Category: improvisation

  • pulsed. like a star.

    pulsed. like a star.

    In 2021 I finally finished the mix and master of a 40-minute immersive audio-visual project that was on the go for quite a while. Details below. The first five minutes, in stereo, are available on YouTube: a star. is a composition for single channel video and immersive audio by: Michael Edwards: composition, improvised sound processing,…

  • Salim Javaid’s ONpodcast (in German)

    Salim Javaid’s ONpodcast (in German)

    On November 5th 2020 I discussed composition, improvisation, and performance with Salim Javaid in preparation for a podcast release for the ON – Neue Musik Köln Station.   ON – Neue Musik Köln · ONpodcast #30 Arbeitstitel: Improvisation vs Komposition mit Salim Javaid (und Michael Edwards)

  • elsewhere, with Mike Svoboda

    elsewhere, with Mike Svoboda

    elsewhere by Edwards/Hayes/Michalakos/Parker/Svoboda Back in May 2012, while Mike Svobodo was visiting Edinburgh to do some workshops with University of Edinburgh postgraduate students, some locals, including myself, did a free-improvisastion concert with him. We recorded it and finally got around to mixing and mastering it before releasing it on bandcamp in 2017. It’s a single-track…

  • three back-to-back edimpro releases

    three back-to-back edimpro releases

    forest by edimpro alison by edimpro heated by edimpro Just before leaving the UK in September 2017, amongst packing boxes and the fifteen other circles of hell that accompany an international move, I managed to clear the decks of several mixes which had been lying semi-dormant on a hard drive, awaiting my attention. The result…

  • for rei as a doe, with video, in Genova

    for rei as a doe, with video, in Genova

    I’ve just returned from teaching algorithmic composition for a week at the Conservatorio Statale di Musica “Niccolò Paganini” in Genova, Italy. It was a pleasure to meet and work with Professor Roberto Doati’s composition class, as well as to play with some of them in a concert on September 7th that begain with a free improvisation for a group of…

  • edimpro on BBC Jazz on 3 from the Edinburgh Festival

    edimpro on BBC Jazz on 3 from the Edinburgh Festival

    On August 18th 2014, edimpro—the free improvisation group I started at the University of Edinburgh in 2009—played at an Edinburgh Festival live broadcast concert for the BBC’s Jazz on 3 programme. The lineup was Jack Weir (electric guitar), Lauren Hayes (piano and electronics), Karin Schistek (keyboard), Pete Furniss (bass clarinet), and myself (tenor sax and…

  • better a broken bone

    better a broken bone

    A new release of freely improvised music featuring me on saxophones and electronics, Christos Michalakos on drums and electronics, and Jack Weir on electric guitar is now available on the reid label. Christos did the graphic design and came up with the title, which I believe came from Majory Allen’s phrase “Better a broken bone than…

  • not us

    not us

    Not Us by Not Us Fritz Welch and I have just released not us, a studio album made in my Edinburgh flat (in the sauna, actually). Recorded and mixed collaboratively between 2010 and 2012 it features two extended tracks using various percussion instruments played by Fritz and contributions on tenor saxophone and computer by myself.…

  • lapslap – granita

    lapslap – granita

    Our fourth and final (for this series at least) lapslap CD is now out on Leo Records. As the booklet text below attests, in contrast to our previous CDs I made the form for this one-hour piece in post-production. It was a labour of love but I wanted something special for this final CD and think it…

  • lapslap recording sessions, september 2010

    lapslap recording sessions, september 2010

    lapslap are Michael Edwards (saxophones, laptop), Martin Parker (horns, laptop), and Karin Schistek (piano, Nord synthesiser). We recorded free improvisations in the Reid Hall from the 8th to the 12th of September 2010. This was to be our fourth album on Leo Records. On September 11th, the American percussionist and 9/11 survivor Fritz Welch visited…