rthm-seq-bar::get-nth-event: index = -1!

I’m having weirdness with sc-force-rest2, which throws the error above when I call it from this loop

    ;;get instruments
    for ins in '(p1 p2 p3 p4 p5)
    ;;different numbers of cycles over activity curve for each part
    for cycles in '(1 2 13 2 15)
    ;;get total notes for scaling activity curve
    for notes =  (total-notes (get-data ins (ensemble opus)))
       (next-event opus ins t 1);start slurping events
	  for ne = (next-event opus ins t)
	  for i from 1
	  ;;scaled activity envelope 
	  with  activity = (make-ale (genal) (floor notes cycles))
	  while ne
	    (when (not (active activity))
	      (sc-force-rest2 opus (bar-num ne) (bar-pos ne) ins)))))

0: ((:METHOD GET-NTH-EVENT (T RTHM-SEQ-BAR)) -1 ..) [fast-method]
1: ((:METHOD SC-FORCE-REST2 (SLIPPERY-CHICKEN T T T)) ..) [fast-method]

6 thoughts on “rthm-seq-bar::get-nth-event: index = -1!”

    1. Looks like your (bar-pos ne) hasn’t been initialised correctly. If I do (make-rthm-seq-bar ‘((2 4) q e e)) I can see that the bar-pos slot of the rhythm objects is correct. How about yours (look at a random bar via (get-bar …)? If they’re all -1 does (update-slots +opus+) help?

      1. (let ((b (get-bar +opus+ 2 'p1)))
        (loop for i from 0 below (sclist-length b)
        do (print (bar-pos (get-nth-event i b)))))



        (It also says caught WARNING: undefined variable: +OPUS+ (when I run this from REPL after building the piece), so I’ve still got something to learn about how global vars are bound…)

      2. Ah, we both should have spotted this: doc to sc-force-rest2: – The event number in the bar (integer, counting from 1)

        So you’ll need (1+ (bar-pos ne))

        1. re. warning: that’s just SBCL being paranoid. I’d ignore it in the repl but in your code you can always write (declare (special +whatever+)) at the beginning of a defun or even (proclaim ‘(special …)) at the top of a file which might reference a global in several funs.

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