change-map/simple-change-map [ Classes ]
[ Top ] [ change-map ] [ Classes ]
simple-change-map File: simple-change-map.lsp Class Hierarchy: named-object -> linked-named-object -> sclist -> circular-sclist -> assoc-list -> recursive-assoc-list -> sc-map -> change-map -> simple-change-map Version: 1.1.0 Project: slippery chicken (algorithmic composition) Purpose: Implementation of the simple-change-map class which gives data associated with a non-recursive list of number ids. For example, good for specifying data which changes at specific bar numbers. Author: Michael Edwards: Creation date: March 31st 2002 $$ Last modified: 20:16:16 Mon May 14 2012 BST SVN ID: $Id$
simple-change-map/make-simple-change-map [ Functions ]
[ Top ] [ simple-change-map ] [ Functions ]
Create a simple-change-map object, which stores data associated with a non-recursive list of number IDs. This object could be good, for example, for specifying data which changes at specific bar numbers.
- An ID for the simple-change-map object to be created. - A list of non-recursive lists consisting of ID/data pairs, of which the first item is a numerical ID.
A simple-change-map object.
(make-simple-change-map 'bar-map '((1 3) (34 3) (38 4))) => SIMPLE-CHANGE-MAP: CHANGE-MAP: last-ref-required: NIL SC-MAP: palette id: NIL RECURSIVE-ASSOC-LIST: recurse-simple-data: NIL num-data: 3 linked: NIL full-ref: NIL ASSOC-LIST: warn-not-found NIL CIRCULAR-SCLIST: current 0 SCLIST: sclist-length: 3, bounds-alert: T, copy: T LINKED-NAMED-OBJECT: previous: NIL, this: NIL, next: NIL NAMED-OBJECT: id: BAR-MAP, tag: NIL, data: ( NAMED-OBJECT: id: 1, tag: NIL, data: 3 ************** NAMED-OBJECT: id: 34, tag: NIL, data: 3 ************** NAMED-OBJECT: id: 38, tag: NIL, data: 4 ************** ) **************
(defun make-simple-change-map (id scm)
simple-change-map/scm-get-data [ Methods ]
[ Top ] [ simple-change-map ] [ Methods ]
Get the data associated with the specified key within a given simple-change-map object.
- An integer that is an existing key ID within the given simple-change-map object. - A simple-change-map-object.
The data associated with the specified key ID, as a named object.
(let ((scm (make-simple-change-map 'bar-map '((1 3) (34 3) (38 4))))) (scm-get-data 34 scm)) => NAMED-OBJECT: id: 34, tag: NIL, data: 3
(defmethod scm-get-data (ref (scm simple-change-map))