This software is no longer supported. I know of no one working with audio on the SGI platform anymore, but perhaps some of the routines in the C++ code will be useful for other purposes.
The code was written back in 1995/96 when memory and CPU power was at a premium. What the software accomplishes could now easily be accomplished with fairly simple Max/MSP, PD, or supercollider code, but back then, streaming a few hundred megabytes of sound data from the tip of your fingers was quite something.
Read the programme notes to
segmentation fault beta 1.0,
the piece Marco Trevisani and I made using artimix to trigger and
mix sounds in real time (the first paragraph also presents a short
description of the software). Recording available from sumtone or Sargasso.
Download the C++ source code (plus makefile), a pre-compiled
binary (compiled on a Silicon Graphics Indy running IRIX 5.3) and a
test sound->key mapping file.
(112,643 bytes, gzip'ped and tar'red)
Download the example sounds that are mapped in the given
sound->key mapping file (or use your own and modify the sound->key
mapping file to reflect your sound file names--if you do this, the
following instructions will not apply, you will have to make some
(pretty obvious) changes.).
(6,197,200 bytes gzip'ped and tar'red)
Once you've downloaded them, and assuming you're lucky enough to be
sitting in front of a Silicon Graphics machine, put both files in the
same directory, cd to that directory in a shell window and exectute
the following command:
% gunzip sounds.tar.gz; gunzip artimix.tar.gz; tar xf sounds.tar; tar
xf artimix.tar
Don't forget to make sure the pre-compiled binary is executable before
you try to run it (chmod u+x artimix
if it's not.).
Once you've done this, you can run the programme by cd'ing to the
artimix directory and typing the following:
% artimix -m test.txt
Then type away like a lunatic (use keys q,w,e,r,t,y on your keyboard and type
Control-C when you've had enough).
Minimal help is available by typing artimix
(just the
program name, no arguments).
A couple of caveats: