Bangkok Thoughts: post-concert Q&A

Whilst searching online forY/Our Music, Salee Art Every’s excellent film about Thai  music, I stumbled across a complete recording of the post-concert question and answer session we did at Museum Siam on November 29th 2015, after the premiere of my jitterbug project. I’m always amazed at the concentrated and extended attention Thai audiences pay at events such as these. The Q&A sessions often last well beyond an hour but as far as I can tell from the English segments, the discussions are always detailed and engaging. Our session was just shy of an hour and was ably compered and translated on-the-fly by AnoThai Nitibhon (one of the University of Edinburgh’s Phd in Composition  graduates, and now Vice President of the Princess Galyani Vadhana Institute of Music in Bangkok).

We all answered a wide range of questions relating to music, art, and South-East Asia. I’ve included some of my responses (and one by Karin Schistek) below. First of all though, here’s a short post-view of the day containing a fair amount of the music, performers, and images of the jitterbug performance.

Here I am answering a question about the provenance of ambient sounds in jitterbug:

Karin talks about her approach to preparing her improvised keyboard part to jitterbug:

Putting music into words (or rather not) plus a few words on Buddhism and meditation:

About the connection between South-East Asia and jitterbug:

And a follow-on comment about meeting and playing with people:

On the experience of art and its impact on perception:


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