rthm-chain/add-voice [ Methods ]

[ Top ] [ rthm-chain ] [ Methods ]


 Add a new voice to an existing rthm-chain object based on the rhythmic
 material and slot values already contained in that object.

 The main rthm-chain algorithm generates only two voices. Rather than
 generate further voices in the same fashion by which the first two were
 created, this method uses the already created rthm-seqs in the given
 rthm-chain object to create a new voice. 

 The challenge here is that each rthm-seq potentially has its own time
 signature structure: There could be a 2/4 bar followed by 5/4 then 3/16,
 for example, or any other combination of any meter. So the method first
 analyses the time-signature structure of the existing rthm-seqs and saves
 those with the same bar/meter structure together in the order in which they
 occur. When creating the extra voice then, the method actually starts ahead
 of the main voice by choosing <offset> number of similar rthm-seqs in
 advance.  NB Your data might well produce only one rthm-seq with a
 particular metric structure, which might mean that calling this method
 produces rhythmic doubling instead of an independent part.  In that case
 you might try adding more rhythmic fragments and regenerating your piece.


 - A rthm-chain object.
 - The reference (key path) of the player within the given rthm-chain object
   whose rthm-seq-map is to serve as the 'parent voice', e.g. '(1 cl).
 - A symbol that will be the ID of the new player.


 - An integer that indicates an offset into the group of similar rthm-seq
   objects from which the new voice is to begin. (The generated voice will
   thus be ahead of the main voice). Default = 1.


 Returns T.


(let ((rch
        'test-rch 150
        '((((e) e) ; 4 in total
           (- s (s) (s) s -)
           ({ 3 (te) - te te - })
           ((e.) s))
          (({ 3 (te) te (te) }) ; what we transition to
           ({ 3 - te (te) te - })
           ({ 3 (te) - te te - })
           ({ 3 (te) (te) te })))
        '((((q q) ; the 2/4 bars: 5 total
            ((q) q)
            ((q) q)
            ((q) (s) e.)
            (- e e - (e) e))
           (({ 3 te+te te+te te+te }) ; what we transition to
            (q - s e. -)
            (q (s) e.)
            (q (s) - s e -)
            ({ 3 te+te te+te - te te - })))
          ((((e.) s (e) e (s) e.) ; the 3/4 bars: 4 total
            (- e e - (e) e (q))
            (- e. s - - +e e - (q))
            (q (e.) s (q)))
           (({ 3 (te) (te) te+te te+te } (q)) ; what we transition to
            (- e. s - (q) (s) - s e -)
            ({ 3 te+te te } (q) q)
            ({ 3 - te te te - } (e) e { 3 (te) (te) te }))))
        :players '(fl cl))))
  (add-voice rch '(1 cl) 'ob))


(defmethod add-voice ((rc rthm-chain) parent new-player &optional (offset 1))

rthm-chain/hash-least-used [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ rthm-chain ] [ Functions ]


 Return the least used key in a hash table. This may be used to retrieve the
 number of times the keys have been used as indices, for example.


 - A hash table. This must be a lisp hash table object whose keys and values
   are all numbers.


 keyword arguments:
 - :start. The lowest key value we'll test. Default = 0.
 - :end. The highest key value we'll test. Default = number of items in the
   hash table.
 - :ignore. A list of keys to ignore when processing. NIL = process all
   keys. Default = NIL. 
 - :auto-inc. T or NIL to determine whether the function will automatically
   increment the count of the returned key. T = automatically increment. 
   Default = T.
 - :invert. T or NIL to invert the functionality i.e. to return the most
   used rather than the least. Default = NIL.


 The key of the least used element in the hash table.


(let ((h (make-hash-table)))
  (loop for i below 100 do
       (setf (gethash i h) 10000))
  (setf (gethash 10 h) 5
        (gethash 11 h) 4
        (gethash 12 h) 3
        (gethash 13 h) 2)
  (print (hash-least-used h :auto-inc nil))
  (print (hash-least-used h :auto-inc t))
  (print (hash-least-used h :auto-inc t))
  (print (hash-least-used h :auto-inc nil :start 12))
  (setf (gethash 2 h) 0)
  (print (hash-least-used h :auto-inc nil :start 3 :end 11))
  (print (hash-least-used h :auto-inc nil :end 11))
  (print (hash-least-used h :auto-inc nil :ignore '(2))))



(defun hash-least-used (hash &key (start 0) end ignore (auto-inc t)

rthm-chain/hash-least-useds [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ rthm-chain ] [ Functions ]


 Mary 26th 2016, Edinburgh


 Same as hash-least-used except it will return the <num> least used items (3
 by default).


(defun hash-least-useds (hash &key (start 0) end ignore (auto-inc t)
                                invert (num 3))

rthm-chain/make-rthm-chain [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ rthm-chain ] [ Functions ]


 Create an instance of a rthm-chain object. The rthm-chain class enables the
 algorithmic generation of a rthm-seq-map (with just one section) and its
 associated rthm-seq-palette, which consists in turn of algorithmically
 generated rthm-seq objects.

 The rhythm-seq objects are made up of both faster material based on 1-beat
 groups and slower-moving counterpoint based on 2- or 3-beat groups.

 The rthm-chain class also allows for control of the degree of activity in
 the parts over time through user-specified envelopes.

 Rests are automatically inserted at regular but changing intervals.

 Specified 'sticking points' cause individual rhythms to be repeated a
 certain number of times. Sticking happens after rests and can also be
 controlled with an activity envelope. 

 NB: Because this method uses the procession method internally, each
     collection of 1-beat-rthms and slower-rthms defined must contain at
     least four items.

 NB: Since this method automatically inserts rests into the chains, the user
     may like to implement the various tie-over-rests post-generation
     editing methods. If this is done, the handle-ties method may also be
     recommended, as the tie-over-rests methods only affect printed output
     and not MIDI output.


 - A number, symbol, or string that is to be the ID of the new rthm-chain
 - An integer that is the number of beats to be generated prior to adding
   additional material created from sticking points and the automatic
   addition of rests.  For generating a whole piece this will generally be
   in the hundreds, not dozens.  Lower numbers might create very limited
   results or make the use of the add-voice method next to useless.
 - A list with sublists of rhythms that are to be the 1-beat rhythms used to
   construct the faster-moving material of the rthm-seq-palette. Each
   sublist represents the repertoire of rhythms that will be used by the
   procession method. Each sublist must contain the same number of rthms but
   their number and the number of sublists is open. A transition will be
   made from one group of rhythms to the next over the whole output
   (i.e. not one unit to another within e.g. the 1-beat rhythms) according
   to a fibonacci-transition method.  NB Here and below, at least two lists
   are required: what we start with, and what we transition to.  If no
   transition is required you could of course just duplicate the rhythms via
   a let variable: (list rhythms rhythms).
 - A list with sublists of 2-beat and 3-beat full bars of rhythms used to
   construct the slower-moving counterpoint material of the
   rthm-seq-palette. This will be turned into a rthm-chain-slow object, and
   will therefore remain as lists of unparsed rhythms. Each sublist must
   contain the same number of rthms but their number and the number of
   sublists is open. A transition will be made from one group of rhythms to
   the next over the whole output (i.e. not one unit to another within
   e.g. the 1-beat rhythms) according to a fibonacci-transition method. 
   NB: The rhythm units of slower-rthms must be expressed in single beats;
   e.g., a 2/4 bar must consist of q+q rather than h. The consolidate-notes
   method can be called afterwards if desired.


 keyword arguments:
 - :players. A list of two player IDs. When used in conjunction with a
   slippery-chicken object (which is the standard usage), these must be IDs
   as they are defined in that object's ENSEMBLE slot. The first player will
   play the 1-beat rhythms, the second the slower rhythms.  
   Default = '(player1 player2).
 - :section-id. An integer that will be used as the ID of the rthm-seq-map
   created. NB: rthm-chain only creates rthm-seq-maps with one section,
   making it possible to create several different rthm-seq-map objects for
   different sections in the given piece, and requiring that these be
   manually assigned IDs. Additionally, any ID given here must match an
   existing ID within the other maps. Default = 1.
 - :activity-curve. A list of break-point pairs with y values from 1 to 10
   indicating the amount of activity there should be over the course of the
   piece. A value of 1 indicates that only 1 in 10 beats will have notes
   in/on them, and a value of 10 indicates that all beats will have
   notes. This process uses the patterns given in
   activity-levels::initialize-instance, where 1 means 'play' and 0 means
   'rest'. There are three templates for each level, so that if the curve
   remains on one level of activity for some time it won't always return the
   same pattern; these will be rotated instead. If the activity curve
   indicates a rest for one of the slower-rhythms groups, the whole 2-3 beat
   group is omitted. Default = '(0 10 100 10).
 - :do-rests. T or NIL to indicate whether to apply the automatic
   rest-insertion algorithm. T = use. Default = T.
 - :rests. A list of rhythmic duration units from which the durations will
   be drawn when using the automatic rest-insertion algorithm. The specified
   rests are used in a sequence determined by a recurring-event
   object. Default = '(e q q. w). NB: Each of these values must not resolve
   to less than one-quarter of the beat basis, either alone or in
   combination, as this could result in an attempt to create meters from
   fractional beats (e.g. 3.25). An error message will be printed in such
 - :rest-cycle. A list of 2-item lists that indicate the pattern by which
   rests of specific rhythmic durations will be selected from the RESTS slot
   for automatic insertion. The first number of each pair is a 0-based
   position referring to the list of rests in the RESTS slot, and the second
   number is the number of times the rest at that particular position should
   be inserted. (This number does not mean that the selected rest will be
   inserted that many times at once, but rather that each consecutive time
   the rest algorithm selects one rest to be inserted, it will insert that
   specific rest, for the specified number of consecutive times.) For
   example, (0 3) indicates that for the next three times that the rest
   algorithm selects one rest to insert, it will select the rest located at
   position 0 in the list of rests in the RESTS slot (e by default).
   Default ='((0 3) (1 1) (0 2) (2 1) (1 1) (3 1)).
 - :rest-re. A list of 2-item lists that indicate the pattern by which rests
   will be automatically inserted. The first number of each pair determines
   how many events occur before inserting a rest, and the second number of
   each pair determines how many times that period will be repeated. For
   example, (2 3) indicates that a rest will be inserted every two events,
   three times in a row. The list passed here will be treated as data for a
   recurring-event object that will be repeatedly cycled through.  
   Default = '((2 3) (3 2) (2 2) (5 1) (3 3) (8 1)).
 - :do-rests-curve. A list of break-point pairs with y values of either 0 or
   1 indicating whether the do-rests algorithm is active or disabled. These
   values are interpolated between each pair, with all values 0.5 and higher
   being rounded up to 1 and all below 0.5 rounded to 0. Default = NIL.
 - :do-sticking. T or NIL to indicate whether the method should apply the
   sticking algorithm. T = apply. Default = T.
 - :sticking-rthms. A list of rhythmic units that will serve as the rhythms
   employed by the sticking algorithm. These are generated at initialization
   if not specified here. NB: This list is used to create a list using the
   procession algorithm at initialization, so it is best to apply something
   similar to the default if not accepting the default. If a circular-sclist
   object is provided here, it will be used instead of the default
   procession. Default = '(e e e. q e s).
 - :sticking-repeats. A list of integers to indicate the number of
   repetitions applied in sticking segments. When the values of this list
   have been exhausted, the method cycles to the beginning and continues
   drawing from the head of the list again. NB: This list is made into a
   circular-sclist object when the given rthm-chain object is initialized
   unless a circular-sclist object is explicitly provided.
   Default = '(3 5 3 5 8 13 21).
 - :sticking-curve. A list of break-point pairs that acts as an activity
   envelope to control the sticking, which always occurs after rests. As
   with the activity curve, this curve can take y values up to 10, but also
   allows 0. A y value of 0 or 1 here refers to either a specific number of
   repeats (1) or none (0). The number of repeats may be determined, for
   example, by use of the procession method, such as 
   (procession 34 '(2 3 5 8 13) :peak 1 :expt 3). Every sticking point is
   accompanied by a slower group, which is simply chosen in sequence and
   repeated for the duration of the sticking period.
   Default = '(0 2 100 2).
 - :do-sticking-curve. A list of break-point pairs that can be used,
   alternatively, to control whether the sticking algorithm is being applied
   or not at any given point over the course of the piece. The y values for
   this curve should be between 0 and 1, and the decimal fractions achieved
   from interpolation will be rounded. The 1 values resulting from this
   curve will only be actively applied to if do-sticking is set to T.
   Default = NIL.
 - :harmonic-rthm-curve. A list of break-point pairs that indicates how many
   slower-rthms will be combined into one rthm-seq (each rthm-seq has a
   single harmony). The default is 2 bars (slower-rthms) per rthm-seq,
   i.e. '(0 2 100 2).
 - :split-data. NIL or a two-item list of integers that are the minimum and
   maximum beat duration of bars generated. If NIL, the bars will not be
   split. These values are targets only; the method may create bars of
   different lengths if the data generated cannot be otherwise split.
   NB: The values given here will apply to a different beat basis depending
   on time signature of each individual bar, rather than on a consistent
   beat basis, such as quarters or eighths. Since this method produces bars
   of different lengths with time signatures of differing beat bases
   (e.g. 16, 8, 4 etc.) before it applies the split algorithm, a minimum
   value of 4, for example, can result in bars of 4/16, 4/8, 4/4 etc.
   Default = '(2 5)
 - :1-beat-fibonacci. T or NIL to indicate whether the sequence of 1-beat
   rhythms is to be generated using the fibonacci-transitions method or the
   processions method. T = use fibonacci-transitions method. Default = NIL.
 - :slow-fibonacci. T or NIL to indicate whether the sequence of the slow
   rhythms will be generated using the fibonacci-transitions method or the
   processions method. This affects the order in which each 2- or 3-beat
   unit is used when necessary, not the order in which each 2- or 3-beat
   unit is selected; the latter is decided by the next element in the DATA
   slot of the rthm-chain-slow object, which simply cycles through 
   '(2 3 2 2 3 2 2 3 3 3). T = use fibonacci-transitions method.
   Default = NIL.


 A rthm-chain object.


;; An example using a number of the keyword arguments.
 'test-rch 23
 '((((e) e) ; 4 in total
    (- s (s) (s) s -)
    ({ 3 (te) - te te - })
    ((e.) s))
   (({ 3 (te) te (te) }) ; what we transition to
    ({ 3 - te (te) te - })
    ({ 3 (te) - te te - })
    ({ 3 (te) (te) te })))
 '((((q q) ; the 2/4 bars: 5 total
     ((q) q)
     ((q) q)
     ((q) (s) e.)
     (- e e - (e) e))
    (({ 3 te+te te+te te+te }) ; what we transition to
     (q - s e. -)
     (q (s) e.)
     (q (s) - s e -)
     ({ 3 te+te te+te - te te - })))
   ((((e.) s (e) e (s) e.) ; the 3/4 bars: 4 total
     (- e e - (e) e (q))
     (- e. s - - +e e - (q))
     (q (e.) s (q)))
    (({ 3 (te) (te) te+te te+te } (q)) ; what we transition to
     (- e. s - (q) (s) - s e -)
     ({ 3 te+te te } (q) q)
     ({ 3 - te te te - } (e) e { 3 (te) (te) te }))))
 :players '(fl cl)
 :slow-fibonacci t
 :activity-curve '(0 1 100 10)
 :harmonic-rthm-curve '(0 1 100 3)
 :do-sticking t
 :do-sticking-curve '(0 1 25 0 50 1 75 0 100 1)
 :sticking-curve '(0 0 100 10)
 :sticking-repeats '(3 5 7 11 2 7 5 3 13)
 :sticking-rthms '(e s. 32 e.)
 :split-data '(4 7))

RTHM-CHAIN: 1-beat-rthms: (((E E) (S S S S) (TE TE TE) (E. S))
                           ((TE TE TE) (TE TE TE) (TE TE TE) (TE TE TE)))
            slower-rthms: ((((Q Q) ((Q) Q) ((Q) Q) ((Q) (S) E.)
                             (- E E - (E) E))
                            (({ 3 TE+TE TE+TE TE+TE }) (Q - S E. -) (Q (S) E.)
                             (Q (S) - S E -) ({ 3 TE+TE TE+TE - TE TE - })))
                           ((((E.) S (E) E (S) E.) (- E E - (E) E (Q))
                             (- E. S - - +E E - (Q)) (Q (E.) S (Q)))
                            (({ 3 (TE) (TE) TE+TE TE+TE } (Q))
                             (- E. S - (Q) (S) - S E -) ({ 3 TE+TE TE } (Q) Q)
                             ({ 3 - TE TE TE - } (E) E { 3 (TE) (TE) TE }))))
            1-beat-fibonacci: NIL
            num-beats: 23
            slow-fibonacci: T
            num-1-beat-rthms: 4
            num-1-beat-groups: 2
            sticking-curve: (0.0 0 22 10)
            harmonic-rthm-curve: (0.0 1 22 3)
            beat: 4
            do-sticking: T
            do-rests: T
            do-sticking-curve: (0.0 1 5.5 0 11.0 1 16.5 0 22 1)
            do-rests-curve: NIL
            sticking-al: (not printed for brevity's sake)
            sticking-rthms: (E S. E S. 32 E 32 E E E. S. 32 S. E. S. 32 S. 32
                             E. E)
            sticking-repeats: (3 5 3 5 7 3 7 3 3 11 5 7 5 11 5 7 5 7 11 3 7 3 3
                               11 5 7 5 11 3 7 3 7 11 5 7 5 5 11 3 11 3 2 11 2
                               11 2 7 2 7 2 2 5 5 3 5)
            activity-curve: (0.0 1 22 10)
            main-al: (not printed for brevity's sake)
            slower-al: (not printed for brevity's sake)
            num-slower-bars: 22
            rcs: (not printed for brevity's sake)
            rests: (E Q Q. W)
            rest-re: (not printed for brevity's sake)
            rest-cycle: ((0 3) (1 1) (0 2) (2 1) (1 1) (3 1))
            num-rthm-seqs: 19
            section-id: 1
            split-data: (4 7)
RTHM-SEQ-MAP: num-players: 2 
              players: (FL CL)
SC-MAP: palette id: RTHM-CHAIN-RSP


(defun make-rthm-chain (id num-beats 1-beat-rthms slower-rthms &key
                        (1-beat-fibonacci nil)
                        (slow-fibonacci nil)
                        (players '(player1 player2))
                        (section-id 1)
                        (rests '(e q q. w))
                        (do-rests t)
                        (do-rests-curve nil)
                        (rest-re '((2 3) (3 2) (2 2) (5 1) (3 3) (8 1)))
                        (rest-cycle '((0 3) (1 1) (0 2) (2 1) (1 1) (3 1)))
                        (activity-curve '(0 10 100 10))
                        (sticking-curve '(0 2 100 2))
                        (harmonic-rthm-curve '(0 2 100 2))
                        (do-sticking t)
                        (do-sticking-curve nil)
                        (sticking-repeats '(3 5 3 5 8 13 21))
                        (sticking-rthms '(e e e. q e s))
                        (split-data '(2 5)))

rthm-chain/procession [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ rthm-chain ] [ Functions ]




 Generate a list of a specified length consisting of items extrapolated from
 a specified starting list. All elements of the resulting list will be
 members of the original list. 

 The method generates the new list by starting with the first 3 elements of
 the initial list and successively adding consecutive elements from the
 initial list until all elements have been added.


 - An integer that is the number of items in the list to be generated.
 - A list of at least 4 starting items or an integer >=4. If an integer is
   given rather than a list, the method will process a list of <integer>
   consecutive numbers from 1 (by default).


 keyword arguments:
 - :peak. A decimal number >0.0 and <=1.0. This number indicates the target
   location in the new list at which the last element is to finally occur,
   whereby e.g. 0.7 = ~70% of the way through the resulting list. This is an
   approximate value only. The last element may occur earlier or later
   depending on the values of the other arguments. In particular, initial
   lists with a low number of items are likely to result in new lists in
   which the final element occurs quite early on, perhaps even nowhere near
   the specified peak value. Default = 0.7.
 - :expt. An exponent (floating point number) to indicate the "curve" that
   determines the intervals at which each successive element of the initial
   list is introduced to the new list. A higher number indicates a steeper
   exponential curve. Default = 1.3.
 - :start-at. The number to start counting from if the 2nd argument is an
   integer instead of a list. Default = 1.
 - :orders. The patterns by which the elements are added. The method
   cyclically applies these orders, the numbers 1, 2, and 3 representing the
   three least used elements at each pass. These orders must therefore
   contain all of the numbers 1, 2, and 3, and those numbers only. 
   Default = '((1 2 1 2 3) (1 2 1 1 3) (1 2 1 3)).


 Returns two values, the first being the new list, with a secondary value
 that is a list of 2-item lists that show the distribution of each element
 in the new list.


(procession 300 30 :peak 0.1)

(1 2 1 2 3 4 5 4 4 6 7 8 7 9 10 11 10 11 12 13 14 13 13 15 16 17 16 18 19 20 19
   20 21 22 23 22 22 24 25 26 25 27 28 29 28 29 30 3 5 3 3 6 8 9 8 12 14 15 14
   15 17 18 21 18 18 23 24 26 24 27 1 2 1 2 30 5 6 5 5 7 9 10 9 11 12 16 12 16
   17 19 20 19 19 21 23 25 23 26 27 28 27 28 29 4 6 4 4 30 7 8 7 10 11 13 11 13
   14 15 17 15 15 20 21 22 21 24 25 26 25 26 29 1 2 1 1 30 3 6 3 8 9 10 9 10 12
   14 16 14 14 17 18 20 18 22 23 24 23 24 27 28 29 28 28 30 2 5 2 6 7 8 7 8 11
   12 13 12 12 16 17 19 17 20 21 22 21 22 25 26 27 26 26 29 3 4 3 30 5 6 5 6 9
   10 11 10 10 13 15 16 15 18 19 20 19 20 23 24 25 24 24 27 1 29 1 30 2 4 2 4 7
   8 9 8 8 11 13 14 13 16 17 18 17 18 21 22 23 22 22 25 27 28 27 29 3 5 3 5 30
   6 7 6 6 9 11 12 11 14 15 16 15 16 19 20 21 20 20 23 25 26 25 28 1 29 1 29 30
   2 4 2 2 7 9 10 9 12 13 14 13 14 17 18), ((2 12) (20 11) (14 11) (13 11) 
   (9 11) (6 11) (1 11) (29 10) (25 10) (22 10) (18 10) (17 10) (16 10) (15 10)
   (12 10) (11 10) (10 10) (8 10) (7 10) (5 10) (4 10) (3 10) (30 9) (28 9) 
   (27 9) (26 9) (24 9) (23 9) (21 9) (19 9))

(procession 300 30 :peak 0.9)

(1 2 1 2 3 1 3 1 1 4 2 3 2 4 3 4 3 4 5 2 4 2 2 5 1 3 1 5 3 4 3 4 5 1 5 1 1 6 2
   5 2 6 4 5 4 5 6 3 6 3 3 7 5 6 5 7 2 6 2 6 7 6 7 6 6 8 4 7 4 8 7 8 7 8 9 7 8
   7 7 9 8 9 8 10 8 9 8 9 10 8 9 8 8 10 9 10 9 11 9 10 9 10 11 10 11 10 10 12
   10 11 10 12 11 12 11 12 13 11 12 11 11 13 12 13 12 14 12 13 12 13 14 13 14
   13 13 15 13 14 13 15 11 14 11 14 15 14 15 14 14 16 15 16 15 17 15 16 15 16
   17 16 17 16 16 18 16 17 16 18 17 18 17 18 19 17 18 17 17 19 18 19 18 20 18
   19 18 19 20 19 20 19 19 21 15 20 15 21 20 21 20 21 22 20 21 20 20 22 21 22
   21 23 21 22 21 22 23 22 23 22 22 24 23 24 23 25 23 24 23 24 25 24 25 24 24
   26 23 25 23 26 25 26 25 26 27 26 27 26 26 28 25 27 25 28 27 28 27 28 29 27
   28 27 27 29 28 29 28 30 24 29 24 29 30 26 29 26 26 30 28 29 28 30 19 29 19
   29 30 22 25 22 22 30 12 27 12 30 14 16 14 16 30 17), ((8 12) (22 11)
   (16 11) (14 11) (12 11) (11 11) (10 11) (4 11) (3 11) (2 11) (26 10) 
   (19 10) (17 10) (15 10) (13 10) (9 10) (7 10) (6 10) (5 10) (1 10)
   (29 9) (28 9) (27 9) (25 9) (24 9) (23 9) (21 9) (20 9) (18 9) (30 8))


(defun procession (num-results items 
                     ;; what proportion of the way through should we aim to
                     ;; reach the max number of items?  NB This is approximate
                     ;; only: you may find the first occurrence of the highest
                     ;; element earlier or later depending on the values of the
                     ;; other arguments.  In particular, with a low number of
                     ;; items the highest element will be hit very early on,
                     ;; perhaps nowhere near the peak argument.
                     (peak 0.7)
                     ;; for an exponential curve going from 3 to num <items>
                     (expt 1.3)
                     ;; MDE Thu Sep 17 16:11:03 2020, Heidhausen -- allow
                     ;; counting from another number if items is an integer
                     (start-at 1)
                     ;; these are the orders we'll use at the beginning
                     ;; (cyclically). They will then be used when we've gone
                     ;; beyond 3 items by always using the 3 least used items.
                     ;; NB This must contain the numbers 1, 2, and 3 only but
                     ;; there can be 1 or any number of sublists. 
                     (orders '((1 2 1 2 3) (1 2 1 1 3) (1 2 1 3))))

rthm-chain/procession-mirror [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ rthm-chain ] [ Functions ]


 Perform the same operation as the procession function, but instead of just
 progressing upwards, go backwards to return to the beginning also. 


 The same as for procession.


 A list of the procession. Note that at the mirror point there is no
 repetition, and we don't include the first element at the end. Note also
 that we don't return statistics as we do with procession.


(procession-mirror 33 '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7))
--> (1 2 1 2 3 3 4 3 3 5 4 6 4 7 5 6 5 6 6 5 7 4 6 4 5 3 3 4 3 3 2 1 2)


(defun procession-mirror (&rest args)

rthm-chain/reset [ Methods ]

[ Top ] [ rthm-chain ] [ Methods ]


 Reset the various circular-sclist objects within the given rthm-chain
 object to their initial state.


 - A rthm-chain object.


 (- :where. This argument is ignored by the method as it is only present due
    to inheritance.)


 Returns T.


;;; Print the results of applying get-next to the STICKING-RTHMS slot of the
;;; given rthm-chain object, repeat, reset, and print again to see that the
;;; get-next now begins at the beginning of the slot again.

(let ((rch
        'test-rch 150
        '((((e) e) ; 4 in total
           (- s (s) (s) s -)
           ({ 3 (te) - te te - })
           ((e.) s))
          (({ 3 (te) te (te) }) ; what we transition to
           ({ 3 - te (te) te - })
           ({ 3 (te) - te te - })
           ({ 3 (te) (te) te })))
        '((((q q) ; the 2/4 bars: 5 total
            ((q) q)
            ((q) q)
            ((q) (s) e.)
            (- e e - (e) e))
           (({ 3 te+te te+te te+te }) ; what we transition to
            (q - s e. -)
            (q (s) e.)
            (q (s) - s e -)
            ({ 3 te+te te+te - te te - })))
          ((((e.) s (e) e (s) e.) ; the 3/4 bars: 4 total
            (- e e - (e) e (q))
            (- e. s - - +e e - (q))
            (q (e.) s (q)))
           (({ 3 (te) (te) te+te te+te } (q)) ; what we transition to
            (- e. s - (q) (s) - s e -)
            ({ 3 te+te te } (q) q)
            ({ 3 - te te te - } (e) e { 3 (te) (te) te })))))))
   (loop repeat 19
      collect (data (get-next (sticking-rthms rch)))))
   (loop repeat 19
      collect (data (get-next (sticking-rthms rch)))))
  (reset rch)
   (loop repeat 19
      collect (data (get-next (sticking-rthms rch))))))

(E E E E E. E E. E E Q E E. E Q E. Q E. Q E) 
(E E E E E E. E E. E E Q E E. E Q E. Q E. Q) 
(E E E E E. E E. E E Q E E. E Q E. Q E. Q E)


(defmethod reset ((rc rthm-chain) &optional ignore1 ignore2)

rthm-chain/rthm-chain-gen [ Methods ]

[ Top ] [ rthm-chain ] [ Methods ]


 Generate a chain of rhythms using the procession function (internally). 
 The basic algorithm for generating a rthm-chain object of two parts is as
 follows: The user provides an arbitrary number of 1-beat rthms (e.g. s s
 (e)) and 2-3 beat slower-moving counterpoints. The method generates a
 sequence from these using the procession function. Next the activity curve
 is applied to this, and after that the insertion of rests. Then the
 'sticking points' are generated: These come after the rests, and the
 activity curves applied to these count inserted rests not seqs or beats.
 NB: Rests are put into the given rthm-seq object mid-sequence, so sticking
     points won't come directly after the rests, rather, at the end of the
 The activity curves that turn notes into rests will be queried every beat,
 so if an activity level is changed, the method won't wait until the end of
 the previous level's ten beats.
 NB: This method is not generally called by the user (though it can be of
     course); rather, it's called by the init function.


 - A rthm-chain object.


 keyword arguments:
 - :rests. T or NIL to indicate whether rests are to be automatically
   inserted. T = automatically insert. Default = T.
 - :stick. T or NIL to indicate whether to generate the sticking points. T =
   generate sticking points. Default = T.
 - :num-beats. NIL or an integer to indicate how many beats are to be used
   for the algorithm. NB: The method will generate considerably more beats
   if also generating sticking points and inserting rests; this number
   merely refers to the number of standard 1-beat rhythms to be generated.
   If NIL, the method will obtain the number of beats from the NUM-BEATS
   slot of the rthm-chain instance. Default = NIL.
 - :use-fibonacci. T or NIL to indicate whether to use the
   fibonacci-transitions method when generating the sequence from the 1-beat
   rhythms (in which case these will be repeated) or the procession
   algorithm (in which case they'll be alternated). T = use the
   fibonacci-transitions method. Default = T.
 - :section-id. An integer that is the section ID of the rthm-chain object
   to be generated. This will determine the section of the rthm-seq-map into
   which the references will be placed. The rthm-seq objects themselves will
   also be parcelled up into an object with this ID, so ID conflicts can be
   avoided if combining two or more sections generated by separate
   rthm-chain objects. Default = 1.
 - :wrap. An integer or NIL to determine the position within the list of
   1-beat rhythms and slow rhythms from which the generated rhythm chain
   will begin. NIL = begin at the beginning. Default = NIL.
 - :split. T or NIL to indicate whether to split up longer generated bars
   (e.g. 7/4) into smaller bars. If this is a two-element list it represents
   the min/max number of beats in a bar (where a 6/8 bar is two compound
   beats). Default = '(2 5).


 the number of rthm-seqs we've generated


(defmethod rthm-chain-gen ((rc rthm-chain)
                           (use-fibonacci t) 
                           (rests t)
                           (stick t)
                           (section-id 1)

rthm-chain/split [ Methods ]

[ Top ] [ rthm-chain ] [ Methods ]




 Split the longer generated bars into smaller ones where possible.


 - A rthm-chain object.


 keyword arguments:
 - :min-beats. An integer that is the minimum number of beats in the
   resulting bars. This is a target-length only, and may not be adhered to
   strictly if durations do not allow. Default = 2.
 - :max-beats. An integer that is the maximum number of beats in the
   resulting bars. This is a target-length only, and may not be adhered to
   strictly if durations do not allow. Default = 5.
 - :warn. T or NIL to indicate whether to print a warning to the listener if
   the current bar cannot be split. T = print. Default = NIL.
 - :clone. T or NIL to indicate whether the rthm-seq of the given rthm-chain
   object should be changed in place or changes should be made to a copy of
   that object. T = create a copy to be changed. Default = T.


 Returns T.


;;; Make a rthm-chain object using make-rthm-chain with the :split-data
;;; argument set to NIL and print the number of bars in each resulting rthm-seq
;;; object. Apply the split method and print the number of bars again to see
;;; the change.

(let* ((rch
         'test-rch 150
         '((((e) e) ; 4 in total
            (- s (s) (s) s -)
            ({ 3 (te) - te te - })
            ((e.) s))
           (({ 3 (te) te (te) }) ; what we transition to
            ({ 3 - te (te) te - })
            ({ 3 (te) - te te - })
            ({ 3 (te) (te) te })))
         '((((q q) ; the 2/4 bars: 5 total
             ((q) q)
             ((q) q)
             ((q) (s) e.)
             (- e e - (e) e))
            (({ 3 te+te te+te te+te }) ; what we transition to
             (q - s e. -)
             (q (s) e.)
             (q (s) - s e -)
             ({ 3 te+te te+te - te te - })))
           ((((e.) s (e) e (s) e.) ; the 3/4 bars: 4 total
             (- e e - (e) e (q))
             (- e. s - - +e e - (q))
             (q (e.) s (q)))
            (({ 3 (te) (te) te+te te+te } (q)) ; what we transition to
             (- e. s - (q) (s) - s e -)
             ({ 3 te+te te } (q) q)
             ({ 3 - te te te - } (e) e { 3 (te) (te) te }))))
         :split-data nil)))
   (loop for rs in (data (get-data-data 1 (palette rch)))
      collect (num-bars rs)))
  (split rch :min-beats 1 :max-beats 3 :clone nil)
   (loop for rs in (data (get-data-data 1 (palette rch)))
      collect (num-bars rs))))

(1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
 2 2) 
(1 1 4 4 2 7 4 4 3 3 4 4 2 9 7 7 2 5 5 5 2 6 1 1 2 13 3 3 4 4 5 5 2 7 5 5
 7 7 9 9 2 7 2 9 3 3 2 9 1 1 5 5 9 9 3 3 2 7 5 5 4 4 2 11 1 1 2 10 2 9 2 6
 7 7 7 7)


(defmethod split ((rc rthm-chain) &key
                                    (min-beats 2) (max-beats 5) warn (clone t))

rthm-seq-map/rthm-chain [ Classes ]

[ Top ] [ rthm-seq-map ] [ Classes ]



 File:             rthm-chain.lsp

 Class Hierarchy:  named-object -> linked-named-object -> sclist -> 
                   circular-sclist -> assoc-list -> recursive-assoc-list ->
                   sc-map -> rthm-seq-map -> rthm-chain
 Version:          1.1.0

 Project:          slippery chicken (algorithmic composition)

 Purpose:          Algorithmic generation of rthm-seqs that include
                   slower-moving counterpoint and a means to control
                   activity development through curves.  Here we generate a
                   rthm-seq-map and its associated palette algorithmically.

                   Say we have 9 irregular 1 beat duration patterns; these
                   would enter in the sequence defined by (procession x 9)
                   where x would be the number of patterns to generate. 
                   Rests are inserted at regular but changing intervals e.g
                   3x every 2 beats (6)
                   2x every 3 beats (6)
                   3x every 5 beats (15)
                   2x every 8 beats (16)
                   e, q, and q. rests are used by default, in a sequence
                   determined by a recurring-event instance.
                   In order to make music that 'progresses' we have curves
                   with y values from 1-10 indicating how much activity
                   there should be: 1 would mean only 1 in 10 beats would
                   have notes in/on them, 10 would indicate that all do.  We
                   use the patterns given in
                   activity-levels::initialize-instance, where 1 means
                   'play', 0 means 'rest'.  There are three examples of each
                   level so that if we stick on one level of activity for
                   some time we won't always get the same pattern: these
                   will instead be cycled through.
                   A slower moving (bass) line is also added that is made up
                   of 2 or 3 beat groups---if the activity curve indicates a
                   rest, then the whole 2-3 beat group is omitted.
                   There are also 'sticking points' where a rhythm will be
                   repeated a certain number of times (either s, e, e., or q
                   by default).  Sticking happens after rests.  This can be
                   controlled with an activity envelope too, also indicating
                   one of the 10 patterns above (but also including 0).  A 0
                   or 1 unit here would refer to a certain number of repeats
                   (1) or none (0).  How many repeats could be determined by
                   something like: (procession 34 '(2 3 5 8 13) :peak 1
                   :expt 3) There's always a slower group to accompany the
                   sticking points: simply the next in the sequence,
                   repeated for as long as we stick
                   The harmonic-rthm curve specifies how many slower-rthms
                   will be combined into a rthm-seq (each rthm-seq has a
                   single harmony).  The default is 2 bars (slower-rthms)
                   per rthm-seq.

 Author:           Michael Edwards: m@michael-edwards.org

 Creation date:    4th February 2010

 $$ Last modified:  20:20:50 Thu Jan  9 2025 CET

 SVN ID: $Id$