ-PALETTE: psp-inversions: NIL
RECURSIVE-ASSOC-LIST: recurse-simple-data: T
                      num-data: 3
                      linked: T
                      full-ref: NIL
ASSOC-LIST: warn-not-found T
SCLIST: sclist-length: 3, bounds-alert: T, copy: T
LINKED-NAMED-OBJECT: previous: NIL, this: NIL, next: NIL
data: (
RTHM-SEQ: num-bars: 3

;; Apply the method and loop through the rthm-seq objects in the
;; rthm-seq-palette object's DATA slot, using the print-simple method to see
;; the changes

(let ((mrsp
       (make-rsp 'rsp-test 
                 '((seq1 ((((2 4) q +e. s)
                           ((s) e (s) q)
                           (+e. s { 3 (te) te te } ))
                          :pitch-seq-palette ((1 2 3 4 5 6 7)
                                              (1 3 5 7 2 4 6)
                                              (1 4 2 6 3 7 5)
                                              (1 5 2 7 3 2 4))))
                   (seq2 ((((4 4) (e.) s { 3 te te te } +h)
                           ({ 3 +te (te) te } e e (h)))
                          :pitch-seq-palette (2 3 4 5 6 7 8)))
                   (seq3 ((((2 4) e e { 3 te te te })
                           ((4 4) (e) e e e s s (s) s q))
                          :pitch-seq-palette (3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 7)))))))
   (scale mrsp .5)
   (print-simple mrsp))

rthm-seq-palette RSP-TEST
rthm-seq SEQ1
(2 8): note E, note S., note 32, 
(2 8): rest 32, note S, rest 32, note E, 
(2 8): note S., note 32, rest TS, note TS, note TS, 
rthm-seq SEQ2
(4 8): rest S., note 32, note TS, note TS, note TS, note Q, 
(4 8): note TS, rest TS, note TS, note S, note S, rest Q, 
rthm-seq SEQ3
(2 8): note S, note S, note TS, note TS, note TS, 
(4 8): rest S, note S, note S, note S, note 32, note 32, rest 32, note 32, note E,


(defmethod scale ((rsp rthm-seq-palette) scaler
                  &optional ignore1 ignore2 ignore3)

rthm-seq-palette/split-into-single-bars [ Methods ]

[ Top ] [ rthm-seq-palette ] [ Methods ]


 Split every rthm-seq in a palette into as many single-bar rthm-seqs as
 there are bars.  This creates an extra level of recursion so that whereas a
 rthm-seq that was referenced by e.g. '(long 1 a) beforehand, afterwards
 each bar will be reference by '(long 1 a 1), '(long 1 a 2) etc. This is
 true even for sequences that only contained one bar before processing.  The
 pitch-seq-palettes of the original rthm-seqs will be used to set the
 pitch-seqs of the new rthm-seqs.


 - the rthm-seq-palette object


 - whether to clone the palette before processing (T or NIL).  Default = T.


 A rthm-seq-palette object with extra layers of recursion.


(defmethod split-into-single-bars ((rsp rthm-seq-palette) &optional (clone t))